Defenders of the Land, Air and Water

The Idaho Conservation League works for all these things. We are Idaho’s leading voice for conservation — for the clean water, clean air, and special places that make Idaho’s exceptional quality of life possible.

Combating Climate Change in Idaho

We are committed to reducing Idaho’s contribution to this worldwide crisis. ICL’s climate work focuses on the biggest contributors to climate change in Idaho: energy, transportation, and agriculture. We’re committed to finding climate solutions that are just, equitable, and protective of the people, places, and wildlife throughout Idaho.

Salmon and Steelhead

The loss of wild salmon to Idaho has major ecological and economic implications for the Clearwater and Salmon river ecosystems, and the fish, wildlife, and people who call the Northwest home. ICL is working to restore ecologically significant, harvestable populations of wild salmon and steelhead to Idaho.

Public Lands

ICL works hard to keep Idaho’s public lands in public hands. We participate in collaborative projects across the state to help develop and implement policies that help restore and sustain the natural resources of Idaho’s public lands while laying the groundwork for permanent protective designations. Our focus is protecting public lands for future generations and the native plants, fish, and wildlife that depend on them.

Snake River

In eastern Idaho, the Snake River is a blue-ribbon trout river. As it flows west, the river picks up so much pollution that, by the time it reaches Idaho’s western border, it is so contaminated that the State of Idaho warns people not to let their pets swim in it. Our long-term goal is to make the Snake River across southern Idaho safe, fishable and swimmable again.

Idaho Legislature

ICL was founded in 1973 to serve as the voice for conservation in the Idaho Statehouse, and for more than fifty years we’ve played a role on issues that matter to you and families across the state. The Idaho Legislature considers hundreds of bills each session and many of those have an impact on Idaho’s air, water, wildlife, and communities. We represent our members by working with legislators, partners, and constituents to advance conservation goals.

Clean Water and Air

In addition to our work on the Snake River, ICL focuses on many other projects across the state to ensure that Idaho’s clean air and clean water are protected. As the climate in Idaho changes, issues like toxic algae outbreaks, declining quality of groundwater, air pollution, and wastewater treatment plants failing to meet standards are all issues we work on to make sure Idaho has clean air and clean water now and for future generations.

North Idaho Lakes Advocacy

The North Idaho Lakes Advocacy program focuses on protecting the waters of Idaho’s panhandle from degradation, pollution, and poor land use management. North Idaho staff work with partner organizations and Tribes to ensure that places like Lake Pend Oreille, Lake Coeur d’Alene, Priest Lake, the Kootenai River and more are protected for now and future generations.

Wildlife Program

ICL has worked to protect Idaho’s unique wildlife and the diverse habitats they need to survive. In 2022, ICL refocused this effort through the establishment of a new Wildlife Program focused on Idaho’s nongame wildlife species.

History and Accomplishments

Since 1973, ICL has worked hard to protect the air you breathe, the water you drink, and the land you love. We have celebrated many accomplishments since then. There is still much work to be done, but we believe it’s also important to celebrate how far we’ve come. Learn more about our history of success.

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