Actions & Issues
Combating climate change in Idaho
ICL’s climate campaign seeks to make Idaho carbon neutral. Our work also mitigates Idaho’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by identifying alternatives in the energy, transportation, and agricultural sectors.
Our various initiatives and programmatic work focus on a) resilient nature b) clean energy and transportation, c) climate justice and public health and d) sustainable agriculture.

Just and Equitable Climate Solutions
Idaho’s climate is changing. Stories from farmers, ranchers, scientists, and everyday Idahoans all describe how the patterns of hot and cold, wet and dry, are different today than decades ago — winter is shorter and summer is longer. This change means precipitation is more likely to be rain instead of the snowpack that traditionally supplies 85% of the water Idahoans rely upon in summer months. Hot, dry summers mean more frequent and severe wildfires.
Climate impacts affect all Idahoans, but not equally. Farmers and ranchers who depend on stable and consistent weather patterns for their livelihood will face significant challenges. So too will individuals who must work in dangerous conditions, such as intolerable heat or days with high levels of smoke pollution from wildfires.
Tackling climate change will benefit all Idahoans, but not equally. Lower costs for rooftop solar or more electric transportation options are all promising ways to reduce emissions, but these options may not be accessible to all. Transitioning to a clean energy economy will bring many benefits, including well-paying jobs for Idahoans. We must ensure that these clean energy investments occur in every community throughout the state. Our goal is to incentivize the adoption of these technologies in a way that’s beneficial to all Idahoans.
This work will be hard, but it must be done. The climate crisis calls for immediate action, and ICL is committed to working collaboratively with communities across Idaho to ensure we achieve our goals in a just and equitable manner.

Clean Energy
ICL and our members engage with Idaho’s utilities to expand energy conservation and move away from fossil fuel-based energy and toward clean energy sources.
Integrated Resources Planning
Every two years Idaho’s electrical utilities have to create and submit plans called Integrated Resource Plans (IRPs). These plans consider how much energy demand will change over the next 20 years and outlines which resources (coal, gas, solar, wind, etc.) each utility will choose to meet that demand. During this process there are opportunities for public input. ICL notifies our members about these opportunities to participate in the planning processes, creating a strong, united voice urging utilities to invest in reliable, affordable, and clean electricity, and to plan for climate change.
Saving Energy in Your Home
Every Idahoan can make a difference for the clean energy future of Idaho. There are many ways you can make your own home more energy-efficient. From big projects like installing solar panels on your home, to smaller actions like swapping out your old lightbulbs, there are a lot of environmentally-friendly tips and tricks that can help keep your energy bills low while also keeping you comfortable in your home. Many utilities have energy savings programs that their customers can participate in.
Mitigating harmful Methane pollution
Methane is 28 times more potent than carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. ICL is working to reduce the demand for methane by increasing energy conservation in homes and businesses. Building upon our success from improving electricity conservation programs, we continue to encourage people to switch from methane to highly-efficient electric heating sources. We also are exploring opportunities to displace fossil-methane with other sources, including bio-methane from landfills and diaries.
Take action to support clean energy in Idaho!
Your voice matters! Now is the time to speak up and tell your utility you want them to invest in clean, affordable, renewable, clean energy options.
Transportation is Idaho’s biggest contributor to greenhouse gases. At ICL, our work supports climate-friendly transportation options across Idaho. We advocate for policies that support electric vehicles and charging stations, robust public transit systems in metropolitan areas, and safe, connected networks of pedestrian and bike pathways. In recent years, we have seen increasing EV sales, electric buses and garbage trucks coming to Idaho, and an emerging regional effort by multiple Treasure Valley cities to create connected bike and pedestrian pathways. We are encouraged to see these successes and are dedicated to bringing many more transportation wins to Idaho.

In Idaho, agriculture is a massive industry. According to the Idaho Department of Agriculture, Idaho’s 25,000 farms and ranches produce more than 185 different commodities, and we’re ranked in the top 10 in the U.S. for production of more than 25 crops and livestock. The size of this industry makes it a key component in efforts to combat climate change in Idaho. At ICL, we advocate for practical ways to curb methane emissions from the dairy industry and establish partnerships to encourage the adoption of these methods. We also engage with the agriculture community to encourage best management practices that sequester carbon.

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Sign up to learn more about climate issues impacting the state of Idaho and what you can do to help.

A Path Toward Clean Energy in Idaho
In 2019, both of Idaho’s major utility providers, Idaho Power and Avista, made commitments to move away from fossil-fuels. Idaho Power and Avista announced they will transition to 100% clean energy by 2045.