ICL In the News

NEWS RELEASE • February 6, 2025
Chemical Company immunity proves deeply unpopular as legislative efforts multiply

NEWS RELEASE • January 13, 2025
U.S. Supreme Court Rejects Utah’s Effort to Seize Control of Public Lands

NEWS RELEASE • January 10, 2025
New Land Management Plan for the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests rolls back protections for wildlands and wildlife

NEWS RELEASE • January 8, 2025
USFWS announces proposal to manage grizzlies in the northern Rocky Mountains as a single protected population

NEWS RELEASE • January 3, 2025
U.S. Forest Service advances high-risk Stibnite Gold Project without recommended protections

NEWS RELEASE • December 18, 2024
Idaho Conservation League encouraged by federal legislation to clean up abandoned mines

NEWS RELEASE • December 17, 2024
Federal Agencies to Revisit Flawed Environmental Analysis to Support Salmon and Steelhead Restoration

NEWS RELEASE • November 14, 2024
Idaho Conservation League Unveils New Mining Report Emphasizing Environmental Risks and Need for Best Practices

NEWS RELEASE • September 23, 2024
Forest Service fails to address threats to Boise River watershed in draft approval of open-pit mine exploration

NEWS RELEASE • September 12, 2024
Idaho Conservation League and Selway Bitterroot Foundation Partner with the Lodestar App to Help Outdoor Enthusiasts Protect Idaho’s Public Lands and Waters

NEWS RELEASE • September 10, 2024
Idaho environmental organizations call for volunteers in annual cleanup of Sawtooth National Recreation Area

NEWS RELEASE • September 6, 2024
Stibnite Gold Mine Plan fails to address concerns about toxic mine pollution in Salmon River headwaters

NEWS RELEASE • August 15, 2024
Report finds 58% of Idaho’s sewage treatment plants are violating pollution discharge limits, potentially harming water quality and public health

NEWS RELEASE • July 16, 2024
Forest Service withdraws approval of Perpetua Resources’ Burntlog Route Geophysical Investigations Project

NEWS RELEASE • July 2, 2024
SCOTUS decision ends saga of California dredge miner who polluted Idaho river

NEWS RELEASE • June 18, 2024
Tribal Circumstances Analysis Shows Need for Immediate Action on Northwest Salmon Restoration

June 17, 2024
Heartland legislatures prove skeptical of industrial ag’s efforts to dodge accountability
After the final gavels fell in the legislatures in Idaho, Iowa and Missouri, Big Ag’s corporate lobbyists may be stinging from a hard lesson: that accountability still matters.
Des Moines Register

June 13, 2024
ICL raises awareness about algal blooms
This year, the Idaho Conservation League partnered with the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality to help educate the public on how to spot algal blooms this summer before they cause harm to people or pets.
Bonner County Daily Bee

June 11, 2024
Idaho wind project moves forward at half of original proposed size
“We don’t produce enough electricity statewide. While we’ve historically relied on hydropower for most of our electricity production, because of droughts, things are getting worse. Hydropower production is decreasing, and we can no longer rely on the old way that we produce electricity.” - ICL Climate Program Manager Adrian Gallo
Idaho Capital Sun

June 10, 2024
Boise National Forest opens public comment on Idaho City mining site
Several environmental groups, including ICL, have challenged the CuMo Project in court over the last decade.
Boise State Public Radio

May 31, 2024
Activation of international treaty brings hope for Idaho’s Kootenai River
While this IJC referral is a huge success and a major milestone, the work of reducing pollution is just beginning.
Sandpoint Reader

May 31, 2024
Idaho Conservation League joins suit against USFS
The Idaho Conservation League has joined the federal lawsuit challenging the U.S. Forest Service’s approval of Perpetua Resources’ Burntlog Route Geophysical Investigation.
Moscow-Pullman Daily News
May 30, 2024
BLM gives Burns Industries the green light to mine limestone in Wolverine Canyon
“We are still in the early stages of reviewing the BLM’s Final EA and Decision Notice, but what is immediately apparent is how many people in the local community are concerned about this project. Virtually all of the hundreds of public comments the BLM received on this project express some form of opposition or concern and highlight key issues such as impacts to wildlife, public safety and transportation, and air quality. We strongly believe that a project of this scale and public concern warrants further review under an Environmental Impact Statement.” - ICL Central Idaho Director Josh Johnson
Idaho State Journal

NEWS RELEASE • May 28, 2024
Idaho Conservation League joins lawsuit challenging U.S. Forest Service’s approval of Perpetua Resources’ Burntlog Route Geophysical Investigation

May 23, 2024
‘Unreasonable’: Idaho PUC decides on power company request to reduce wildfire liability
“PacifiCorp made made a bold request to shift wildfire liability away from the company and onto customers; the commission was right to reject it. Reducing the company’s liability doesn’t get rid of costs, it just changes who bears them.” - ICL Energy Policy Associate Brad Heusinkveld
Idaho Statesman

May 13, 2024
Stibnite air permit sent for further review surrounding arsenic emission questions
The board moved to remand the permit to a hearing officer to collect more evidence surrounding the arsenic emission the Stibnite Gold Project would produce.
Boise Dev

May 11, 2024
Idaho board rethinks emission levels at Stibnite mine near McCall
The controversial mine adjacent to the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness Area is opposed by the Nez Perce Tribe and the conservation groups Save the South Fork Salmon and the Idaho Conservation League.
Lewiston Tribune

May 10, 2024
This Idaho gold mine just had air permit withheld by environmental review board. Here’s why
The Idaho Board of Environmental Quality, a seven-member advisory body at the Department of Environmental Quality, issued a decision that the agency had not followed the law when it analyzed the health effects that arsenic pollution related to the mine could have on people nearby.
Idaho Statesman

May 10, 2024
Stibnite gold mine air permit revoked over environmental concerns
On Thursday, May 9, 2024 the Idaho Board of Environmental Quality issued a decision invalidating Perpetua Resources’ air pollution permit for the proposed Stibnite Gold Mine in Valley County.

May 3, 2024
Idaho Department of Environmental Quality remands permit granted to Perpetua Resources
ICL was among the groups challenging the air permit, and have filed multiple challenges to the proposed mine over other environmental concerns.
Boise State Public Radio

NEWS RELEASE • May 10, 2024
Permit invalid for proposed Stibnite Gold Mine over arsenic air pollution concerns

April 29, 2024
BLM halts trail assessment in Owyhee County amid public concerns
John Robison, the public lands and wildlife director for the Idaho Conservation League said the recreation surge in the Owyhee Canyonlands has coincided with an increase in illegal, user-created trails, which have been degrading the landscape. He hopes the agency will address this issue.
Boise State Public Radio

April 23, 2024
Make a difference as a water quality steward
"We all benefit from a swimmable, fishable and drinkable lake, and it takes each of us acting as stewards to ensure it remains that way. When we work together, as stewards, we can make sure that living in a lake town stays a lifestyle that can’t be beat." - Karissa Huntsman, ICL water quality monitoring program organizer
Sandpoint Reader

April 20, 2024
ICL celebrates wins before Earth Day
“Saving this special place and its prime bull trout habitat is a priority concern for our community, with unprecedented numbers of people speaking up to protect it." - ICL North Idaho Director Jennifer Ekstrom on the effort to protect Trestle Creek from inappropriate development
Bonner County Daily Bee

April 17, 2024
Volunteers invited to Earth Day cleanup celebration in North Idaho’s Sandpoint
“We’re thrilled to continue our collaboration with the city for this event. We had a great turnout last year, and collected a wide variety of garbage, from bottle caps to horseshoes and even car parts. Without the time and energy given by our community members, many of these items would have been lost in the lake as the water levels rose.” - Karissa Huntsman, community engagement specialist with ICL
Idaho Capital Sun

April 7, 2024
Fun facts for foraging fungi
According to the Idaho Conservation League, the fungus can be found near streams and ponds, in open areas, brushy areas, along trails, and “everywhere in between.” They can often be found in groups or “seams,” so when one is found, keep an eye out for others nearby.
Bonner County Daily Bee

March 8, 2024
Are Grizzly Bears Coming Back to Idaho & Montana?
"We hope the State of Idaho works constructively toward this goal - after all, to ensure that Idaho's wildlife heritage is passed down to future generations, the full range of Idaho's native wildlife must be represented across our lands and waters." - Idaho Conservation League

March 27, 2024
What will Alterra’s acquisition of Schweitzer mean for the resort’s environmental practices and future?
"Unless meaningful action is taken to reduce carbon emissions, the long-term prognosis for Schweitzer isn’t good... Alterra should consider developing a climate action plan specifically for Schweitzer." - Brad Smith, conservation director with ICL
Sandpoint Reader

March 28, 2024
Idaho Conservation League’s Artist in Residence Program returns
Lexi Black, the Central Idaho Community Engagement Specialist for the Idaho Conservation League, joined Idaho Matters to talk about the return of ICL's Artist in Residence program.
Idaho Matters - Boise State Public Radio

March 25, 2024
Fed judge’s wolf trapping decision could help ID grizzly recovery
A federal court ruling that limits wolf trapping and snaring in Idaho could aid recovery of grizzly bears in the region.
Public News Service

March 20, 2024
Idaho Conservation League brings back artist residency program
Andy Sewell was the last artist selected for the residency, in 2020. He grew up in Ketchum and now lives near Moscow. He creates watercolor painting and dabbles in metal work.
“It wan an honor. And it fit me well because I grew up in Idaho and I have always loved to paint imagery of Idaho from north to south.” - Idaho artist Andy Sewell on his experience as an ICL Artist In Residence
Idaho Mountain Express

March 15, 2024
Is grizzly reintroduction ‘a death sentence’ or restoring nature? Idaho comments are torn
Steve Nadeau, a retired Idaho Department of Fish and Game large carnivore biologist and author of the book “Journey of the Bitterroot Grizzly Bear,” spoke about grizzlies during an ICL webinar Thursday. Nadeau says an enhanced natural recovery could include constructing wildlife crossings or implementing policies that improve wildlife corridors and reduce potential bear mortality.
Idaho Statesman

March 14, 2024
U.S., Canada take steps to address mining pollution in Kootenai Watershed
On Monday, the Ktunaxa Nation, U.S. and Canada took the first step to address mining pollution in the Elk-Kootenai Watershed, by submitting the issues to the International Joint Commission.
Bonners Ferry Herald

March 6, 2024
Feds propose plan to return grizzlies in ID’s Bitterroots
"We can definitely develop a tenable plan for the Bitterroot with the right mix of vision, of leadership, and courage, which is what it's going to take, and the bears themselves have shown that this can be done." - Jeff Abrams, wildlife program associate with ICL
Public News Service

March 5, 2024
Warriors for clean water
Volunteers working with the Idaho Conservation League were honored with the Gov. Cecil D. Andrus "Volunteer of the Year Award" for their efforts in water conservation.
Coeur d'Alene Press

February 29, 2024
Idaho Conservation League applauds ‘historic’ deal to restore salmon runs
ICL Executive Director Justin Hayes joins KTVB to discuss the recent formal launch of a $1 billion plan to help recover salmon populations in the Pacific Northwest.

February 23, 2024
Northwest tribes, Washington and Oregon sign Columbia River salmon agreement at the White House
“This signing marks a milestone in the long-running fight for abundant salmon and steelhead in the Snake and Columbia Rivers. The U.S. Government is making significant commitments to invest in salmon recovery and to replace and modernize the services provided by the lower Snake River dams, putting the region on a pathway toward their removal.” - Justin Hayes, ICL Executive Director
Spokesman Review

February 15, 2024
Bill that would provide protections to pesticide manufacturers dies in Idaho Senate
“Challenging multinational corporate interests in court is never an easy undertaking, but if this bill had passed it would have barred the courthouse doors for hardworking Idahoans who may suffer pesticide poisoning.” - Jonathan Oppenheimer, government relations director with ICL
Idaho Press

February 19, 2024
ID coalition helps defeat bill to grant lawsuit immunity to pesticides industry
"We're not coming at this from a perspective of 'pesticides shouldn't be used.' We're coming at this from a perspective of, 'there should be justice for those who may be harmed by using products if they are not warned about those potential health consequences.'" - Jonathan Oppenheimer, government relations director with ICL
Public News Service

February 9, 2024
USFWS Considers Restoring Grizzly Bears to Bitterroot Ecosystem in Idaho and Montana
“All Americans should celebrate the recovery path these bears are on, thanks to ESA protections. However, these gains haven’t been made with all of the grizzly populations — especially in the Bitterroots.” - Jeff Abrams, wildlife program associate with ICL
Eco Watch

February 7, 2024
Bureau of Land Management to update Western Solar Plan
Adrian Gallo, Idaho Conservation League climate campaign coordinator, supports renewable energy and an updated plan. He said including Idaho will ensure there are clear guidelines about what solar projects are allowed and where.

February 6, 2024
Bill that could limit lawsuits against pesticide manufacturers heads to Senate floor
“If pesticide manufacturers need immunity for products they know to be safe, why do they need immunity? There are already systems in place to eliminate frivolous lawsuits. ... It’s a very high bar currently to be able to prove the definitive link between pesticide use and personal damage, and we urge you to leave that in place.” - Jonathan Oppenheimer, government relations director for ICL
Idaho Press

January 31, 2024
Idaho plans to sue over federal wolverine protections
Jeff Abrams, wildlife program associate with ICL, weighs in on Idaho's announced plans to sue the federal government if the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service doesn’t reverse its decision to list the wolverine as threatened under the Endangered Species Act.
Boise State Public Radio

January 17, 2024
For the love of Idaho winters
"If we are going to tackle climate change, ease its most dire effects and protect our future winter recreation opportunities, then we need to work together. Whether your winter adventures are on skis, a board, snowmobile or snowshoes, the future of these experiences relies on taking action today."
Sandpoint Reader

January 23, 2024
Conservation groups sue Air Force to bar low-altitude F-15 flights over Owyhee wilderness in Oregon, Idaho and Nevada
Oregon, Nevada and Idaho conservationists are suing the U.S. Air Force, arguing that expanded low-altitude F-15 fighter jet flights over the Owyhee Canyonlands will harm the “quiet and solitude” of the vast high-desert region.
The Oregonian

January 23, 2024
Air Force Training Will Harm Canyonlands, Conservationists Say
Environmental groups are challenging the US Air Force’s decision to expand military aircraft trainings over the Owyhee Canyonlands, expressing concern for the area’s plant and wildlife species.

January 23, 2024
A ‘mosaic’ of sustainability: Idaho groups weigh in on how people, nature can coexist
“It’s kind of a multiverse of different groups, different areas of focus, different skill sets, different memberships, different resources. All of which is really important for the ecosystem.” - John Robison, public lands director for the Idaho Conservation League
Idaho Press

January 15, 2024
Idaho Power receives approval on rooftop solar proposal, general rate case
In late December, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission approved two proposals presented by Idaho Power, altering both its general rate and the credit system for customers with rooftop solar installations.
Idaho Capital Sun

January 3, 2024
Hundreds opposed changes to rooftop solar credits in Idaho. It was just approved anyway
Brad Heusinkveld, an energy policy associate with the Idaho Conservation League, told the Statesman that the uncertainty around net metering rates has slowed investments from some of the biggest solar customers.
Idaho Statesman

December 20, 2023
Agreement could pave way for breach of Snake River dams
“This partnership between the Six Sovereigns, conservation groups, and the federal government is unprecedented. We are relying on the Biden administration to ensure that all federal agencies, including the Bonneville Power Administration, are aligned and urgently implementing the commitment.” - Mitch Cutter, ICL Salmon & Steelhead Associate
Idaho Mountain Express

December 15, 2023
Lower Snake River dams closer to coming down with new agreement
"After decades of litigation, the historic initiative among states, tribes and the federal government signals a dramatic change for the region."
High Country News

December 21, 2023
Brad Smith named ICL’s new conservation director
“I am honored to be selected for this role. I look forward to leading staff and collaborating with our members and others who care about Idaho to safeguard our air, water, wildlands and wildlife for the benefit of present and future Idahoans.” - Brad Smith, ICL's newly appointed Conservation Director
Bonner County Daily Bee

December 21, 2023
ICL appoints Brad Smith as new conservation director
Well known for his conservation work throughout the region, longtime ICL North Idaho Director Brad Smith has a new title with the statewide organization: Conservation Director.
Sandpoint Reader

December 19, 2023
Great Student: Boise High School’s Lillian Saperston is focused on conservation
Lily Saperston, youth engagement coordinator and Youth Salmon Protector with ICL, was selected for BoiseDev's Great Student Award for her good deeds in the community.
Boise Dev

December 14, 2023
‘Historic’ Columbia River agreement called ‘roadmap’ to breaching Snake River dams
The agreement looks to restore salmon abundance and Tribal justice by planning ahead and paving a path toward breaching the four lower Snake River dams.
Tri-City Herald

December 12, 2023
Utility owes $73M for wildfire damages. Now it wants to scale back liability in Idaho
Brad Heusinkveld, energy policy associate for the Idaho Conservation League, told the Idaho Statesman the application caught his eye because it’s “a really, really dramatic request."
Idaho Statesman

December 8, 2023
‘It jeopardizes everything’: Canada coal mines a concern for Kootenai Tribe, Idaho conservation
“Not only are these mines polluting the water in Montana and Idaho, but these mines are also emitting carbon into the air that is exacerbating climate change.” - Jennifer Ekstrom, North Idaho Lakes Conservation Associate for ICL
Idaho Capital Sun

NEWS RELEASE • April 16, 2024
Applications open for the Idaho Conservation League’s Wilderness Stewards program

NEWS RELEASE • April 15, 2024
Celebrate Earth Day by cleaning up local shorelines

NEWS RELEASE • March 13, 2024
Idaho Conservation League brings back Artist in Residence Program, is seeking applications

NEWS RELEASE • March 11, 2024
U.S. and Canada activate International Joint Commission to address mining pollution in the Elk-Kootenai/y Watershed

NEWS RELEASE • February 7, 2024
Pesticide Immunity Bill draws opposition from Idaho advocates

NEWS RELEASE • December 19, 2023
ICL appoints Brad Smith as new Conservation Director

NEWS RELEASE • December 14, 2023
U.S. Government commits to restore salmon in Northwest and honor obligations to Tribes, sets path to breach four lower Snake River dams

December 1, 2023
Fish and Game Friday: Wolverines listed as threatened in lower 48 under Endangered Species Act
While this is definitely a victory for conservationists across the western United States, it is the decisions moving forward that will really shape the future of the wolverines in Idaho and the rest of the lower 48.

December 1, 2023
Wolverines now listed as a threatened species
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service lists the animals in Lower 48 states after more than a decade of back-and-forth decisions.
Lewiston Tribune

November 29, 2023
Wolverine proposal would grant threatened species protections
After nearly three decades of petitions by wildlife conservation groups, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has listed wolverines as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act.
Idaho Press

December 1, 2023
Biden Administration Provides a Lifeline to Threatened Wolverines
“We have a proposal here called the Stibnite Gold Project, which would essentially introduce a year-round industrial byway at 8,000 feet directly adjacent to the Frank Church River of No Return wilderness area. ICL is concerned that it could compromise the condition of the existing wolverine populations in the area and create added stresses to animals using, residing in, or migrating through that habitat.” - Jeff Abrams, ICL Wildlife Program Associate
Sierra Club

December 1, 2023
Wolverines to earn ‘threatened’ species designation this month
“This decision was not only science-driven, but it was the only logical conclusion we, as a country could make,” ICL Wildlife Program Associate, Jeff Abrams told the Express. “Nothing less will be required to ensure essential habitat in Idaho and other remaining wolverine strongholds continues to be hospitable for these rugged, iconic creatures.”
Idaho Mountain Express

December 1, 2023
Decades-long effort yields protections for dwindling wolverine population
"We've got a ruling that is really favorable toward setting the table to take appropriate measures going forward for the stabilization of wolverine populations, and then, hopefully, an increasing trend for their rebound." - ICL Wildlife Program Associate, Jeff Abrams
Public News Service

November 29, 2023
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service lists wolverines as ‘threatened’ under Endangered Species Act
“Biologists estimate a loss of more than 40% of suitable wolverine habitat in Idaho by 2060 if we fail to act. This decision allows us to move forward on recovery actions to prevent such extensive loss of wolverine habitat and recover wolverine populations.” - ICL Wildlife Program Associate, Jeff Abrams
Idaho Capital Sun

November 24, 2023
Boise-area sewage treatment plant violated clean-water law 16 times. Here’s what happened
In 2022, Kuna's North Wastewater Treatment Plant violated the federal Clean Water Act 16 times over a three-month period.
Idaho Statesman

November 21, 2023
Appeals court rules against dredge miner
ICL monitors suction dredge mining across the state, and has placed several miners on legal notice to encourage Clean Water Act compliance and to protect Idaho’s rivers and streams from pollution.
Lewiston Tribune

November 21, 2023
Volunteers honored for lake conservation efforts
“We are thrilled for our stewards to be honored with an award named after Governor Andrus. He diligently advocated for the protection of Idaho’s special places and natural heritage, and these stewards strive to do the same.” - ICL North Idaho Community Engagement Assistant, Karissa Huntsman
Bonner County Daily Bee

November 18, 2023
North Idaho volunteer group earns award for Lake Pend Oreille Water Quality Monitoring
Water quality stewards with the Idaho Conservation League are receiving multiple awards from the Idaho Nonprofit Center and Serve Idaho, the Governor’s Commission on service and volunteerism.
Idaho Capital Sun

November 20, 2023
Californian Must Pay $150,000 for Gold Mining Without Permit
A California man can be held liable for recreational gold mining that polluted an Idaho River, according to the Ninth Circuit which held that his mining waste can be considered a pollutant under the Clean Water Act.
Bloomberg Law

October 30, 2023
Idaho Copper Corporation seeks the green light for mining exploration project
Through this project, called the CuMo Mine Exploration Project, Idaho Copper hopes to find sufficient copper and molybdenum to excavate one of the largest open-pit accessible molybdenum mines in the world — all within the Boise River watershed.
Idaho Business Review

November 1, 2023
Environmental groups concerned about a potential mine’s impact on Boise’s drinking water
"Mining has a really poor track record when it comes to water quality. We’re concerned about any project that could lead toward the creation of massive amounts of pollution in the Boise River headwaters.” - ICL Public Lands Director, John Robison
Idaho Press

November 1, 2023
Salmon vs. dams suit stays on pause until Dec. 15
"The Biden administration has not endorsed dam removal but has been more sympathetic to the action than previous administrations. At the onset of the talks, the government committed to seeking a durable long-term strategy to restore salmon."
Lewiston Tribune

November 1, 2023
Court case on fate of Snake River dams, imperiled salmon postponed at least 45 more days
A coalition of conservation groups represented by the nonprofit environmental law organization Earthjustice, with support from the state of Oregon and the Nez Perce Tribe, agreed to pause their two-year-old lawsuit against five federal agencies on Tuesday for at least 45 more days.
Idaho Capital Sun

November 1, 2023
IDL rules in favor of Idaho Club community dock near Trestle Creek
“We must not forget how important Trestle Creek is,” Idaho Conservation League North Idaho Director Brad Smith told the Reader. “In most years, over half of the bull trout spawning in the Pend Oreille Basin occurs in Trestle Creek, and it’s a place where families can easily take their kids to see kokanee. If we lose sight of what’s at stake, then what are we saving for the future?”
Sandpoint Reader

October 28, 2023
IDL approves Idaho Club’s lake bed encroachment permit
“It’s disappointing that the Idaho Department of Lands ignored public concerns about the project. There is also evidence in the record that substantiates our concerns about the impact the project will have on Trestle Creek and bull trout.” - ICL North Idaho Director, Brad Smith
Bonner County Daily Bee

October 26, 2023
Mine exploration project near Boise River headwaters raises alarm
"If we do projects like this in the same way and putting vulnerable areas at risk, we're going to end up with the same problems or worse problems. Instead, we need to protect the areas that really matter to community water supplies and figure out how to responsibly manage mining moving forward." - ICL Public Lands Director, John Robison
Public News Service

October 25, 2023
Copper mining, once again, the target of environmental conservation groups
Several local conservation groups, including ICL, Idaho Rivers United, Advocates for the West, and Golden Eagle Audubon, are joining together to challenge the most recent proposal for mining copper and molybdenum in the public National Forest near Grimes Creek.

October 25, 2023
Environmentalists fought possible open-pit mine near Boise River. Now this is happening
A copper mining company hopes to explore a site near Boise River headwaters for an open-pit mine north of Idaho City, but environmental groups, including ICL, say the project would threaten water quality and wildlife. This is the latest variation of a project that was struck down twice in federal court because of its environmental impacts.
Idaho Statesman

October 11, 2023
Conservationists sue for records of Air Force Owyhee training plan
On October 10, 2023, ICL filed suit under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to compel Mountain Home Air Force Base to release public records as required by law. The records relate to the Air Force’s proposal to expand and intensify military aircraft trainings over the Owyhee Canyonlands of southwestern Idaho, southeastern Oregon, and northern Nevada.
Capital Press

October 4, 2023
Idaho Conservation League celebrates 50 years
"As the Idaho Conservation League enters its next 50 years, it is clear that there will always be a need for our presence in North Idaho. The lakes and waterways that define our region of the state face greater threats than ever." - ICL North Idaho Director, Brad Smith
Sandpoint Reader

October 2, 2023
City of McCall bans feeding deer, other wildlife
"It's a natural, empathetic, human response to want to help wildlife, but it's actually not in the best interest of the deer." said ICL Wildlife Program Associate, Jeff Abrams. ICL gave the city suggestions about the ordinance, and hopes the city continues outreach efforts and that people take the new rules seriously.

October 2, 2023
Presidential memo urges steps to restore NW salmon
"We're seeing this administration treat tribal justice much more seriously than past administrations have - at least say the right things about how it is paying attention to what tribes want and is going to factor them in not just as stakeholders but as coequal partners." - ICL Salmon & Steelhead Associate, Mitch Cutter
Public News Service

September 28, 2023
Over half of wastewater treatment plants in Idaho violated Clean Water Act permits in 2022
An annual report compiled by the Idaho Conservation League shows that while some facilities have improved from past years, over half of Idaho’s wastewater treatment plants had at least one violation of the Clean Water Act in 2022.
Boise State Public Radio

September 27, 2023
Report finds 57% of Idaho’s wastewater treatment facilities violated federal law in 2022
The federal Clean Water Act requires sewage and water to be cleaned and treated before returning to the environment. However, a new Idaho Conservation League study found 57% of Idaho's wastewater treatment facilities violated the act in 2022.

September 28, 2023
Report: 520 discharge violations from ID sewage plants in 2022
ICL's sixth annual analysis of sewage facilities in Idaho found that 57% of the state's wastewater treatment plants discharged harmful substances last year.
Public News Service

September 26, 2023
One of America’s reddest states wants 100% green energy — if dams count as green
“Those dams are not clean energy if they are resulting in the extinction of species and cultures.” ICL Executive Director Justin Hayes discusses clean energy, public lands, and the lower Snake River dams with the LA Times.
LA Times

September 19, 2023
Snake River: Hidden in Plain Sight
ICL's Lexi Black writes about another Snake River adventure, and how the amazing recreation opportunities the river provides remind us of the value of restoring this river and keeping it healthy, clean, and usable.
Idaho Press

September 15, 2023
Fourth Annual Sawtooth Cleanup Kicks Off Today
“We have to remember that our Public Lands are a shared space. As much as we all reap the benefits of these spaces, we must also recognize that we have a responsibility to look after them.” - John Robison, public lands director for ICL
Eye On Sun Valley

September 13, 2023
Public sounds off on proposed Trestle Creek development
Officials, developers and members of the public gathered for a public hearing regarding the Idaho Club’s permit request for a community dock at Trestle Creek.
Sandpoint Reader

September 12, 2023
Luxury homes, marina draw concerns, questions
Proposed construction of luxury housing and a private marina near the mouth of Trestle Creek continues to draw concern, with over 200 Bonner County residents signing up to speak at the Sept. 6 public hearing on a revised plan for the development.
Bonner County Daily Bee

September 6, 2023
Idaho Power wants to change how it pays for sending excess solar back to the grid
From ICL’s perspective, Idaho Power’s new export credit rates don’t account for many of the benefits associated with residential solar power.
Boise State Public Radio

September 1, 2023
Hearing set on proposed Trestle Creek development
“Trestle Creek is a gem of North Idaho and is one of the few places where families can easily observe spawning bull trout and kokanee. Given that the project would only benefit a small number of residents of The Idaho Club, this project is not in the public’s best interest. We’d be better served by recovering our endangered species and protecting natural wonders like Trestle Creek for generations to come.” - Brad Smith, ICL North Idaho Director
Bonner County Daily Bee

August 28, 2023
EPA critical of permit for proposed gold mine
The Environmental Protection Agency raises concern that an air quality permit issued by the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality for the Stibnite Gold Project - a proposed central Idaho gold mine - is so lax that it may violate the Clean Air Act.
Lewiston Tribune

August 23, 2023
One year’s seeds, seven years’ weeds
“From our perspective, there is a need to strike a balance between treating aquatic invasive species and the introduction of potentially harmful herbicides.” - ICL's North Idaho Director, Brad Smith weighs in on herbicide treatments for flowering rush in Lake Pend Oreille
Sandpoint Reader

NEWS RELEASE • November 29, 2023
Wolverine Receives Much-Needed Endangered Species Act Protections

NEWS RELEASE • November 20, 2023
9th Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously affirms ruling, suction dredge miner unlawfully polluted Idaho river

NEWS RELEASE • November 15, 2023
Idaho Conservation League volunteers recognized with awards for efforts to protect Lake Pend Oreille

NEWS RELEASE • October 27, 2023
Despite local community opposition and impacts to imperiled fish, Idaho Department of Lands approves permit for Idaho Club marina

NEWS RELEASE • October 23, 2023
Local groups raise alarm for mining company’s plans to explore for an open-pit mine in headwaters of Boise River

NEWS RELEASE • October 10, 2023
Court action compels Air Force to release Owyhee Airspace records, as law requires

NEWS RELEASE • September 27, 2023
Presidential Memorandum directs federal agencies to restore salmon populations across Columbia River Basin

NEWS RELEASE • September 26, 2023
Report finds 57% of Idaho’s sewage treatment plants are violating pollution discharge limits

August 16, 2023
Idaho’s first wildlife overpass under construction
"It's going to be a great thing for our state's wildlife and our economies. Animals needs to be able to move seasonally to find things like food, water and essential habitat. So, having safe travel corridors for this is critical to their survival." - Jeff Abrams, ICL Wildlife Program Associate

August 14, 2023
Idaho Sen. Jim Risch introduces bill to fully delist grizzly bears in lower 48
"ICL is generally uncomfortable with the idea of legislative solutions to wildlife management because they don't tend to be tethered to scientific evidence. Those approaches have historically not turned out well." - ICL Wildlife Program Associate Jeff Abrams on Idaho Sen. Jim Risch's introduction of a bill to fully delist grizzly bears in the lower 48, despite the species not meeting recovery goals in north and central Idaho.
Idaho Capital Sun

August 10, 2023
North Idaho volunteer group works to keep Lake Pend Oreille healthy
Volunteers with ICL's Water Quality Monitoring Program work along Lake Pend Oreille’s shores to monitor pollution and advocate for clean water.
Idaho Capital Sun

June 28, 2023
Youth Salmon Protectors Take on Deadbeat Dams
"Witness the Youth Salmon Protectors of Idaho as they work tirelessly to restore and preserve the region's wild salmon and steelhead populations."

June 28, 2023
If Nothing Changes, Everything Changes
"Those with the most to lose are uniting to save the Northwest’s salmon and steelhead." The work of the Youth Salmon Protectors is being highlighted by Patagonia.

July 26, 2023
Patagonia releases film with Youth Salmon Protectors
Patagonia released a new film documenting the Youth Salmon Protectors' (YSP) work to save the Northwest’s wild salmon and steelhead population.

July 24, 2023
Groups plan to sue to remove Snake River dams over hot water troubles for salmon
"Several conservation and fishing groups say the Snake River dams are making the river too hot for sockeye salmon. Now, they’re planning to sue the federal government to remove the dams."
NW News

July 24, 2023
Idaho Conservation League appoints new regional director
Josh Johnson has taken over leadership of ICL's central Idaho office.
Idaho Mountain Express

July 24, 2023
Judge to be asked to breach Snake dams to cool river water
Four conservation and fishing groups, including ICL, plan a lawsuit over high water temperatures in the Snake River, calling for actions that could include removing the four lower Snake River dams in Eastern Washington.
Tri City Herald

NEWS RELEASE • August 21, 2023
Idaho Club Renews Plan to Build Housing, Marina on Trestle Creek, Threatening Imperiled Fish

NEWS RELEASE • August 11, 2023
Controversial Kilgore mine exploration project approved in East Idaho

July 23, 2023
Conservation groups intend to ask judge to breach Snake River dams
A coalition of environmental groups, including ICL, will ask a federal judge to order dams on the lower Snake River to be breached as a necessary step to prevent the extinction of endangered sockeye salmon that spawn in central Idaho.
Lewiston Tribune

July 24, 2023
Congress Spending Bill Rider Could Slow Down ID Wind Energy Installation
The grid in the West is evolving and we're likely on the leading edge of an emerging renewable energy economy. We need to make wise and informed siting decisions, but since the federal government already collects the same information under the National Environmental Policy Act, ICL doesn't believe that this bill adds to that process.
Public News Service

July 20, 2023
Idaho Latino Conservation Week: Breaking down the barriers
"Historically, this space has been dominated by white people, and it's important to broaden the umbrella for conservation. A fundamental piece of conservation is to care about the places they want to protect.” - Josh Johnson, ICL Central Idaho Director

July 20, 2023
The Idaho Conservation League Turns 50
Jonathan Oppenheimer, ICL External Relations Director, joined Idaho Matters to talk more about ICL's 50th anniversary.
Boise State Public Radio

July 20, 2023
Youth Salmon Protectors Take on Deadbeat Dams
“Advocating for an issue such as salmon recovery, especially as a youth activist, can often feel daunting. With the unwavering support of partners like Patagonia, we are able to better spread our message and share the important work we have been doing.” - YSP member Lilly Wilson
Idaho Press

July 19, 2023
Algae Blooms Undermine Summer Fun in ID
"We don't often talk as much as about why are these happening. And some things we can't control, like it's going to be hot and sunny in the summer, but we can control the amount of nutrients that go into the water." - Josh Johnson, ICL Central Idaho Director
Johnson noted the origins of nutrient sources depend on the water body, but can come from agricultural runoff, waste from dairies and feedlots -- especially in southern Idaho -- or excess fertilizer on people's lawns.
Public News Service

July 13, 2023
Utility company liable for damages in Oregon fires asks to defer costs in Idaho
Wildfire risk is driving up utility rates across the West. Climate change has real costs, and companies should not pass them off to everyday ratepayers.
Idaho Capital Sun

July 7, 2023
Idaho Conservation League Taps New Central Idaho Director
The Idaho Conservation League, which is marking its 50th anniversary, has appointed Josh Johnson as the new Central Idaho Director.
Eye On Sun Valley

July 5, 2023
Patagonia releases film featuring Youth Salmon Protectors from Boise
Patagonia has released a new film that features the Youth Salmon Protectors (YSP) in their fight to save wild salmon, steelhead, and orca.

July 9, 2023
The largest wind farm in the country could be built in Idaho — but not without controversy
ICL Public Lands Director, John Robison weighs in on how the BLM needs to update how it reviews, shapes, directs and manages renewable energy projects on public lands.
Deseret News

NEWS RELEASE • July 5, 2023
ICL appoints Josh Johnson as new Central Idaho Director

NEWS RELEASE • June 30, 2023
Patagonia releases film featuring Youth Salmon Protectors, fight to save the Northwest’s wild salmon and steelhead from extinction

June 25, 2023
Guest Commentary: BPA is sabotaging administration efforts on salmon and renewable energy
The Biden Administration is committed to restoring Columbia Basin salmon and steelhead to abundance, rejuvenating Northwest fishing communities, upholding obligations to Tribal nations, and investing in renewable energy infrastructure. But one of the administration’s own agencies — the Bonneville Power Administration — is sabotaging these efforts from within.
Yakima Herald-Republic

June 14, 2023
The controversial Stanley to Redfish Lake Trail is about to open
A trail connecting Stanley to Redfish Lake is scheduled to officially open this summer, decades after the idea was first conceived to connect the two important destinations for visitors to the Sawtooth National Recreation Area.
Boise State Public Radio

June 15, 2023
Payette Land Trust has picked an extra long day for an extra big celebration of Idaho conservation
Leading up to Conservation Day 2023 in McCall, Payette Land Trust Executive Director Craig Utter talks about the decades-long mission and the day-to-day hefty lifting of conservation in Idaho.
Boise State Public Radio

June 12, 2023
White House Engages NW on Dams, Future of Salmon
"What we've seen so far in both the listening session and in the public comments is an overwhelming majority of people saying they want to breach the lower Snake River dams - because it's essential for salmon and steelhead, and because there's other ways of doing the things that the dams provide." - Mitch Cutter, ICL Salmon & Steelhead Associate
Supporters of keeping the dams say they provide essential energy, irrigation and barging functions. But Cutter noted that during listening sessions, more than three-quarters of commenters were in favor of breaching the dams.
Public News Service

June 4, 2023
Group petitions EPA to improve Idaho’s water quality standards to protect endangered fish
Although ICL is not part of this particular petition, Conservation Associate Will Tiedemann weighs in on the historic mining and active pollution in the Silver Valley area in North Idaho.
Idaho Press

June 2, 2023
Environmental groups file suit over Koocanusa selenium levels
ICL and other conservation groups are seeking a judicial review of a state board's 2022 decision to throw out a previously accepted regional selenium level.
The Western News

May 31, 2023
Environmentalists concerned about Sackett v. EPA ruling
"This is essentially an opportunity for people that need to get rid of waste somewhere. To get rid of it with no culpability, they can do that now, because there's nothing keeping them from doing it." ICL Conservation Program Director, Marie Callaway Kellner weighs in on the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in the Sackett v. EPA case.

May 25, 2023
U.S. Supreme Court rejects Biden wetlands regulation, ruling for Idaho couple
“In deciding that water quality protections only apply to wetlands that have a visible connection to streams and lakes, the Court opened the door nationwide for waste disposal to run amok, allowing pollution to be disposed of at-will and with no accountability.” - ICL Conservation Program Director Marie Callaway Kellner
Idaho Capital Sun

May 25, 2023
Idaho reaction to Supreme Court ruling in ‘Waters of the United States’ case
ICL weighs in on the Supreme Court ruling that is a blow to wetland protections, and defies the science that confirms wetlands and the critical role they play in protecting our streams, rivers, and lakes from pollutants.

May 26, 2023
State: Groundwater seeping near Triumph Mine likely contaminated
“Clearly there are still pathways for water and snowmelt to percolate into the tailings pile and interact with tailings, which we know is nasty stuff, and make its way back out into the wetlands... Unfortunately, Triumph is the gift that keeps on giving, reminding us that we need to make sure mining companies are held accountable.” - Josh Johnson, Senior Conservation Associate with ICL
Idaho Mountain Express

May 23, 2023
Motorized trail vehicles now permanently banned near Rapid River wild and scenic area
The U.S. Forest Service recently made permanent a years-long ban on motorized vehicles in the Rapid River area northwest of New Meadows. ICL celebrates the announcement, and weighs in on the importance of the area.
Boise State Public Radio

May 24, 2023
Idaho DEQ alleges Galena Mine made numerous violations of the Clean Water Act near Wallace
In the summer of 2022, ICL began investigating the water pollution from the Galena Mine Complex in North Idaho. Our work prompted DEQ to significantly escalate their compliance and enforcement steps from warning letters to legal action against the mine.
Idaho Capital Sun

May 22, 2023
Environmentalists sue to protect Lake Koocanusa selenium rule
Conservation groups in Montana and Idaho, including ICL, allege an oversight body unlawfully attempted to invalidate Montana’s 2020 selenium rule.
Montana Free Press

May 23, 2023
Pollution: Teck miner embroiled in US court battle
ICL and other environmental organizations are speaking up for waters in Montana and Idaho which are suffering from selenium pollution from mountaintop removal coal mines in Canada.
The Saxon

NEWS RELEASE • May 25, 2023
Supreme Court ruling on Sackett v. EPA reduces Clean Water Act protections

NEWS RELEASE • May 24, 2023
The Idaho Conservation League celebrates 50 years, honors community leaders at annual Wild Idaho! conference

May 15, 2023
Salmon vs. dams
ICL Executive Director Justin Hayes spoke to Politico about the Bonneville Power Administration's (BPA) refusal of the Biden Administration's commitments to restore wild salmon and steelhead. A BPA spokesperson then said that the organization is taking an active role in the conversation convened by the White House Council on Environmental Quality, and that "breaching is on the table in those talks."

May 15, 2023
Conservationists say more time is needed before grizzly delisting
"Population targets have not been met for Selkirk, Cabinet Yaak populations or the Bitterroot," said Jeff Abrams, ICL wildlife program associate. "We're not set up right now, as a state, to inherit those responsibilities."
Idaho News 6 - KIVI

May 15, 2023
Canadian Coal Mine Pollution Threatens North ID River
Pollution from upstream Canadian coal mines is endangering one of Idaho's largest rivers - the Kootenai River. Jennifer Ekstrom, ICL's North Idaho Lakes Conservation Associate, explains why the International Joint Commission needs to be put to work to solve the problem.
Public News Service

May 12, 2023
Biden is scrambling for minerals. This U.S. cobalt mine just closed.
“Despite this flashy industry narrative about climate change … at the end of the day, the mining companies still need to make a profit. It's a reminder that mining is, even in this day and age, boom or bust and subject to the whims of a global market." - ICL Senior Conservation Associate Josh Johnson
Despite a desperate need for clean energy projects, dropping market prices for cobalt have halted construction of Idaho's only cobalt mine – highlighting the need for organizations like ICL to continue watchdogging mining activities.
E&E News

May 10, 2023
The Northwest Needs More Midsize Solar
A new report from the Sightline Institute makes it clear: Idaho needs new policies to capitalize on mid-size, customer owned renewable and solar systems. ICL will continue to advocate at the Public Utilities Commission for an equal footing for solar owners.
Sightline Institute

May 10, 2023
Idaho officials want Endangered Species Act protections removed from grizzly bears, plan to file lawsuit against federal government
"I think the Fish and Wildlife Service appropriately responded to the state's petition. The state really didn't provide credible scientific backing for why the species was improperly listed." - Brad Smith, ICL's North Idaho Director
Lewiston Tribune

May 11, 2023
How can we speed up solar and wind energy? Here are some ideas
"The key to pushing ahead on clean energy is for developers to create projects that actually provide benefits to people who perceive that they’ll be harmed by them, including conservationists, small-town residents, and Tribes." - Justin Hayes, ICL Executive Director
LA Times

May 10, 2023
Idaho says it will sue feds to remove grizzly bears from endangered species list
Only one of the four grizzly bear populations in Idaho have achieved recovery goals.
Idaho Press

April 29, 2023
It’s time for Idaho’s senators to stand against selenium pollution in the Kootenai River
Selenium pollution from mountaintop-removal coal mines in Canada are wreaking havoc in the Kootenai River watershed.
Sandpoint Reader

April 7, 2023
Idaho Falls Regional Airport travelers can now make strides for environmental sustainability
Travelers at the Idaho Falls Regional Airport can now purchase carbon offsets or donate funds toward the Idaho Conservation League.

May 5, 2023
Idaho Gives 2023 wraps up with nearly $4 million in donations
The Gem State's largest celebration of charitable giving, Idaho Gives, wrapped up its four-day run with a final total of $3,755,500 raised for nonprofits.

April 21, 2023
Clean Energy and the Land — The High-Stakes Battle Over Climate Solutions
Earlier this spring at the Society of Environmental Journalists Conference, ICL Executive Director Justin Hayes spoke on a panel alongside Bureau of Land Management Director Tracy Stone-Manning and others to discuss clean energy projects and land use.
Society of Environmental Journalists Conference

April 20, 2023
Ep. 29: Idaho Conservation League
Our North Idaho team – Brad, Jennifer, and Karissa – sat down with podcast host Katie Begalke to share some of the current challenges we are working on in the region.
EnVision Center News

April 27, 2023
Boise residents can expect rate hikes for water, power and heat. How much might you pay?
Rising coal costs and volatile natural gas prices are making for a busy year at the Public Utilities Commission. ICL continues to advocate for an end to fossil fuel reliance and policies that prioritized efficiency and customer choice.
Idaho Statesman

April 25, 2023
Cleaning up the beach
Several dozen people turned up to help the Idaho Conservation League and city of Sandpoint to clean up City Beach and the downtown waterfront area along Sand Creek for Earth Day 2023.
Bonner County Daily Bee

April 24, 2023
Save Northwest salmon even if it means breaching Snake dams
Putting our heads in the sand won't save NW salmon. The four lower Snake River dams and the services they provide must be replaced.
Mitch Cutter, published in Tri-City Herald

April 23, 2023
Boise zoning code rewrite hearings to kick off this week
ICL co-signed a letter supporting the City of Boise's zoning rewrite. The plan is a big step toward a more livable, walkable, and climate resilient city.
Idaho Press

April 20, 2023
City of Sandpoint celebrates Earth Day with City Beach cleanup event
In celebration of Earth Day 2023, ICL partnered up with the City of Sandpoint to host a clean-up at City Beach and Lower Sand Creek.

April 20, 2023
Boise National Forest’s Emmett Ranger District to hold open house on revised Sage Hen project
The Forest Service is preparing to open a comment period for a re-imagined Sage Hen Restoration project. The original proposal for the project was withdrawn by the Forest Service after several complaints were filed by environmental groups, including ICL.
Idaho Capital Sun

April 18, 2023
The comment deadline on Lava Ridge is this week. Here’s what Idaho organizations are saying
In regards to the proposed Lava Ridge Wind Project, ICL wants the BLM to go back to the drawing board to draft up new alternatives and to take a step back and come up with a statewide plan to identify spots suitable for renewable energy development.
Boise State Public Radio

April 4, 2023
$50M isn’t enough to save salmon hatcheries on the Columbia River
The federal government has announced plans to increase funding for the Columbia River Basin’s salmon hatcheries, but the influx of funds is only a fraction of what is needed.
Oregon Public Broadcasting

NEWS RELEASE • April 18, 2023
North Idaho: Celebrate Earth Day by helping clean up City Beach

April 16, 2023
Help clean up City Beach for Earth Day 2023
In honor of Earth Day 2023, ICL, in partnership with the city of Sandpoint, is hosting a clean-up event at City Beach and Lower Sand Creek in Sandpoint.
Bonner County Daily Bee

April 6, 2023
Idaho Youth head to U.S. Capitol to protect Salmon and Steelhead
The Youth Salmon Protectors will be in Washington D.C. during Earth Week 2023 to pressure Congress to take action to restore endangered salmon and steelhead to Idaho and the PNW.
Idaho News 6

April 7, 2023
This Boise company already raised utility rates for gas this year. Prices could go up again
ICL and its members have a direct and substantial interest in ensuring that Intermountain Gas provides fair rates that do not unduly burden customers and those interested in energy efficiency, conservation, and the environmental impacts of the energy system,” which is why ICL filed a petition to intervene in the case.
Idaho Statesman

April 5, 2023
Protect our aquifer from all sources of degradation
"If we genuinely care about our precious aquifer, then we should protect it from all sources of degradation—first and foremost the agricultural pollution that’s been occurring across the Snake River Plain for decades." - Josh Johnson, ICL Senior Conservation Associate
Mountain Express

April 3, 2023
Protecting Idaho wilderness through collaboration
Here in Idaho, collaboration is a big part of not just protecting public lands but also solving natural resource issues, earning wilderness designation, and solving restoration and protection issues.
Boise State Public Radio

March 31, 2023
US Silver Sued Over Discharge of Arsenic, Lead Into Idaho River
ICL sued US Silver - Idaho Inc. for repeatedly discharging pollutants from its Galena Complex Mine without the appropriate state and federal permits, racking up approximately 1,253 separate Clean Water Act violations from March 2021 to February 2023.
Bloomberg Law

February 23, 2023
Salmon Series Episode 2 The Whole Dam Problem
ICL Salmon & Steelhead Associate Mitch Cutter gives a brief rundown of salmon in the PNW, their lifecycle, where the lower Snake River dams are and why they are detrimental to salmon, and the steps ahead for dam removal and salmon recovery.

March 22, 2023
Bill rolling back compromise on energy code requirements sails to the Senate floor
“Building codes are important because they ensure the homes we build today are affordable to operate. Consumers rely on building codes because once a home is built it’s difficult to replace windows, insulation, heating ducts or walls.” - Jonathan Oppenheimer, ICL External Relations Director
Boise Dev

March 28, 2023
LETTER: We must protect our aquifer, and not just from Lava Ridge
"This outpouring of public concern for the aquifer should not be limited to Lava Ridge. The elephant in the room for our aquifer is the continued degradation of water quality from nitrate and phosphorus pollution due to the improper and/or overapplication of fertilizers and animal manure on the land." - Josh Johnson, ICL Senior Conservation Associate
Twin Falls Times-News

March 24, 2023
Protecting the commons — our highest quality wetlands
"With your help, our communities can continue to be afforded the resilience and habitat these precious wetlands offer, as well as the timeless beauty they provide. The first step is to get the Corps to exempt Class 1 wetlands in Bonner and Boundary counties from their general permitting processes. Join us in protecting our commons; our amazing wetlands." - Jennifer Ekstrom, ICL North Idaho Lakes Conservation Associate
Sandpoint Reader

March 22, 2023
Bill to remove some local energy efficiency policies moves forward
“Anything that wasn’t in the building code that related to energy would appear to be precluded by this. I think that hits at the very point and one of the important questions with regards to this bill is, what exactly are the implications?” - Jonathan Oppenheimer, ICL External Relations Director
Boise State Public Radio

March 15, 2023
Bill to reduce Fish and Game oversight of Bear World passes House committee
ICL External Relations Director Jonathan Oppenheimer testified against Senate Bill 1084, citing multiple concerns about potential impacts of the bill on Idaho's wildlife.
Idaho Falls Post Register

March 13, 2023
Yellowstone Bear World, fined by OSHA, lobbies for bill to nix oversight of wildlife parks
Idaho lawmakers moved forward with a bill that would remove Idaho Fish and Game and Idaho State Department of Agriculture oversight for similar facilities. ICL opposed it.
Idaho Statesman

March 9, 2023
Magic Valley residents may want to have water tested, officials say
"Groundwater in southern Idaho really is one of our most important resources, and we shouldn't take it for granted, both in terms of having enough of it or for having it be clean enough to use. During National Groundwater Awareness Week, we should all be thinking about how we can protect our groundwater resources going forward." - Josh Johnson, ICL Senior Conservation Associate

February 23, 2023
Rivers Have Sustained Vineyards for Centuries, Now It’s Time to Return the Favor
As the Snake River faces increased allocated water needs, and the region faces drought, resources are running dry. “When there are droughts, it can get contentious in terms of water rights, and how water is allocated,” says Josh Johnson, senior conservation associate of the Idaho Conservation League.
Wine Enthusiast

NEWS RELEASE • April 13, 2023
Northwest Tribal youth and youth advocates head to U.S. Capitol to call on Biden Administration, Congress to restore wild salmon and steelhead

February 28, 2023
Critical Minerals Pushed by GOP Wary of Biden Climate Policies
“We recognize the need to develop things where the risks are manageable. We are always open to hear how companies are doing things better, but responsible mining means recognizing that some places are too special to mine.” - John Robison, ICL's Public Lands Director, on mining for critical minerals
Bloomberg Government

March 2, 2023
If you live in the Treasure Valley, your vehicle emissions tests are going away. Why?
ICL is most concerned that the Boise area is approaching some of the trigger limits for ozone, a health hazard. Ozone, the main ingredient in smog, forms when pollutants from cars and other emitters chemically react with each other at low altitudes, according to the EPA.
Idaho Statesman

February 23, 2023
Deep Dive: Valley Co. mine proposal said to help clean waste & secure key mineral. Critics see flaws for environment, tourism
While on paper, Perpetua Resources' restoration plans in their proposed Stibnite Gold Project sound good, they would still be dumbing material in pristine areas. Important spawning area for endangered fish would also be lost if the project moves forward.
Boise Dev

February 23, 2023
Opinion: Stibnite Gold Project is a mix of good and bad
“It remains unclear to us how a restoration-based project can end up impacting more than twice the area that is now disturbed.” - Randy Fox, ICL’s West Central Idaho Conservation Associate
The University of Idaho Argonaut

February 20, 2023
River restoration project funding offered
A total of $150,000 is available for projects that protect and restore fish and wildlife habitat, water quality and biodiversity. Projects could be removing barriers to fish passage, improving spawning habitat and restoring streamside habitat.
Idaho Falls Post Register

February 8, 2023
Priest Lake siphon bill passes Senate committee
Jonathan Oppenheimer, external relations director for the Idaho Conservation League, called the bill a legislative end-run around collaborative efforts to address the lake and river basin locally.
Bonner County Daily Bee

February 8, 2023
Stories of the Snake: A precious resource since time immemorial
"In order for future generations to be able to enjoy the Snake River and the surrounding land like we do, we must all do our part to clean up the Snake River. That means uniting to safeguard the river, hold polluters accountable and promote efficient water use practices." - Josh Johnson, ICL's senior conservation associate
Idaho Press

February 8, 2023
Mining Co., ID Conservation Group Partner to Fund Salmon Restoration
The Upper Salmon Conservation Action Program (USCAP) was created in partnership between Jervois and ICL in 2021 to fund efforts to protect and restore fish, water quality, wildlife habitat, and biodiversity within the Upper Salmon River basin.
Public News Service

February 6, 2023
Idaho Elected Officials Raise Concerns About Lava Ridge Wind Farm Proposed in South-Central Idaho
"The Lava Ridge Wind project includes the installation of hundreds of wind turbines on BLM lands near Dietrich, ID. If built, it would be among the largest in the western U.S., according to the Idaho Conservation League."
Big Country News

January 31, 2023
Idaho wolf population drops 13%
“We have functionally restored this predator to the landscape and have been able to do that in a manner consistent with maintaining agriculture, ranching and many other uses of our forests.” - Jonathan Oppenheimer, ICL external relations director
Moscow-Pullman Daily News

NEWS RELEASE • February 2, 2023
Upper Salmon conservation program soliciting restoration proposals for 2023

January 27, 2023
Removing grizzlies from the endangered species list would be premature
Sandpoint Reader

January 22, 2023
Fish advocates want more of power revenue surplus to go to salmon, steelhead
“Under law, BPA must demonstrate ‘equitable treatment’ for fish and wildlife alongside power, transmission and other areas. This decision flies in the face of that mandate.” - Mitch Cutter, ICL Salmon & Steelhead Associate
Billings Gazette

January 18, 2023
BoCo tables updates to Hazardous and Special Areas Comp Plan chapters
“I’m glad to be entering hopefully into a new era where stakeholder and public comments are considered and given due respect and consideration,” Jennifer Ekstrom, ICL North Idaho lakes conservation associate
Sandpoint Reader

January 19, 2023
A company plans to reopen a historic mine, but conservationists warn it will harm wildlife, and the Nez Perce Tribe says it violates treaty rights
"While the mining company is presenting this as a restoration project, with a great vision for what the landscape could look like when they're done, our review of the actual documents raises serious concerns of whether their activities are really going to ever restore the site. It looks like mining is just going to make things worse." - John Robison, public lands director with the Idaho Conservation League
The Pacific Northwest Inlander

January 19, 2023
Exploring Idaho: Minimizing harm to environment while enjoying the outdoors
Idaho's snowy wonderlands for recreation aren’t just places we visit, they are the permanent homes to our state’s abundant wildlife, and we have to enjoy them responsibly.

January 11, 2023
The EV Revolution Brings Environmental Uncertainty at Every Turn
As Australia-based Jervois Mining prepared to open the United States’ only cobalt mine in Idaho’s Salmon River Mountains, ICL helped secure $150,000 in annual funding from the company for local conservation work — money that can also be leveraged to help secure matching funds from state and federal grants. Two years in, the funding has helped restore overgrazed streambanks and supported acquisition of vital fish habitat. Each year, the organization determines where the funding goes, with input from Tribes, agencies and others.
The Revelator

January 7, 2023
Fish advocates want more funds for salmon
“For years, regional fish recovery programs have gone underfunded because of BPA’s business struggles. Now, when the agency finally has one good financial year, salmon get shorted again,” Mitch Cutter, salmon and steelhead associate for the conservation group, said in a news release.
The Lewiston Tribune

January 6, 2023
Improved plans for Stibnite still threaten endangered fish, opponents say
“Those restored riparian areas and meadows are great until you realize that there isn't enough soil leftover after mining to actually support those plants,” said John Robison, Public Lands Director at the Idaho Conservation League.
Boise State Public Radio

January 4, 2023
Touring Stibnite: Forest Service wants public comment on revised mining plan
Perpetua Resources, formerly known as Midas Gold, significantly changed its plans after the previous round of public comment.
Boise State Public Radio

NEWS RELEASE • January 10, 2023
U.S. Forest Service Urged to Reject Massive Idaho Gold Mine Threatening Endangered Species, Public Health

NEWS RELEASE • January 6, 2023
Biden Administration and BPA ignore pressing need for fish funds, in spite of urgent state and Tribal requests

December 28, 2022
Bonner County adopts updated Goals, Objectives and Policies for the Comp Plan
Commissioners voted unanimously to adopt the updated Goals, Objectives and Policies for the Bonner County Comp Plan.
Sandpoint Reader

December 22, 2022
CONNELLY: Idaho Conservation League begins new wildlife program
Given the importance of wildlife to Idaho residents and the management of this resource, ICL has launched a program dedicated to conserving and restoring the full breadth of Idaho’s wildlife.
Post Register

December 21, 2022
Idaho Conservation advocates are celebrating conservation easement on Cougar Island
"So basically, it says there won't be any further development on his property, they won't be used to facilitate additional development of Cougar Island if and when the state does put some of those parcels back on the market.” - Jonathan Oppenheimer, ICL External Relations Director

December 26, 2022
World leaders met in Egypt to address climate change impacts. A Boise student was there.
Idaho Statesman

December 15, 2022
The public has until January 10 to comment on the Stibnite Gold Project near Yellow Pine
"We think it is going to make things worse for the fish," said John Robison of the Idaho Conservation League who cited page the Fisheries Specialist Report on page 150. "In fact the forest service says that post closure there will be a net decrease in quantity and quality of bull trout habitat would occur despite fish passage barriers and an increase in lake habitat for bull trout."
Idaho News 6

December 6, 2022
Suction Dredge Miner Who Was Deemed to Have Polluted Clearwater River in Idaho and Failed to Obtain Proper Permits Appeals Court Ruling
A California man who polluted the South Fork of the Clearwater River by suction dredging and refused to secure a permit as required under the Clean Water Act filed a notice of appeal over a court ruling ordering him to pay a $150,000 fine.
Big Country News

December 12, 2022
‘Our easements are forever:’ Land trust, homeowner team to conserve part of Cougar Island
Idaho Statesman

December 3, 2022
Public comment sought, events planned for proposed Valley County mine
“Whether looking at air pollution, landslides, avalanches, risks of hazardous spills, lowered stream flows, fragmentation and loss of habitat, water temperature, depletion of groundwater or the difficulty of revegetation — all of these will be more probable and intensified with a changing climate,” Anderson said. “This calls into question any modeling or predictions that the SDEIS makes about the mine’s possible impacts and any promises made for mitigation.”
Idaho Press

December 3, 2022
Idaho research center set to shake up dairy industry
“This project should be a net benefit, in terms of what we gain in terms of research and new techniques,” Johnson said. “There are a lot of diaries in the Magic Valley, some with 5,000, 10,000, 50,000 cows them. This is a 1,000- to 2,000-cow dairy that’s being operated under very controlled conditions. So I think in the long term, we need a project like this.” - Josh Johnson, ICL Senior Conservation Associate
Courthouse News

December 13, 2022
‘Our easements are forever’: Land trust, homeowner team to conserve part of Cougar Island
“Protecting the island, its wildlife, and the experiences it holds for past and future generations is vital, which makes ICL excited to see this step in the right direction toward keeping Cougar Island the gem that it is.”
Idaho Statesman

December 3, 2022
Public comment sought, events planned for proposed Valley County mine
Join us for comment writing workshops to help #StopStibniteMine on Dec 5th in McCall and Dec 8th in Boise. Read this article or check out our events page for more details!
Idaho Press

NEWS RELEASE • December 5, 2022
Suction dredge miner who polluted Idaho’s Clearwater River appeals court ruling

November 28, 2022
With Leak Report, Snake River Dams Could Be Showing Their Age
"We're seeing the results of these dams being old, frankly. They were started to be constructed in the '60s through the '70s, and I think we're seeing the result of infrastructure starting to outlive its useful life." - ICL Salmon and Steelhead Associate, Mitch Cutter.
Public News Service

November 27, 2022
Buy costlier house now, save energy later. Or vice versa. The Idaho fight over new homes
"Changes coming to energy efficiency codes in Idaho could remove widely accepted minimum standards for construction and affect homeowners in the Treasure Valley."
Energy codes are proven, cost-effective regulations that protect homeowners and renters, and conserve energy. Decision makers will once again discuss changes to these energy efficiency codes in February. Stay tuned for opportunities to take action!
Idaho Statesman

November 23, 2022
Students demonstrate in Twin Falls for action on salmon recovery
Youth Salmon Protectors in the Wood River Valley hosted a banner drop at the Perrine Bridge in Twin Falls to support dam breaching and stopping salmon extinction.
Idaho Mountain Express

November 19, 2022
Idaho lawmakers advocate for federal delisting of grizzly bears, citing north Idaho livestock attacks
“We are eager to support state management when and where it’s warranted. But we also believe that Idahoans in general want assurances that there will be a sound management plan and conservation strategy in place before that happens.” - ICL Wildlife Program Associate Jeff Abrams

November 18, 2022
Idaho high school student, school board trustee sent as delegate to UN Climate Change Conference
Congratulations to ICL's Youth Engagement Coordinator Shiva Rajbhandari for being selected to attend COP27!
“I look forward to working with other youth leaders from around the world to advocate for our collective future, and I’m excited to apply what I learn to our organizing right here in Idaho.”
Idaho Capital Sun

November 14, 2022
Conservationists: To save salmon, dams must come down
"Holding signs like “Honk if you love salmon,” and “Tribal justice,” members of the Youth Salmon Protectors travelled from the Wood River Valley staged an event on the Perrine Bridge to raise local awareness of the movement to remove four dams on the Lower Snake River in order to keep salmon from going extinct."

November 11, 2022
Make or break moment: Setting a fair price is critical for Idaho’s solar future
ICL's Energy Policy Associate, Brad Heusinvkeld writes about Idaho Power's plan to reduce compensation rates for solar customers and the consequences of that decision. "There’s no doubt solar power is coming to Idaho; the question is who should own the resource."
Idaho Statesman

November 8, 2022
Teck Resources, B.C. government pressed Ottawa to resist investigation into coal mine pollution
Despite claims of wanting to find solutions to their pollution in Montana and Idaho, Canadian mining company, Teck Resources is undermining efforts to clean it up.
The Narwhal

November 6, 2022
Many of Idaho’s wastewater plants violated their permits, but the reasons are complicated
ICL Conservation Associate, Will Tiedemann talks with Idaho Press about the importance of our communities' sewage treatment plants.
Shortcomings at treatment plants pollute our rivers, lakes and streams. While the causes are complex and the pollution's effects are often invisible, Idaho's sewage treatment plants can and should do better to protect our water quality.
Idaho Press

November 3, 2022
Conservation Groups Wary of Central ID Mine Proposal
"Even though the mining company is pitching this as a 'restoration' project, at its heart it remains an open-pit cyanide vat-leach mine that would basically transform the landscape and add millions of tons of toxic mining waste up in this headwater." - John Robison, ICL Public Lands Director
Public News Service

November 2, 2022
Idaho Public Utilities Commission to hold hearings this week on net metering
"The Idaho Public Utilities Commission is holding public hearings this week on a study that could determine the future of rooftop solar in the state."
Weds., Nov. 2, from 6-9 p.m. at the Vera C. O’Leary Middle School in Twin Falls. People may also listen to the testimony virtually by calling 1-415-655-0001 and entering meeting number 2455 251 2587.
Thurs., Nov. 3, from 6-9 p.m. at the Idaho Public Utilities Commission in Boise. People may also listen to the testimony virtually by calling 1-415-655-0001 and enter meeting number 2454 163 5014.
Boise State Public Radio

November 1, 2022
Group: Oil leak another reason dams should be removed
“'Rather than continue to spend billions of dollars repairing aging infrastructure, it’s time to make new investments in modern, clean energy systems that can replace these decrepit dams,' said Mitch Cutter, salmon and steelhead associate with the Idaho Conservation League."
Lewiston Tribune

October 31, 2022
Forest Service gives preliminary nod to updated Stibnite mining plan
“The Forest Service and the mining company should go back to the drawing board and see how they can address the water quality issue better than in this latest plan." - John Robison, ICL Public Lands Director.
The public now has 75 days to review and comment on the plan. The Forest Service is planning a series of informational open houses in early December. Details here!
Boise State Public Radio

NEWS RELEASE • October 31, 2022
Oil spill from Little Goose Dam threatens lower Snake River

October 28, 2022
Forest Service seeking public comment over Stibnite gold mine proposal
"The Forest Service is preparing an environmental impact statement under the National Environment Policy Act, as it is required by law to do so.
Public meetings will be held at a variety of different locations to discuss the Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (SDEIS) for the Proposed Stibnite Gold Project."
Learn more about the upcoming public meetings and how you can take action here!

October 27, 2022
Stories of the Snake: Part I — Where the river begins
"From its headwaters in eastern Idaho and Wyoming, the upper tributaries of the Snake River boast some of the best fishing on the planet.
The situation is much different downriver and across the state to the Oregon border. The once-mighty river dwindles to a trickle in places. Hot and full of pollution from agriculture and other industries, the river is plagued by toxic algae outbreaks, killing fish and prompting warnings for humans and their pets to stay out of the water."
Idaho Press

NEWS RELEASE • October 28, 2022
Stibnite Gold supplemental analysis fails to address significant project shortcomings

October 26, 2022
Driggs sued for dumping ammonia, officials say, “We’ve known this is coming”
"The City of Driggs has been sued by the U.S. Department of Justice for their Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) being out of compliance with its National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPEDS) permit...Over the last three years, it has been discharging ammonia at levels ~25 times higher on average than what its permit requires."

October 14, 2022
Opinion: Trudeau’s indifference to mining catastrophe is hypocritical and dangerous
"Water doesn’t know political boundaries. We need B.C. and Canada to take these concerns seriously and take action immediately per their stated priorities, before there’s an international environmental disaster." - Jennifer Ekstrom, ICL's North Idaho Lakes Conservation Associate, Brad Smith, ICL's North Idaho Director and partners write about the need for international cooperation to protect U.S. waters from Canadian mining pollution.
Calgary Herald

October 21, 2022
Idaho cobalt mine is a harbinger of what’s to come
"Should mining projects be lauded just because they’re mining for components used in electric vehicles or other environmentally friendly technologies? 'I think it’s important not to get too caught up in that,' said Josh Johnson, a senior conservation associate at the Idaho Conservation League, an environmental group. 'I think we also need to realize that in a warming climate, what else is critical? Clean water.'"
High Country News

NEWS RELEASE • October 20, 2022
Boise National Forest’s Sage Hen Project to get a fresh start

October 19, 2022
Driggs’ temper running thin with wastewater facility
"Only three communities have had violations grow since 2020, those being Driggs, Nezperce, and Kendrick. According to the Idaho Conservation League’s bi-annual violations report, Driggs has been discharging water that is approximately 25 times greater than its permit allows for the last three years."
Teton Valley News

October 19, 2022
Feds: Marina permit remains suspended
"Officials with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said a permit for the Idaho Club’s proposed Trestle Creek development will remain suspended. The area contains critical kokanee and bull trout habitat."
Bonner County Daily Bee

October 10, 2022
Australian company opens cobalt mine in eastern Idaho
"Officials with an Australian company’s newly opened cobalt mine in east-central Idaho say it could soon produce enough of the key ingredient in lithium batteries to build 400,000 electric vehicles annually."
AP News

October 13, 2022
Cobalt mining back in business in Idaho. What that means for the local economy, international supply chain.
"If Idaho can be part of a clean energy revolution, and do it in a safe way, we think that we should be part of that discussion." - Jonathan Oppenheimer, ICL External Relations Director
Idaho News 6

October 12, 2022
Coolin concerns about wetland development
Bonner County commissioners began Tuesday's meeting hearing public concerns over another minor land division in the Coolin wetlands area.
“One of the speakers said it looks as though this developer was trying to avoid the subdivision requirements. It doesn’t just look like it, they 100% were."
Bonner County Daily Bee

October 3, 2022
Supreme Court kicks off new term with North Idaho couple’s case that could limit reach of Clean Water Act
“Tribes have always known what science fully demonstrates: Waters of the United States, including wetlands, are connected, and the Clean Water Act must comprehensively cover waters to protect and restore the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the nation’s waters, consistent with Congress’s purpose and direction."
The Spokesman-Review

October 5, 2022
Cobalt mine officially opening Friday in Salmon-Challis National Forest
“Having a source of cobalt here in the U.S., if it's able to be mined responsibly, you know, is an important thing and not something that should be taken lightly." - ICL Senior Conservation Associate, Josh Johnson.

September 28, 2022
Trestle Creek Marina permit faces termination
"The Army Corps of Engineers has announced plans to revoke its permit for the Trestle Creek Marina, citing changes to the proposed project and 'significant objections to the authorized activity that were not earlier considered' — in particular, objections to possible impacts on vital bull trout habitat."
Sandpoint Reader

September 28, 2022
Pushing for a solution to selenium in regional waters
"So, along with our partners from Montana, Idaho and British Columbia, the Idaho Conservation League wrote to Teck Resources asking them to support the IJC referral, the establishment of an Indigenous-led watershed board and to table their Fording River mine expansion plans until the dispute is settled." - Jennifer Ekstrom, ICL North Idaho Lakes Conservation Associate
Sandpoint Reader

October 3, 2022
Treasure Valley transportation is at a juncture. Bike, pedestrian pathways along canals can help
"If you own a home or are planning to buy a home near a canal, check with the city planning department to see if an easement can be secured for future pathways.
The Treasure Valley is at a juncture. We should all work together on a valley-wide master plan, so every city has some type of connection."
Idaho Capital Sun

NEWS RELEASE • September 29, 2022
Court levies $150,000 fine against suction dredge miner who polluted Idaho’s Clearwater River

September 23, 2022
Conservation Entity Aims to Fight Wildfires by Fixing Bad Laws
"The Idaho Conservation League’s brief contends that the Sackett wetlands are closely connected with Priest Lake, which they argue falls under navigable waters of the United States.
That connection, they argue, means the Sackett wetlands are themselves waters of the United States. The upshot: The Sackett property can be regulated through the Clean Water Act."
The Epoch Times

September 22, 2022
Decision-makers cannot push climate change into the future
Opinion from ICL Climate Campaign Coordinator, Aly Bean: "In Idaho, we are experiencing impacts of climate change in the form of decreased snowpack, more rain-on-snow events, and warmer stream and air temperatures. Climate change is no longer an issue that our decision makers can push off for the future - it’s impacting Idaho today."
McCall Star-News

NEWS RELEASE • September 22, 2022
Army Corps to revoke permit for Lake Pend Oreille marina, housing development

NEWS RELEASE • September 21, 2022
Drive Electric Week powers across Idaho

September 2, 2022
Ranchers seek to intervene in Idaho-US water rights fight
"The request filed earlier this week in U.S. District Court involves laws passed in the last five years that create a path through the Idaho Department of Water Resources for ranchers to take control of federal public land instream water rights through a state-approved forfeiture procedure."
AP News

September 16, 2022
Trout Unlimited, Fish and Game, host local students at Trestle Creek
Trout Unlimited, Idaho Fish and Game, the Center for Biological Diversity, and Idaho Conservation League gave the students an hour-long presentation on the fish and other wildlife in Trestle Creek, before guiding them to the shore where they could see dozens of the bright red fish as they fought for breeding grounds.
Bonner County Daily Bee

September 16, 2022
Idaho legislators receive report on tax values of privatizing federal public lands
“Even if we come up with a big billion-dollar number, our constitution forbids us from sending a tax bill to Uncle Sam. I think all of this is a little exercise in futility to come up with a big, high number and wave it around in the air.” - Jonathan Oppenheimer, ICL External Relations Director.
Idaho Capital Sun

NEWS RELEASE • September 14, 2022
Volunteers needed to help clean up Sawtooth National Recreation Area after busy summer season

September 10, 2022
Conservation group releases report on sewage systems
"The Idaho Conservation League has released its fifth annual report on the state’s sewage treatment plants.
In its review published Wednesday, ICL said only 28 of the state’s 112 municipal water systems had no discharge permit violations."
Bonner County Daily Bee

September 7, 2022
ICL supports winter rec plan
“A group of snowmobilers, conservationists, guides, hunters, and other community members recently gave a thumbs up to a proposed winter recreation plan that, if approved, would affect about 1 million acres of national forest lands." - Brad Smith, ICL North Idaho Director
Bonner County Daily Bee

September 8, 2022
Advocates to sue feds to protect bull trout
“The U.S. Fish and WIldlife Service’s biological opinion was unlawful since it failed to adequately analyze the effects of the project on a species threatened with extinction and on its critical habitat."
Bonner County Daily Bee

NEWS RELEASE • September 8, 2022
Idaho Conservation League launches new Wildlife Program, welcomes new staff members

September 7, 2022
ICL Wilderness Stewards fix issues with fire rings, litter, water
The Idaho Conservation League’s Wilderness Stewardship Program fielded about 65 volunteers in Summer 2022 to patrol many of Idaho’s wilderness and roadless areas to clean up litter and human waste around camp sites, dismantle fire rings, and help educate wilderness users, among other things.
Recreate Responsibly Idaho

NEWS RELEASE • September 7, 2022
Report finds 75% of Idaho’s sewage treatment plants are violating pollution discharge limits

September 6, 2022
County’s Comp Plan causing confusion
“It is exactly the type of problem that Idaho Conservation League, Project 7B, and the Lakes Commission perhaps anticipated when we originally submitted comments. I'm asking you to extend the process and have a robust public engagement process in this.” - Jennifer Ekstrom, ICL North Idaho Lakes Conservation Associate
Bonner County Daily Bee

September 2, 2022
The fight for Castle Peak: How ‘local characters’ took on a mining interest—and helped expand the SNRA
"It’s easy today to take for granted the abundance of unspoiled and undeveloped lands that surround the Wood River Valley. But 50 years ago, federal protections didn’t exist as conservationists faced off against mining, ranching and development interests eager to access the region’s natural resources."
Idaho Mountain Express

August 30, 2022
Initial cleanup underway at abandoned Stibnite Mine as company hopes to resume mining
“The East Fork South Fork Salmon River is a special place that historically has been one of the most important habitats for summer chinook spawning in the entire Columbia River basin. We found some really big concerns regarding adverse effects to fisheries, particularly with increases to the temperature.” - John Robison, ICL Public Lands Director
Idaho Capital Sun

August 26, 2022
Many nonprofits support final Snake River report, want more action
ICL Salmon and Steelhead Associate, Mitch Cutter: “We agree that the dams’ most important services can and must be replaced, but time is of the essence. If we actually want to restore salmon and steelhead, Murray and Inslee must establish a concrete timeline for completing necessary studies and infrastructure improvements, deauthorizing the dams, and restoring the lower Snake River."
NBC Right Now

August 27, 2022
Washington governor, senator praised for remarks on Snake River dam breaching
While Murray and Inslee's report recognizes that dam breaching is the best option for salmon recovery, they do not set a timeline to reach this goal. ICL's Salmon and Steelhead Associate, Mitch Cutter: “That sort of urgency was a little lacking from their recommendations,” he said. “That is something we are asking of them.”
Big Country News

August 28, 2022
Conservation groups woo Teck support in cross-border diplomacy
Along with international partners, ICL has petitioned a Canadian mining company to support a federal, cross-border panel to review selenium pollution issues in boundary waters.
Vancouver Sun

NEWS RELEASE • August 25, 2022
Washington leaders slowly move toward dam breaching, but more urgency is needed to save salmon, recover orcas, and deliver Tribal justice

NEWS RELEASE • August 25, 2022
Lawsuit challenges marina, housing development on Idaho’s Lake Pend Oreille

August 22, 2022
Idaho gold mine project starting further field exploration
Josh Johnson, ICL Senior Conservation Associate: “We filed a lawsuit the second time because we still didn’t feel like the Forest Service and (Excellon) had done enough to assuage concerns over those sensitive resources, so now we just have to wait for things to play out in the court."
Post Register

August 23, 2022
Whitepaper – The Sawtooth NRA at 50: Our Legacy and Future Challenges
In May 2022, ICL participated in a panel on the future of the SNRA - challenges, protections, and how to preserve this special place. Read the report here.
Boise State Public Radio

August 19, 2022
50 years after Sawtooths were protected, new challenges arise. Is Idaho up to them?
“How do you educate but also police the area and make sure people are treating the area with respect?” Wilder asked. “What does that look like?”
Idaho Statesman

July 28, 2022
Camp Bay wastewater treatment facility approved with conditions
"While county planning staff presented a map from the U.S. Geological Survey showing only a small stream on the western side of the 40 affected acres, Idaho Conservation League Lakes Conservation Associate Jennifer Ekstrom urged the board to reconsider the facts. 'I would strongly suggest that this commission would give greater weight to our local agency with boots on the ground.'"
Sandpoint Reader

August 4, 2022
Planning workshop rife with concern
"Despite a turnout of only about 20 people, the Planning Commission got an earful as they sought input to update implementation of Bonner County’s Comprehensive Plan."
Bonner Daily Bee

August 4, 2022
A ‘small’ fix for renewable energy’s ‘big’ problem
"Idaho Power Company recently announced it was considering a ”transition” to a revised net-metering rate.The proposal drew criticism from environmental and consumer groups. The Idaho Conservation League said cutting the export rate in half would effectively make rooftop and other small-scale solar installations “financially unavailable” for many homeowners and businesses."
The Columbian Insight

August 11, 2022
US launches process to set Idaho mercury pollution standards
“'I think that we’re going to be seeing — if EPA complies with these timelines and what the science says — more stringent standards in Idaho,' said Justin Hayes, executive director of the Idaho Conservation League."
AP News

August 9, 2022
How you can prevent wildfires
Public Lands Director, John Robison on KTVB for Smokey Bear's 78th Birthday to talk about how we can help prevent wildfires in Idaho!

August 2, 2022
Report: Climate change a challenge for Idaho wildlife
ICL Wildlife Advocate, Jeff Abrams: "We feel like the SWAP is an incredible opportunity to advance maintaining our state’s precious wildlife resources."
AP News

July 29, 2022
Nez Perce Tribe disputes Idaho gold mine air quality permit
Idaho officials violated the federal Clean Air Act as well as the state’s regulations by issuing an air quality permit for a proposed gold mine in west-central Idaho, the Nez Perce Tribe and two conservation groups said.
AP News

July 29, 2022
AT&T pursuing revived Redfish cell tower plan, documents show
Josh Johnson, acting Central Idaho director for the Idaho Conservation League, told the Express that ICL would be fighting the renewed proposal along with Advocates for the West and described AT&T’s effort to install a commercial tower as a “classic bait-and-switch.”
Idaho Mountain Express

July 28, 2022
Idaho Indigenous, environmental groups appeal mine permit
Josh Johnson, ICL Senior Conservation Associate: “..despite going through three rounds of public comment, this air quality permit still fails to address all of the health concerns the public raised, leading (Idaho Conservation League) and our partners to appeal the decision.”
Idaho Press

NEWS RELEASE • July 26, 2022
Conservation groups and the Nez Perce Tribe appeal air quality permit for Stibnite Gold Project

July 23, 2022
Zoning Commission OKs Camp Bay sewage plant
ICL North Idaho Lakes Conservation Associate, Jennifer Ekstrom: "Contaminated surface water could also carry nutrients into the near shore area of Lake Pend Oreille. … Any additional nutrients will increase susceptibility to toxic algae blooms and weeds.”
Bonner County Daily Bee

July 12, 2022
Idaho Today: Idaho Conservation League
ICL External Relations Director, Jonathan Oppenheimer, stopped by Idaho Today to talk about our mission and how Idahoans can help protect the environment.

July 13, 2022
Despite SCOTUS EPA Decision, ID Moves Toward Clean Energy
ICL Conservation Program Director, Marie Kellner: "These are collective problems for all of humanity, and this decision made it that much harder for the states, the utilities, the regulators that had not yet made clean energy commitments," she said. "This allows them a little more time to be reliant on these fuels that are making people sick, and that are heating up the world."
Public News Service

July 13, 2022
Priest Lake minor land division concerns resident
Jennifer Ekstrom of the Idaho Conservation League called on the county to rescind its approval of MLD 0143-21, situated in the Coolin wetlands on the shores of Priest Lake.
Bonner County Daily Bee

July 17, 2022
Perpetua Resources begins clean-up project at the Stibnite Mine site
"We appreciate efforts to clean up abandon mine sites, but we are really concerned about Perpetua’s larger open pit mine plan for the area," said John Robison of the Idaho Conservation League.
Idaho News 6

July 17, 2022
Breach Dams – Mitch Cutter, ICL Salmon and Steelhead Associate Letter to the Editor
Idaho is home to the best salmon habitat remaining in the lower 48. Our high mountain rivers can act as a stronghold against the effects of climate change, if salmon are able to come home safely. This can only be achieved by providing the most favorable and consistent river migration conditions possible.

July 12, 2022
White House: To help salmon, dams may need to be removed
The Biden administration on Tuesday released two reports arguing that removing dams on the lower Snake River may be needed to restore salmon runs to sustainable levels in the Pacific Northwest.

July 14, 2022
Idaho officials react to Biden Administration’s salmon reports on Snake River dams
"If dam removal is not part of the strategy it won't work in order to save those salmon we need to remove those dams and we need to do that pretty soon," said Justin Hayes of the Idaho Conservation League, who applauded the reports from the White House.
Idaho News 6

NEWS RELEASE • July 19, 2022
AT&T still wants to build controversial cell tower near Redfish Lake

June 9, 2022
Idaho lawmakers hire firm to appraise federal public lands
Jonathan Oppenheimer, ICL External Relations Director, “Part of the reason we are seeing such growth in the West is accessibility to these public lands,” he said. “If there is more pressure to sell off or privatize public lands, it will have a negative impact on these growing communities.”
AP News

June 27, 2022
A new mining project could begin in Valley County. Stakeholders have mixed opinions
The proposed project is expected to result in a 20% loss of fish habitat. “That is not an acceptable trade-off for us, or the Nez Perce." - ICL Conservation Associate, Randy Fox.
Idaho Press

June 30, 2022
Idaho wants to end vehicle emissions testing. How will that affect you — and our air?
Vehicle emissions tests are one of the few tools we have to keep our air healthy and clean.
Idaho Statesman

July 13, 2022
Despite SCOTUS EPA Decision, ID Moves Toward Clean Energy
ICL Conservation Program Director, Marie Kellner: "Here in Idaho, we're moving in the right direction and I actually don't have a lot of concern that this opinion is going to change or reverse that direction, because the the market's already making it happen," she said. "We're moving in that way."
Public News Service

July 13, 2022
White House report says removing dams might be needed to save salmon. Here’s what Idaho leaders are saying.
ICL Executive Director, Justin Hayes: “It makes it very clear that removing the four lower Snake River dams needs to occur if we’re going to restore abundant salmon and steelhead into Idaho."
Boise State Public Radio

NEWS RELEASE • July 12, 2022
WH reports confirm lower Snake River dam removal necessary to recover salmon, energy replacement possible

June 21, 2022
Idaho to sell ‘high-end’ island in Payette Lake near McCall
“This is a very high-profile and high-conservation-value property. We would like to see it preserved in some way, shape or form to have it conserved for the benefit of all Idahoans.”
AP News

July 1, 2022
As salmon near extinction, will Sen. Crapo step up to the plate?
"I urge readers to call Sen. Crapo’s office and ask him how he wants to be remembered by today’s youth for restoring the wild Lower Snake River and bringing our salmon home or damming these fish, and everything they mean for our communities, to extinction."
Idaho Statesman

June 21, 2022
Idaho to sell ‘high-end’ island in Payette Lake near McCall
“We're concerned that selling off this gem of an island in the middle of payout like is really sending the wrong message and is ultimately going to end up in more no trespassing signs going up."

June 17, 2022
Idaho Power is pulling out of coal, with plan to exit 50-year-old Wyoming plant
As it proceeds toward a clean-energy future, Idaho Power plans to exit a nearly 50-year-old Wyoming coal plant sooner rather than later, in part by converting parts of the coal plant to natural gas.
Idaho Statesman

June 10, 2022
Montana court ruling restores protections for wolverines. Idaho has stake in the debate, too.
Brad Smith, ICL's North Idaho Director: “We are in a kind of a make-or-break moment. And we have a chance to protect the wolverine and make sure future Idahoans can also see the wolverine when we recreate in the mountains of Idaho, but if we don’t act soon, our children and grandchildren may not get to have that chance."
Idaho Capital Sun

NEWS RELEASE • June 9, 2022
Draft report confirms services from lower Snake River dams can be replaced

June 4, 2022
Groups file new lawsuit to stop Idaho gold mine drilling
“The Kilgore Project site is also home to individuals and habitat for numerous special-status and at-risk terrestrial species of wildlife and plants, including grizzly bear, wolverine, lynx, elk, whitebark pine, and others found in the Centennial Mountains."
ABC News

June 2, 2022
Sun Valley Forum to explore connection between endangered salmon, energy generation
Mitch Cutter, ICL's Salmon and Steelhead Associate: “The Snake River and its tributaries is a stronghold for salmon against the effects of climate change. Similarly, our energy system can become a stronghold through development of diversified, clean energy resources."
Idaho Mountain Express

May 29, 2022
ICL recognizes Idaho leaders, icons and activists at annual conference
Randy Fox, ICL’s West Central Idaho Conservation Associate: “We owe a debt of gratitude to these community leaders, who care so deeply about protecting the public lands and pristine waters that we all must share and steward.”
Idaho Press

May 31, 2022
Judge orders U.S. Fish and Wildlife to resume protections for wolverines in the lower 48
John Robison, ICL's Public Lands Director: “This is a chance for the Fish and Wildlife Service, now that we have a level playing field, to go review the best available science and actually proceed based on the facts,” Robison said.
Boise State Public Radio

May 31, 2022
Groups will closely watch Trestle Creek project
The Idaho Club must secure a permit from the Army Corps of Engineers in order to proceed with dredging and filling wetlands. The Idaho Conservation League and the Center for Biological Diversity will closely monitor the Corps’ permitting process and do everything we can to protect Trestle Creek and its fish and wildlife.
Bonner County Daily Bee

May 27, 2022
This elusive Idaho animal could soon be protected under the Endangered Species Act
Brad Smith, ICL's North Idaho Director: “It’s time to take action. In my time working in conservation in Idaho, I’ve watched us lose our last caribou in the Lower 48. It would be tragic if we saw wolverines lost in the same way.”
Idaho Statesman

May 26, 2022
3 fish restoration projects receive funds from Jervois
Jervois officials joined with the Idaho Conservation League last year to begin the effort and committed to giving away $150,000 a year for as long as they operate in Lemhi County. Projects eligible for funding must be focused on protection and restoration of fish and wildlife habitat in the Upper Salmon basin.
Challis Messenger

NEWS RELEASE • May 27, 2022
Court restores wolverine protections while agency reconsiders endangered species decision

May 20, 2022
After 30 years of endangered listing for Chinook, it’s time to bring back the Kings of Idaho
Guest Opinion by ICL's Salmon and Steelhead Associate, Mitch Cutter: "Restoring a free-flowing Snake River would ‘unlock’ the vast potential of Idaho’s salmon stronghold, and put Chinook on a real pathway to abundance. The time has come to bring back the Kings of Idaho."
Idaho Capital Sun

NEWS RELEASE • May 23, 2022
Regional leaders discuss lower Snake River dam removal at third annual Salmon Orca Summit

May 17, 2022
Can Idaho’s newest cobalt mine dig responsibly?
Josh Johnson of the Idaho Conservation League, a mining watchdog for almost 50 years, can’t help but point out that the only thing physically separating Jervois Global’s soon-to-open mine from the shuttered Blackbird is a single mountain. “The best we can hope for is responsible mining,” he says. “That’s what we hear a lot from the mining companies. You talk that you can have a modern mine that has minimal impacts? Well, let’s see it.”

May 11, 2022
Out of this world: Hidden treasures of the Snake River Plain
A visit to Black Magic Canyon shows you how it earned its name. This unusual hidden canyon was carved by the Big Wood River over the last 10,000 years, and offers amazing views – twisting, smooth, black lava rock that features small arches, windows, holes and more.
Idaho Press

May 9, 2022
Emma Sperry, ICL Climate Fellow Opinion: “Out of reach”
Community owned solar gives control over energy production back to the people. It grows our clean energy portfolio and promotes a resilient electric grid. Most importantly, it represents an innovative, democratic, and just way forward for electricity generation in our changing economy and environment.
Idaho State Journal

NEWS RELEASE • May 3, 2022
Conservation program awards $150,000 for restoration projects in Upper Salmon basin

April 22, 2022
Earth Day in Idaho: Reducing climate footprint
ICL Conservation Analyst, Dainee Gibson-Webb visited KTVB to talk about practical ways that Idahoans can celebrate Earth Day every day.

April 22, 2022
Idaho youth call for climate justice, fish preservation at Statehouse rally
"This will affect us the most, which is why we have to step in," Wilson said. "Even though youth aren't necessarily the people who started these issues...We are the ones who have to take care of it."
Idaho News 6

NEWS RELEASE • April 22, 2022
Applications open for volunteers in Idaho Conservation League’s Wilderness Stewards Program

March 14, 2022
International Day of Action For Rivers
Justin Hayes visited with KTVB to talk about International Day of Action for Rivers and how Idahoans can get involved to protect these special places.

NEWS RELEASE • April 21, 2022
Idaho Power’s solar program improves renewable access but is only a start, advocates say

NEWS RELEASE • April 21, 2022
Will Tiedemann joins Idaho Conservation League as Conservation Associate

NEWS RELEASE • April 19, 2022
Idaho Conservation League plan would lower power bills, help customers

March 8, 2022
Youth Salmon Protectors Play Tag With Idaho School Kids
"The students learned about the importance of salmon to the ecosystem and to indigenous people, and the impacts the four lower Snake River dams and climate change have on them."
Idaho Statesman

April 8, 2022
Exploring Idaho: National Wildlife Week
ICL's Public Lands Director visited KTVB to talk about National Wildlife Week and the importance of advocating for all of Idaho's creatures - big and small.

April 3, 2022
Justin Hayes: Speak the truth about salmon
"Those working to restore salmon and the communities and wild places that depend on them have been very upfront about wanting to work with those whose lives and jobs are tied to the dams. Salmon, orca, and Tribal justice advocates are committed to making all communities whole – those who have been reaping the benefits of the dams and those who have borne the costs."
The Spokesman-Review

March 29, 2022
WH seeks course change in salmon recovery
"Justin Hayes of the Idaho Conservation League at Boise, said he is happy the administration recognizes a new strategy is needed. 'They are saying we cannot continue business as usual,' Hayes said. 'That is something many people in the region have been saying — tribes, conservation groups, fishing groups and even industry groups — that the status quo is not working and it’s time to do something very different.'
Lewiston Tribune

March 15, 2022
Boise high school students want to save the salmon. So they’re educating Idaho youth
ICL's Youth Salmon Protectors headed to Garfield Elementary School in Boise to teach students about the impact of dams on salmon populations and ways that we can help salmon recovery. "The students listed different reasons they cared about the salmon. Tinsley McQueen, a fifth grade student in the class, wrote about orcas. 'I care about the salmon because they are important to the ecosystem, and the orcas are not breeding because they eat the salmon and there’s not enough,' 10-year-old Tinsley wrote."
Idaho Statesman

NEWS RELEASE • March 15, 2022
Conservation groups file suit; ask court to once again stop mine exploration in Centennial Mountains

March 6, 2022
North Idaho National Forest begins snowmobiling rule making process
“Now it’s time to roll up our sleeves and go to work,” said Brad Smith, the North Idaho director of the Idaho Conservation League and a member of the working group. “I think what is important here is we all like to use the forest, but we can’t forget about wildlife. Winter is a particularly hard time for them, and they don’t have a voice in this process.”
The Spokesman-Review

March 2, 2022
Lawmakers want more control over Idaho’s energy building codes
The Idaho Conservation League opposes the bill and said any required updates to energy conservation codes, including the implementation of new technologies, pay off and help consumers. “It helps keep our monthly utility payments low by ensuring we are adopting these news standards and new codes,” said Jonathan Oppenheimer, the external affairs director.
Boise State Public Radio

February 18, 2022
‘State of the Valley’ forum keeps finger on the pulse of growth
Josh Johnson, Central Idaho conservation associate with the Idaho Conservation League, identified drought, human-wildlife coexistence, responsible recreation and responsible development as four main challenges for county residents. “We are not separate from the natural environment, and that’s a gift for us but it is also a responsibility,” Josh Johnson said.
Idaho Mountain Express

February 11, 2022
Why there’s a ‘gold rush’ to build dairy digesters in Idaho
"Methane is huge," said Aly Bean, a climate coordinator with the organization. She said if the dairy industry wants to reach greenhouse gas neutrality by 2050, it has to start taking action somewhere. ICL also said there's lots of opportunity in Idaho to capture methane that would otherwise be released into the environment.
Boise State Public Radio

February 10, 2022
Blackmon peak: Black history in the White Cloud Mountains
George Blackmon was one of the thousands to come to Idaho during the gold rush. "He was a long-time fixture and a miner and a prospector in the White Clouds and with someone who grew to prominence in the area," Hayes said. "I think that's indicated by fact that they named a peak after him."

February 10, 2022
A research study in Idaho could help the dairy industry’s sustainability goals
“Not adopting some of these sustainable practices isn’t a lack of desire, honestly, it’s just not economically feasible for them to do so,” said Aly Bean, a climate coordinator with the Idaho Conservation League. She said ICL is looking into how the Idaho Legislature could incentivize beneficial soil health practices like planting cover crops, perhaps by dedicating funds to local soil and water conservation districts.
Boise State Public Radio

February 8, 2022
Idaho lawmakers want to eliminate Treasure Valley’s vehicle emissions testing requirements
Jonathan Oppenheimer, external relations director for the Idaho Conservation League, testified against the legislation Tuesday. “While we recognize that there has been forward progress relative to vehicle emissions, we remain concerned that it’s premature to remove some of these requirements,” Oppenheimer said.
Idaho Statesman

February 9, 2022
From trash to fuel: How Ada County plans to convert landfill methane into natural gas
Ben Otto, of the Idaho Conservation League, said landfill gas projects are safer than traditional forms of extracting methane as natural gas fields, which often are from fossils. “There’s a lot of leaking that occurs, there’s fracking and a lot of water quality issues that come from drilling deep into the ground for gas,” Otto said.
Idaho Statesman

NEWS RELEASE • February 3, 2022
Idaho Conservation League encouraged by federal legislation to clean up abandoned mines

NEWS RELEASE • February 1, 2022
Upper Salmon conservation program soliciting restoration proposals

January 27, 2022
Idaho wildlife officials expand river otter trapping
Idaho wildlife officials on Thursday approved expanding trapping for river otters despite widespread opposition. John Robison of the Idaho Conservation League called the commission’s decision to expand river otter trapping baffling. “Decisions like these tend to alienate large swaths of the public, just at a time when Fish and Game needs more volunteers, partners, and supporters than ever before to accomplish their mission.”

January 27, 2022
Idaho heart, Idaho Ark: The Middle Fork is our best chance to sustain salmon in an uncertain future
Commentary from ICL's former Executive Director, Pat Ford: "I hope Murray and Inslee come see the Middle Fork this spring. If they come, they will remember. They will also better know what Idaho mountain salmon can do for people, justice, orcas, and resilience in Washington, if the lower Snake River is freed."

January 27, 2022
Gratitude for resolution of mining threat to Skagit Headwaters, but threat of Canadian mines to American rivers remains
"The success in the Skagit watershed provides an important stepping stone to achieve bilateral transboundary watershed protections but we need to start thinking about these issues on a much wider scale, not individual puzzle pieces,” said Ellie Hudson-Heck, Conservation Assistant with the Idaho Conservation League.
Conservation Northwest

January 24, 2022
Idaho is sitting on one of the most important elements on earth
“Do we have a moral obligation to mine cobalt here in the U.S.?” asks Idaho Conservation League Executive Director Justin Hayes. He suggests that the answer is yes: He’s well aware of the human-rights abuses documented in the Congo, and of the need to secure a reliable supply of cobalt in order to reduce the threat of climate change.
The Atlantic

December 7, 2021
Shiva Rajbhandari LTE
"We don’t need another study or long process that only runs down the clock toward extinction. The science is clear: we must breach the dams within the next 10 years or wild salmon and the 137 animals which depend on them, thousands of years of tribal culture, will all be lost."
The Columbian

July 15, 2021
Emma Combs LTE
"These elected officials have shown that they don’t want to even come to the table and talk about dam breaching or engage in conversation with their constituents. I encourage Idaho politicians to take youth voices seriously, especially when robbing us and our descendants of once-renowned wild salmon and steelhead."
Idaho Statesman

June 30, 2021
Nekane Powell LTE
"Right now we are damming our fish to extinction. And with it, we are letting everything that Idaho was founded on die."
Lewiston Tribune

July 29, 2021
Molly Richins LTE
"In my family, we believe that God created everything that is beautiful about the world. He put water in the rivers and oceans and he planted the forests that line their banks. He created the orcas to swim in the oceans and the eagles to fly in the sky. And then he created the salmon to connect all of these things."
Lewiston Tribune

July 4, 2021
Yvonne Shen LTE
"I believe that the spirit of Idaho lies in its wildlife. The salmon and steelhead are crucial to preserve the spirit of the beautiful wildlife in Idaho. If we kill the fish, we kill the precious spirit of our beloved state."
Idaho Statesman

July 12, 2021
Nina Terhar LTE
"My grandpa grew up hunting and fishing in Idaho. Redfish Lake was a sacred place for him. He would always tell me stories about these beautiful fish painting the streams red as they returned to their spawning grounds to die."
Idaho Statesman

July 26, 2021
Conor McCall LTE
"I’m so excited that Congressman Simpson has given the Northwest a chance to save the salmon. I’m asking Sen. Mike Crapo to support Congressman Simpson’s Columbia Basin Initiative and breach the four Lower Snake River dams."
Idaho Statesman

July 12, 2021
Idaho Student Activists Push For Dams To Be Removed To Save Salmon
"Idaho youth activists are making their voices heard once again, this time in regards to Rep. Mike Simpson’s (R-Idaho) Columbia Basin initiative that would ensure funding is set aside in the federal infrastructure bill to breach the four lower Snake River dams in order to save the state's dwindling wild salmon population."
Boise State Public Radio, Idaho Matters

July 7, 2021
High school students press case for saving salmon, meet with Sen. Crapo’s staffers
"The students also want Sen. Crapo to engage and interact with young people around the state and take action for Idaho salmon."
Idaho Press, Eye on Boise

December 26, 2021
Trinity Compton LTE
"I care about wild salmon and steelhead because the rivers that bring abundance to my home state depend on them. The outdoors are what make Idaho great. I‘ve grown up swimming, rafting, and fishing, and I can’t imagine generations after me not being able to do the same."
Idaho Statesman

November 8, 2021
Guest Opinion: Idaho Sen. Mike Crapo should come to the table around Northwest Salmon solution
"Decades ago, Crapo was influential in protecting the Owyhee Canyonlands and the Boulder-White Clouds. I only wish he was still willing to take bold action and find common ground with his colleagues across the aisle when so much hangs in the balance."
Idaho Statesman

NEWS RELEASE • January 13, 2022
ICL adds new team member, two step into new roles

NEWS RELEASE • December 20, 2021
Idaho conservation group files litigation to restart and improve large restoration project in Boise National Forest

NEWS RELEASE • December 14, 2021
New Assessment Released by the McClure Center Highlights Climate Change Challenges and Opportunities for Idaho’s Economy

November 23, 2021
Exploratory drilling for gold won’t start until next summer for Kilgore operation
Josh Johnson, of the Idaho Conservation League, said his view is the new plan still doesn’t guarantee water quality despite the Forest Service reworking some requirements to protect nearby streams.
Post Register

November 20, 2021
Rallying for salmon with the Shoshone-Bannock Tribe at the Idaho Capitol
The vigils in Idaho were organized by the Idaho Conservation League, Idaho Rivers United and the Sierra Club.
Idaho News 6

November 16, 2021
Study could determine future of Idaho’s residential solar rates
“One of the core things being studied for the new program is whether there should be a difference between what you pay to consume and the value of that export from your roof,” said Ben Otto, an energy associate with the Idaho Conservation League.
Boise State Public Radio

November 4, 2021
Shell Oil constructing manure-to-gas conversion facility in Gooding County
“In addition to creating serious water contamination and public health concerns, this ‘land applied’ manure is left to release methane into the atmosphere,” the ICL stated. “Capturing and burning this methane rather than letting it freely escape not only reduces the climate impact but also releases about one half the carbon dioxide as burning coal.”
Idaho Mountain Express

November 1, 2021
Idaho Lawmakers Want Federal Public Land Appraised for Taxes
“It’s not to say we don’t sympathize with the counties, but from our perspective we don't see a whole lot of value in having a big number you can wave in the air," said Jonathan Oppenheimer of the Idaho Conservation League. "It really won't make much of a difference.”
U.S. News

October 28, 2021
New ‘Wildlife Smart’ website offers tips on safety, coexistence
It also serves as a meeting point for the Wildlife Smart Communities Coalition—an ongoing effort between Blaine County and its cities, Fish and Game, the U.S. Forest Service, the BLM and Idaho Conservation League to promote human-wildlife coexistence.
Idaho Mountain Express

October 25, 2021
Columbia, Snake Rivers Litigation Pause Puts Spotlight on NW Salmon
Justin Hayes is the executive director of the Idaho Conservation League, among the groups that want to pause litigation.
Public News Service

NEWS RELEASE • October 22, 2021
ICL calls on Washington leaders for decisive action — salmon, orca, and Tribal justice cannot wait

NEWS RELEASE • October 21, 2021
ICL encouraged by Biden Administration announcement on Columbia-Snake River litigation pause

October 19, 2021
Country club scraps controversial plan to expand golf course to Boise River island
The Idaho Conservation League, which raised concerns about the course expansion last December, celebrated the about-face in a note to supporters. The organization said more than 3,500 people signed a petition urging stakeholders to reject any applications the River Club submitted.
Idaho Statesman

October 18, 2021
The Fight to Save the Salmon
“The message we got back was the Pacific Northwest Democrats didn’t think it was enough of a priority for the Administration to advance it at that time,” says Justin Hayes, the executive director of Idaho Conservation League, who was briefed on the White House meeting.

October 15, 2021
Inslee, Murray to ponder future without dams
“A lot of good work has already been done on this topic in the region, so there is no need to start from square one,” the group’s executive director, Justin Hayes, said. “I encourage Inslee and Murray to use all that Mike Simpson has already advanced as the starting point, and I hope Inslee and Murray will actually work with Congressman Simpson so that together they can develop legislation that implements these needed actions.”
The Lewiston Tribune

NEWS RELEASE • October 14, 2021
Idaho Conservation League statement on Governor Inslee and Senator Murray’s Salmon Action Plan

October 4, 2021
Groups Oppose B.C. Mine’s Appeal to Weaken Pollution Criteria on Koocanusa
“A reversal of Montana’s recently adopted selenium standards for Lake Koocanusa and the Kootenai River would jeopardize Montana’s ability to meet downstream water quality standards in Idaho,” said ICL's Ellie Hudson-Heck.
Flathead Beacon

October 3, 2021
Infrastructure bill would let Bonneville Power Administration borrow $10 billion to modernize Northwest power grid, but critics say it props up ‘failed status quo’
“I think it shows that lawmakers are trapped in the past, just like the Bonneville Power Administration is,” Justin Hayes, executive director of the Idaho Conservation League, said of the credit limit increase.

October 1, 2021
Cobalt mine slated for Salmon-Challis Forest
“Most of the cobalt mined globally comes from places like the Democratic Republic of the Congo or China,” he said. “There is value to having a domestic source of cobalt if it’s done responsibly, which is why the ICL has watched this project for over a decade now to make sure that regulations and protocols are in place to protect the environment.”
Idaho Mountain Express

September 30, 2021
Report Finds Contaminant Concern in Magic Valley Ground Water – Again
An annual report finds poor groundwater quality continues to be an issue for the Magic Valley. The Idaho Conservation League analyzed state and federal data and research on agriculture pollution in the Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer for the third year in a row.
Public News Service

NEWS RELEASE • September 29, 2021
Report: Groundwater quality remains poor in southern Idaho

NEWS RELEASE • September 23, 2021
Comprehensive Plan to permanently conserve Payette Lakes endowment lands submittted

September 23, 2021
Coalition Proposes Conserving Lands Previously Targeted by Developer
Jonathan Oppenheimer, external relations director of the Idaho Conservation League, said the surrounding community wanted to come up with a better solution than development.
Public News Service

August 31, 2021
Nonprofits Seek Volunteers For Sawtooth Cleanup
For the second year in a row, groups such as the Idaho Conservation League, The National Forest Foundation and the Sawtooth Society are looking for volunteers to do a cleanup in the forest.
Boise State Public Radio

NEWS RELEASE • August 30, 2021
Idaho conservation group warns of lawsuit to protect threatened bull trout

NEWS RELEASE • August 26, 2021
Appeals court upholds decision that Sawtooth Valley water diversions harm salmon

NEWS RELEASE • August 25, 2021
Conservation Groups Urge Federal Review, Oversight of Gray Wolves in Montana, Idaho

August 15, 2021
Excessive heat makes it more difficult for sockeye salmon to return to Idaho
"Dams make it so the water is hotter which is really important on a year like this," said Rachel Brinkley of the Idaho Conservation League who we ran into during a flotilla to raise awareness for Simpson's plan. "There is more exposure to predators, it means that less juvenile salmon are going to the ocean and less adults are coming back.

August 14, 2021
Firm seeks to keep massive McCall land swap deal alive
A group called United Payette has formed with the goal of preserving the McCall-area state lands where the Land Board manages about 285 square miles (740 square kilometers) around McCall, with 115 square miles (300 square kilometers) primarily as timberlands.

August 11, 2021
Idaho Land Department rejects proposal to privatize Payette Lake land. Here’s why.
Jonathan Oppenheimer of the Idaho Conservation League, which has opposed the Trident proposal, told the Statesman by phone that he wasn’t surprised the proposal fell through, but that it doesn’t eliminate the possibility of private investors.
Idaho Statesman

August 9, 2021
‘More and more dire’: Idaho salmon advocates rally for Snake River dam breaching
The Idaho Conservation League organized a "Rally for the River" event on the Boise River on Aug 7. People floated the river with signs encouraging the removal of the lower four dams on the Snake River that disrupt salmon habitat.
Idaho Statesman

August 6, 2021
The Nature of Idaho: Idaho Conservation League
Listen to Justin Hayes, executive director of the Idaho Conservation League, talk about caring for Idaho’s public lands.
East Idaho's Public Radio Station

NEWS RELEASE • August 5, 2021
Boise River float to support lower Snake River dam breach

August 4, 2021
Ban artificial grass in Idaho? In a desert, we should do all we can to conserve water
Idahoans use more water in and around our homes than people in any other state. I share that statistic a lot, and people typically respond with something like, “Well, of course we do. Agriculture is huge in Idaho.” But I’m not talking about agriculture. I’m talking about you, me and everyone else who lives here.
Idaho Statesman

July 31, 2021
AT&T Accepting More Feedback On Proposed Cell Tower Near Redfish Lake
“This has now been going on for about 18 months or so at this point and ICL and local community members continue to have concerns," said Josh Johnson with the Idaho Conservation League.
Boise State Public Radio

July 30, 2021
Greens blast ‘get out of jail free card’ for fed hydro giant
Justin Hayes of the Idaho Conservation League ... said in a recent op-ed that Cantwell is doing the region a “disservice” by advancing the provision. “This is just pumping money to prop up the failed status quo without consulting stakeholders or Tribes,” he wrote.
E&E News

July 27, 2021
Create a plan for smoky, bad air days with ICL’s checklist
As wildfires in the West burn during this hot summer, the Idaho Conservation League has created a worksheet to help protect you and your loved ones from wildfire smoke and poor air quality days. This worksheet helps folks understand their health risks and make a plan.
Idaho Press

NEWS RELEASE • July 26, 2021
Two new team members at the Idaho Conservation League

July 23, 2021
Justin Hayes: Cantwell is out of step on salmon, orcas and infrastructure
"Restoring salmon to true abundance, finally honoring the all too often broken Treaties and commitments to Tribes, supporting orcas, investing in the massive amount of salmon-friendly renewable energy necessary to tackle climate change, investing in transportation, agriculture, and the economic health of our communities are all intertwined."
Spokesman Review

July 22, 2021
Officials tour proposed wind farm site from above
Ben Otto, an energy associate with the Idaho Conservation League, talks about the plans for the Lava Ridge Wind Proposal during an EcoFlight tour of the project area. (Photo: Pat Sutphin, Twin Falls Times-News)
Twin Falls Times-News

July 22, 2021
Plans To Restart Mining In The Historic Stibnite District Raise Environmental Concerns
(Josh Johnson) said far too many questions were unanswered in the first draft EIS, and he was glad to see the supplemental work ordered by the U.S. Forest Service. "We keep seeing the goalposts being moved,” he said, referencing the multiple modifications to Perpetua’s operational plans.
Boise State Public Radio

July 21, 2021
EcoFlight in Idaho gives conservation groups a sky-high look at different development projects
On Monday, (EcoFlight's) Gordon, members of the Idaho Conservation League and other passengers flew over the Stibnite Mine area. On Tuesday he piloted flights over endowment land in McCall, near Payette Lake. Wednesday they were in Twin Falls, looking at the landscape around a proposed wind farm.

July 20, 2021
‘Hopeful urgency’: Boise sees opportunities in climate action plan
Ben Otto, an energy associate with the Idaho Conservation League, who consults energy utilities on sustainable practices, said Boise’s road map is among the most ambitious climate plans he’s seen.
Boise Dev

July 17, 2021
These tasty edible plants need wildfires to thrive. Why do they appear in burn areas?
Morels are “one of the most prized delicacies that can be commonly found throughout Idaho,” said Jonathan Oppenheimer, a wildfire management expert at the Idaho Conservation League and an amateur forager, by phone.
Idaho Statesman

July 7, 2021
NW Heat Wave, Fires Could be ‘Preview’ of Hotter Future
Alycia Bean, climate campaign coordinator for the Idaho Conservation League, said the recent conditions highlight the health aspects of the changing climate. "How are these people going to adapt to this long-term, you know, more than one or two days, sustained heat, given the resources and the infrastructure that they have?" Bean asked. "We are not prepared to handle something like that."
Public News Service

July 7, 2021
New conservation group forms to protect McCall public land at stake in Trident swap
United Payette also includes state and national groups, including the Idaho Wildlife Federation, Idaho Conservation League, Backcountry Hunters and Anglers and the Trust for Public Land.
Idaho Statesman

NEWS RELEASE • June 28, 2021
Growing Climate Solutions Act passes Senate, moves to House

NEWS RELEASE • June 24, 2021
Early Algae Outbreak Reported at Lake Cascade

June 21, 2021
A feedlot in Wilder wants to double its size. Neighbors are resisting
“It essentially comes down to the manure,” said Josh Johnson, an Idaho Conservation League conservation associate. “Whenever you put a large number of cows in a concentrated area, they are going to produce a lot of manure.”
Idaho Press

NEWS RELEASE • June 17, 2021
$150,000 for three Upper Salmon Basin restoration projects

June 10, 2021
Water rights plan expected to benefit salmon
Marie Kellner, conservation program manager with the Idaho Conservation League, believes securing the water will help salmon access their spawning grounds, significantly benefiting the species. “Idaho salmon need all the help they can get and ICL is really pleased to see the water board stepping in to get that help,” Kellner said.
Post Register

June 9, 2021
Salmon face extinction throughout the US west. Blame these four dams
The Idaho Conservation League reported that before the dams, about 1.5 million spring-summer chinook salmon returned each year to the Snake River. By 2017, only about 5,800 wild spring-summer chinook completed that journey.
The Guardian

NEWS RELEASE • June 8, 2021
Court rules suction dredge miner polluted Idaho river

June 2, 2021
Panel: Salmon solutions require trust, cooperation
Stakeholder collaboration works when interests get what they need, not necessarily what they want, and fish aren’t getting what they need, said Idaho Conservation League Executive Director Justin Hayes.
Capital Press

June 2, 2021
The power of partnerships
Projects that are agreed on through collaboration have the best chance of moving forward, said Brad Smith of the Idaho Conservation League.
Bonner County Daily Bee

June 1, 2021
Wildfire and a forest worth fighting for
“Both sides disagree on a lot,” said Josh Johnson, who participates in the Lemhi Forest Restoration Group as a staffer for the Idaho Conservation League, an environmental nonprofit. “Where we agree is that the Forest Service hasn’t done the best job at public involvement.”
High Country News

May 25, 2021
HELP FOR SALMON: Water board to use Forest Service water rights to augment Salmon River flows
Marie Kellner, conservation program manager with the Idaho Conservation League, believes securing the water will help salmon access their spawning grounds, significantly benefiting the species. “Idaho salmon need all the help they can get and ICL is really pleased to see the water board stepping in to get that help.”
Post Register

May 14, 2021
The Big Burn of 1910 scorched 3 million acres across Idaho and Montana: ‘People were running for their lives’
"A lot of people want to have their place out in the woods away from it all where they can kind of escape and have a little haven, and that's great, but there's also responsibility that we all have living out there," Jonathan Oppenheimer with the Idaho Conservation League said.

NEWS RELEASE • May 13, 2021
What’s next for energy, salmon, agriculture, and communities?

NEWS RELEASE • April 23, 2021
Gov. Little and U.S. Forest Service Chief Christiansen to Speak at Idaho Forest Restoration Partnership Workshop

April 21, 2021
Risch-sponsored MAPLand Act to digitize public land information
According to John Robison, public lands director for the Idaho Conservation League, much of Idaho and the country’s open spaces are “a mosaic of public and private properties, some of which have special easements for public access.”
Idaho Press

April 20, 2021
Legislation aims to kill 90% of wolves roaming Idaho
Jonathan Oppenheimer of the Idaho Conservation League testified that the Legislature was treading on territory that’s the responsibility of the Idaho Fish and Game Commission to set wildlife policy.
Associated Press

April 19, 2021
Idaho Conservation League adds two staffers

April 8, 2021
Amid mounting opposition to Rep. Mike Simpson’s plan to save Snake River salmon, supporters of dam removal hope for bipartisan backing in Congress
(Justin) Hayes said, “This is a very important issue that people in the region say they want to resolve, and here is the opportunity to resolve it, so let’s all step forward together."

April 7, 2021
International currents: Transboundary selenium pollution has the potential to damage Kootenai River fish populations — but there’s an effort to get ahead of it
“By preventing this pollution from continuously entering the river, we can hopefully prevent those more drastic effects from happening in Idaho,” said Ellie Hudson-Heck, a conservation assistant with Idaho Conservation League. “But in order to do that, we have to act now.”
Sandpoint Reader

March 31, 2021
New upper Salmon conservation program seeks project proposals
“All of the funds, which will be held in a dedicated account by Jervois, will be put towards on-the-ground projects,” the Idaho Conservation League said. “The projects may involve activities such as removing barriers to fish passage, improving spawning habitat for salmon and steelhead, and restoring surrounding streamside habitat.”
Post Register

March 28, 2021
Mining giant’s historic penalty prompts environmentalists to call for stricter coal-mining rules
A $60-million penalty to Teck Coal underscores the urgent need for B.C. to adopt stricter coal-mining regulations in line with American states downstream...
The Globe and Mail (Toronto)

March 24, 2021
Custer County To Hold Hearing On Airstrip Proposal South Of Stanley
Josh Johnson from the Idaho Conservation League said the organization is concerned about recent proposed projects in the Sawtooth National Recreation Area.
Boise State Public Radio

March 18, 2021
Conservation group, mining firm collaborate on project
“This new program will provide real, tangible, benefits to the basin’s water quality, habitat, fish and wildlife,” Idaho Conservation League Executive Director Justin Hayes said. He said the conservation league will “maintain an active relationship” with Jervois to use the funds to restore and protect fish and wildlife habitat.
The Challis Messenger

March 16, 2021
Idaho leaders open door for potential development near McCall amid public opposition
Jonathan Oppenheimer, external relations director for the Idaho Conservation League, said during the Q&A that a conservation easement is a lucrative option for the Department of Lands, allowing it to retain ownership of the parcels while benefiting from a number of revenue streams.
Idaho Statesman

March 11, 2021
Mining company, conservation group team up for new wildlife program
Jervois’ Idaho Cobalt Operations and the Idaho Conservation League have joined forces to create the Upper Salmon Conservation Action Program. Jervois plans to contribute $150,000 into the program each year its cobalt mine is in operation.
Post Register

March 5, 2021
What would Simpson’s dam breaching plan mean for the Magic Valley?
There’s $1.6 billion in the plan for “enhanced nutrient management funding.” That money would, to a large extent, go toward research that would help the Magic Valley dairy industry better its manure management practices in an effort to improve water quality and prevent excess nutrients from getting into the Snake River. There’s also $700 million for “Snake River Basin Watershed Partnerships.” That money’s designated for water quality improvement too.
Twin Falls Times-News

NEWS RELEASE • March 1, 2021
Mining company and conservation group partner on Upper Salmon River program

February 27, 2021
Dams proposal looms over governors’ group
Following the meeting, the Idaho Conservation League issued a statement asking that the process strive to consider and discuss Simpson’s proposal even as members of the collaborative settle in for a longer-term look at salmon recovery.
The Lewiston Tribune

NEWS RELEASE • February 24, 2021
Idaho Conservation League statement on the Columbia Basin Collaborative’s preliminary meeting

February 17, 2021
A proposal to increase the Treasure Valley’s water storage by 3%. The cost? $83 million
“If we change how we use water, there is enough water to meet that population 50 years out,” said Marie Callaway Kellner, conservation program director at the Idaho Conservation League.
Idaho News 2

February 16, 2021
Owyhee Land Exchange in Idaho advances
Idaho Conservation League Public Lands Director John Robison said the state and BLM, following the multi-stakeholder initiative that keyed wilderness designation, “recognized the existing checkerboard situation wasn’t serving the agencies’ interests as well as it could.”
Capital Press

February 15, 2021
Simpson’s Historic Plan Includes Key Water Quality Tools
Justin Hayes, executive director of the Idaho Conservation League, said the plan includes the creation of voluntary watershed partnerships to bring together agriculture interests, communities and conservationists.
Public News Service

February 12, 2021
Organizations, groups weigh in on why they oppose (and approve) of dam removal in the Snake River
"It's very comprehensive. It's clear that Congressman Simpson has put a lot of time talking to parties across the region, all of the interests he could bring together," said Justin Hayes with the Idaho Conservation League.

February 11, 2021
Idaho ranching family takes stand against gold exploration along Montana border
ICL’s Josh Johnson has an educational background in geology. He said the baseline water quality data for Dog Bone Ridge is still insufficient. To beef up the data for the new assessment, five new water monitoring sites were added, but only this past summer. Johnson said collecting a few samples over a single summer fails to account for the dramatic seasonal and annual variability in stream flow levels.
Billings Gazette

February 11, 2021
Rep. Simpson proposes dramatic environmental proposal
In a statement released in support of Simpson’s proposal, ICL believes the plan will save Idaho’s salmon and build a prosperous future for the region. ICL executive director Justin Hayes stated, “the proposal is bold, comprehensive and urgently needed for Idahoans and the people of the Northwest.”
Bonners Ferry Herald

February 9, 2021
Idaho Rep. Mike Simpson: Saving Salmon Isn’t Going To Be Easy
Justin Hayes, the director of the Idaho Conservation League, supports Simpon’s plan. “This is the start of the Northwest finding a way to work together to restore salmon and provide for other important economies and communities,” he said.
Boise State Public Radio

February 8, 2021
Simpson proposes ambitious northwest salmon plan
Justin Hayes, ICL’s executive director, said, “The proposal is bold, comprehensive, and urgently needed for Idahoans and the people of the Northwest. We look forward to working with Rep. Simpson and all stakeholders to find solutions together to address the many elements of the proposal, including river restoration, salmon and steelhead recovery, affordable and clean energy, efficient transportation links and investments in Idaho’s agriculture, outdoor recreation and tourism industries.”
Local News 8 KIDK 3

February 8, 2021
Republican wants to breach dams, reshape Pacific Northwest
"What he's proposing is so much bigger than dams. It's about the region," said Justin Hayes of the Idaho Conservation League. "It's about working together to break out of the status quo, which has kept the region in conflict."
E&E News

NEWS RELEASE • February 8, 2021
ICL supports Simpson’s comprehensive infrastructure proposal

February 7, 2021
Idaho representative turns heads with proposal to breach Snake River dams
“We’re hopeful that this proposal brings people together to work to benefit communities in Idaho and the Northwest, providing jobs and needed investment that will lead to cleaner water, clean energy, abundant salmon and steelhead, prosperous farming, river, and waterfront communities and affordable energy for consumers,” said ICL executive director Justin Hayes.

February 7, 2021
Simpson plan for Snake River dams, salmon restoration shows promise with supporters, critics
“Folks who’ve traditionally been on the other side of the table on this, I’ve heard a lot of thoughtful things from them,” Idaho Conservation League director Justin Hayes said in a phone interview Sunday. “(Things like) ‘Wow, this is comprehensive.’ This addresses concerns that they have, and they’re on the table for discussion.”
Idaho Statesman

NEWS RELEASE • February 3, 2021
ICL to open new office to support communities in West Central Idaho

January 29, 2021
DEQ requests $3 million for Triumph mine cleanup
Josh Johnson, Central Idaho conservation associate for the Idaho Conservation League, said in a Wednesday statement that without additional actions, consequences could include “impounded mine water” building up and “releasing contaminants through springs in the surrounding area, or even worse, in a catastrophic blowout.”
Idaho Mountain Express

January 21, 2021
DEQ slates $3 million for Triumph Mine cleanup
Further cleanup costs associated with the mine—which continues to release arsenic, zinc and other heavy metals into groundwater—would be fronted by taxpayers, according to Josh Johnson, Central Idaho conservation associate for the Idaho Conservation League.
Idaho Mountain Express

January 20, 2021
Idaho Legislature panel advances revised pesticide, weights-measures rules
ICL's External Relations Director Jonathan Oppenheimer testifies on new pesticide rules at the Idaho legislature.

January 20, 2021
Local, regional conservation leaders call Biden’s inauguration a ‘promising day’
Brad Smith, the North Idaho director of the Idaho Conservation League, applauded Biden’s steps to reduce carbon emissions, but was also quick to emphasize that lasting conservation work requires cooperation.

January 19, 2021
Blaine County Commissioners to revisit wolf trapping regulations on Tuesday
The Idaho Department of Fish and Game will be revisiting wolf hunting and trapping regulations this year and “may consider expanding wolf trapping areas and seasons in the Wood River Valley,” according to a Saturday statement from the Idaho Conservation League.
Idaho Mountain Express

January 19, 2021
Idaho pesticide rule changes pass Senate Agriculture Affairs committee
Jonathan Oppenheimer, external relations director for the Idaho Conservation League, testified during the committee meeting. He said there has not been anyone from the FAA to testify at any of the stakeholder or legislative meetings. The Idaho Press attended all of the stakeholder meetings about the rule and there has never been any aviation administration members present.
Idaho Press

January 16, 2021
Locals anticipate shift in policy with Biden
“We are seeing already through some of Biden’s appointees and statements there is going to be a major push to address climate change and of course we are very supportive of that,” said Justin Hayes, executive director of the Idaho Conservation League at Boise.
The Lewiston Tribune

January 14, 2021
Conservation groups raise alarm over proposed Kilgore mining operation
Josh Johnson, ICL’s conservation associate, said, “Despite losing in court once already, Excellon Resources is back again for another chance to profit off our public lands while jeopardizing a key wildlife corridor in the Northern Rockies. If this project goes forward, it’s not just public lands, fish, and wildlife that stand to lose -- hunters, anglers, and recreationists will directly feel the brunt of these negative impacts.”
Local News 8 KIDK 3

NEWS RELEASE • January 14, 2021
Kilgore gold exploration project still a concern

January 12, 2021
Shoshone-Bannock Tribes prevail in decades-old court battle over FMC site
Marie Callaway Kellner, conservation program director with the Idaho Conservation League, believes the precedent from the FMC case will have ramifications throughout the West. “We congratulate the Tribes on this. It’s a great win for them and it probably would translate across Indian country about how government and private industry interact with Tribes,” she said.
Idaho State Journal

January 5, 2021
Salmon workgroup makes its final report
“I think a significant thing that the workgroup talked about and learned and affirmed is that what Idahoans want is to recover real abundance,” said Justin Hayes, executive director of the Idaho Conservation League.
Moscow-Pullman Daily News

NEWS RELEASE • January 4, 2021
ICL welcomes release of Gov. Little’s salmon report

NEWS RELEASE • January 4, 2021
Idaho Conservation League’s new hires

December 16, 2020
Strict water limits set for Canadian mine chemicals in Lake Koocanusa
“We also thank the many advocates in Idaho, Montana, and British Columbia who appealed to Montana environmental officials for these new limits,” said Brad Smith, ICL’s North Idaho director.
Missoula Current

NEWS RELEASE • December 15, 2020
ICL statement on the final meeting of Gov. Little’s Salmon Workgroup

December 15, 2020
Idaho land board rejects appeal to reconsider 195-foot cellular tower in the Sawtooths
“While we’re disappointed that the land board didn’t take up this contested case … there is a required process moving forward, and we are hopeful that working with AT&T and FirstNet and other stakeholders that we can find suitable alternatives that can satisfy the Department of Lands, satisfy AT&T, satisfy local needs and concerns and result ultimately in revenue being paid to the Department of Lands endowment,” Oppenheimer said.
Idaho Statesman

NEWS RELEASE • December 15, 2020
Land Board rejects Sawtooth cell tower petition

December 15, 2020
Boise implemented new air pollution controls over decades — and it now shows. Here’s how
“President-elect Biden has stated his support for increasing fuel efficiency and helping consumers shift to electric vehicles,” Ki said. “This shift will both improve Treasure Valley air quality and help fight climate change.
Idaho Statesman

December 14, 2020
Lawsuit seeks ESA protection for wolverines
“I and countless other Idahoans were heartbroken when Idaho's last remaining mountain caribou herd went extinct,” said Brad Smith of the Idaho Conservation League. “The Fish and Wildlife Service must act soon to ensure that Idaho's wolverines do not share the same fate.”
Local News 8 KIDK 3

NEWS RELEASE • December 11, 2020
Montana decision benefits Idaho water quality and fish

December 3, 2020
Country club proposes expanding golf course to Boise River island, raising concerns
“It’s one thing to have some discussions with someone,” Oppenheimer said. “It seems to be another when there are eight to 10 agencies out on a field trip. When these discussions have been occurring since January and a land use permit was issued in August … there’s been a failure to include the public.”
Idaho Statesman

November 30, 2020
Idaho utility’s coal exit sparks NIMBY grid fight
"The transmission line is just a line. It's just like a road," (ICL's Ben Otto) said. "What matters is what travels over that line. So until we see real commitments that this line will be dedicated to clean energy, we're hesitant to take a position."
E&E News

November 17, 2020
Despite Opposition, Idaho Department Of Lands Continues To Move Forward With Cell Tower
“There are ways that could still satisfy the Idaho Department of Lands requirement to maximize revenue and to have a lease for communications facilities, but that would also protect the integrity of the Sawtooth National Recreation Area," said Jonathan Oppenheimer, External Affairs Director for the Idaho Conservation League.
Boise State Public Radio

November 17, 2020
Trident, state outline McCall land ideas to Land Board; Community groups, businesses testify in opposition
Jonathan Oppenheimer with the Idaho Conservation League urged the board to take a slow and steady pace.

November 15, 2020
Market’s looking way up: Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forest sees highest sales in three decades — a boon for the wood products industry and a concern for some environmentalists
“These are public lands, and people should have the ability to provide meaningful comment and understand the environmental impacts and ultimately shape the (agency’s) decisions,” (Brad Smith) said. “If we continue to move toward expedited timber sales and limited public involvement and environmental review, we are cutting the public out of the process.”
Lewiston Tribune

November 15, 2020
Controversy escalates over proposed Sawtooth cell tower…
“It could hardly be in a worse place,” Stanley Mayor Stephen Botti told the Land Board.
Idaho Press

November 9, 2020
Mining industry, Montana GOP oppose selenium limit for Kootenai River, Lake Koocanusa
“The Clean Water Act requires states to meet downstream water quality standards. Because Idaho is on the downstream end of the Kootenai River, the state of Montana must meet Idaho water quality standards at the state line,” Brad Smith said.
Missoula Current

November 6, 2020
‘Let’s hope that we will be less divided’: Longtime Coeur d’Alene Democratic leader optimistic about potential Biden presidency
Mary Lou Reed, 90, co-founded the Kootenai Environmental Alliance in 1972 and Idaho Conservation League in 1973 along with her late husband, Scott.

November 5, 2020
Reaction to public comments on Midas Gold’s environmental impact statement draft
The Idaho Conservation League believes the potential cost of mining could ruin a pristine area used by boaters, anglers and people who rely on the water to make a living.
KIVI/Idaho Statesman

November 4, 2020
Potential Sawtooth cell tower contested
The current plan is a detriment to the recreation area because the tower would dominate the skyline and interrupt the view, Botti said. The scenery is the predominant draw of the area, Botti said, and any impact on it needs to be more carefully considered.
Challis Messenger/Idaho Falls Post Register

November 4, 2020
ICL’s Hail Mary
Generations of Idahoans must hope that ICL’s Hail Mary can save the heart of Idaho from this heedless mutilation.
Idaho Mountain Express

November 2, 2020
“These volunteers logged a total of 909 hours of work, rehabilitated 150 campgrounds, disassembled 320 overbuilt fire rings and disposed of 123 instances of human waste."
Idaho Statesman

October 30, 2020
Lease for Sawtooth Valley cell tower nears completion: ICL seeks hearing before Land Board
“Gov. Little spoke recently about the importance of collaboration on land issues, and we encourage members of the Land Board to heed his advice. The broad concerns from stakeholders, the county, the city and others at least deserve a response.”
Idaho Mountain Express

October 28, 2020
A Snake River gem: Blue Heart Springs
While Blue Heart Springs is a natural gem in the Snake River landscape, our journey there and back was an opportunity to reflect on the severe water quality issues facing the Snake River and why we must work together to solve them.
Idaho Press

October 27, 2020
In a move toward clean energy, Idaho Power will leave Nevada coal plant three years early
“Every time a utility, not just Idaho Power, sharpens its pencil, coal closes faster,” said Ben Otto, an energy attorney for the Idaho Conservation League.
Idaho Statesman

October 27, 2020
Idaho regulators have Colstrip concerns
Consumers in Idaho are concerned about power plant costs and climate change, said Ben Otto of the Idaho Conservation League. “It gets very unclear about who pays the costs once Washington leaves. It’s a real chance that Idahoans will get stuck with all these extra costs,” Otto said.
Billings Gazette

NEWS RELEASE • October 27, 2020
Local groups contest Sawtooth Valley cell phone tower

October 20, 2020
UI study: Collaborative forest partnerships effective
“What we have done through the Boise and Payette forest coalitions, and others, is to get people together with different perspectives to find zones of agreement and work out suggestions for the Forest Service to address concerns,” (ICL's John Robison) said. Coalitions also help the Forest Service “design projects that advance everyone’s interests. So public involvement is important.”
Capital Press

October 15, 2020
Public lands official defends job despite judge’s ruling
“This administration’s disregard for the law is deeply disturbing,” said John Robison of the Idaho Conservation League. “It’s been really alarming for the future of our public lands.”
AP Idaho

October 12, 2020
‘Heads in the sand’: conservationists condemn US failure to protect wolverines
“It’s a continued pattern of wanting to stick their heads in the sand about climate change and not do anything about the impacts that greenhouse gas emissions will have on species,” said Brad Smith, the north Idaho director of the Idaho Conservation League.
The Guardian

October 10, 2020
PNW govs. to work together on restoring fish runs
Justin Hayes, executive director of the Idaho Conservation League, said the agreement is a recognition that recovery efforts need a new direction that goes above and beyond what federal agencies are able to do on their own.
Lewiston Tribune

October 3, 2020
Clothing company Patagonia joins Idaho Conservation League lawsuit against EPA
“We are very concerned because this latest version of the rule lessens the acknowledgment that there is a connection between ground and surface water because it takes away some of the protections for what can be discharged into groundwater,” (ICL's Marie) Kellner said. “It’s our drinking water, it’s where we recreate, it’s aquatic habitat.”
Idaho Press

September 28, 2020
Volunteers needed for cleanup after record visitation in Sawtooth NRA
To help clean up the Sawtooth NRA, the National Forest Foundation, Sawtooth Society, Sawtooth Interpretive and Historical Association and Idaho Conservation League are putting out a call for volunteers. Anyone who wants to help will get to pick how and where they pitch in.
Twin Falls Times News/AP

September 28, 2020
As Wilderness Areas Attract More People, Volunteer Rangers Hit The Trail
The work of volunteers like Farbe adds up. Last year, 56 Idaho Conservation League wilderness stewards interacted with 3,216 trail users, destroyed 109 illegal campfire rings, packed out 100 pounds of litter, and extinguished three abandoned campfires.
Mountain West News Bureau

September 25, 2020
Agriculture Department Proposes New Rule On Pesticide Application In Idaho
The Idaho Conservation League, which has been engaged in conversations surrounding pesticide application, will seek to better understand the FAA oversight process “to ensure that public health is protected for communities, water quality supplies and farmworkers alike,” said Jonathan Oppenheimer, the non-profit’s government relationships director.
Boise State Public Radio

September 22, 2020
As Concerns Over Climate Change Rise, More Developers Turn to Wood
There is more than enough timber in Idaho’s national forests to meet the demands of the mass timber market, said Brad Smith, North Idaho director of the Idaho Conservation League.
The New York Times

September 16, 2020
Amid pandemic boom, rangers grapple with excess litter, trail waste: Cleanup effort to address record number of summer visitors on public land
Spearheaded by the National Forest Foundation, Idaho Conservation League, Sawtooth Society and Sawtooth Interpretive and Historical Association, the project goal is to restore the central Idaho landscape to its pre-pandemic state.
Idaho Mountain Express

September 8, 2020
Three systems flagged in ICL report
The cities of Sandpoint and Priest River, in addition to the Kootenai-Ponderay Sewer District, were flagged for water quality violations, according to an annual report produced by the Idaho Conservation League.
Bonner County Daily Bee

September 3, 2020
‘If it’s not from your body, don’t put it in the potty’
“It’s always important to recognize [wastewater treatment plant] facilities with few-to-no violations,” (Walkins) said.
Coeur d'Alene Press

September 1, 2020
Southern Idaho Water Quality Study Raises Alarm About Farm, Dairy Practices
The Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer is a critical drinking water source for southern and eastern Idaho. More than 300,000 Idahoans rely on the natural underground storage to provide clean, safe water every day. But due to a combination of farming and agricultural practices in the Magic Valley, the water source is in danger of contamination.
Boise State Public Radio/Idaho Matters

NEWS RELEASE • September 1, 2020
Most Idaho sewage plants continue to violate clean water rules

August 31, 2020
New group aims to decrease wildlife conflicts in Blaine County
A new group called the Wood River Valley Wildlife Smart Communities Coalition is working toward some solutions. The coalition is made up of representatives from Fish and Game, the Idaho Conservation League, the national forest, and local cities including Ketchum, Hailey, and Sun Valley.
August 28, 2020
Groups working on extension of Columbia Basin fish accords: But some are cautious about extending deal, since Salmon Workgroup will soon issue its policy recommendations
“A bad accord is one that binds the hands of the state and limits its sovereignty,” (Justin) Hayes said.
Lewiston Tribune
NEWS RELEASE • August 27, 2020
Salmon workgroup members envision the future of Idaho

August 27, 2020
Want to help? Here are 10 environmental nonprofits in the Inland Northwest you can volunteer with
Idaho Conservation League: This organization describes itself as "Idaho's leading voice for conservation," tackling water and air quality issues as well as wildlife conservation.

August 16, 2020
Forest Service weighs in on mine proposal
“At the end of the day, (Midas Gold's Stibnite Project) is really an old school, open pit cyanide vat leach mining project in an extremely sensitive location.”
Lewiston Tribune

NEWS RELEASE • August 14, 2020
Stibnite Gold project puts South Fork Salmon River at risk

August 12, 2020
Sockeye salmon return to Redfish Lake, but numbers are still low
While the higher numbers of returning sockeye in 2020 was encouraging news, the fish still face considerable obstacles to their continued survival.
Idaho Press/AP

August 10, 2020
Conservation group says water quality won’t improve until manure management does
“As long as there are 425,000 dairy cows here there’s going to be 50 million pounds of dairy waste a day and we’re going to have to figure out something to do with that,” Johnson said. “It’s not all on the dairy industry, but at least some of it is.”
Twin Falls Times-News

NEWS RELEASE • August 6, 2020
Idahoans unanimous in demanding clean energy from Avista

NEWS RELEASE • August 5, 2020
ICL welcomes two new hires to its nonprofit team

August 4, 2020
Trump signs Simpson-backed conservation bill
Idaho’s national forests have a $528 million maintenance backlog, according to the Idaho Conservation League. The Nez Perce-Clearwater and Idaho Panhandle forests in North Idaho lead the nation in backlogs.
Idaho Falls Post Register

August 4, 2020
Public can comment on ID utilities future energy plans
("Avista) is accounting for the social cost of carbon - or the cost of climate change - for its Washington customers, but not its Idaho customers."
"We think Avista needs to be looking a little harder and with more creativity and more urgency to reduce their carbon emissions quicker."
Public News Service

NEWS RELEASE • August 4, 2020
Idaho’s public lands to see upgrades, enhanced access

July 31, 2020
Idaho fish advocates say EIS is a pathway to extinction

July 29, 2020
Advocates Speak Out Against Proposed Pesticide Rules
The struggle over pesticide regulation has simmered for years, and it has recently begun to boil over. Pesticide-related accidents can compromise the health and safety of agricultural workers, but one Idaho group has lobbied the State of Idaho to loosen the rules surrounding them and increase reliance on federal enforcement—much to the chagrin of advocacy groups.
Boise Weekly

July 29, 2020
Groundwater contamination continues in southern Idaho
Local News 8 on ICL's latest groundwater study authored by staffer Josh Johnson.
Local News 8

NEWS RELEASE • July 29, 2020
Groundwater quality worsens in southern Idaho

July 28, 2020
For the best stargazing, head to a patch of dark sky
ICL's Betsy Mizell in The Washington Post talking about Central Idaho's Dark Sky Reserve.
The Washington Post

NEWS RELEASE • July 28, 2020
ICL encourages public comments during Avista hearing

July 25, 2020
Eye on Boise: What’s a view of the Sawtooth Mountains worth?
It’s one of the most iconic views in Idaho: the scenic vista of the Sawtooth Mountains from Stanley, part of a national recreation area and a dark-sky reserve. But the Idaho Department of Lands is preparing to issue a lease for a giant, 195-foot-tall cell tower on top of a 300-foot ridge smack in the middle of that view, over the objections of the local county commissioners, the mayor of Stanley, the Sawtooth Society, the local search and rescue operation, and hundreds of local residents, business owners and visitors.
The Spokesman-Review

July 22, 2020
Landmark conservation bill with big implications for Inland Northwest passes House, heads to president for signature
ICL's Jonathan Oppenheimer on the passage of the Great American Outdoor Act.
The Spokesman-Review

NEWS RELEASE • July 22, 2020
Historic lands bill heads to President’s desk

June 10, 2020
Collaboration with ranchers paying dividends for Upper Blackfoot cutthroat
Fishery experts acknowledge recent good water years have played a significant role in the trout rebound. But they also give credit to a collaboration of mining companies and conservation groups that has worked closely with Caribou County ranchers, called the Upper Blackfoot Confluence.
Idaho State Journal

June 9, 2020
Let’s work together for a better Idaho future: Abundant salmon, affordable energy and prosperous farms
Justin Hayes: "By recognizing our diverse interests and working together, we can bring back Idaho’s fish and support communities — ensuring a brighter future for all the people of Idaho and the region. I hope you’ll join us."
Idaho Falls Post Register (also ran in the Idaho Mountain Express, Idaho County Free Press, Sandpoint Reader, and Idaho Press)

June 8, 2020
An Australian company wants to explore for gold near the Idaho-Nevada border. Environmentalists don’t like the plan
Randy Fox said he would like to see the Forest Service analyze more thoroughly how mining activities could affect the fish. For instance, he said use of groundwater for drilling could potentially lower the water table, and reduce stream flows.
Twin Falls Times News

June 5, 2020
Simpson co-sponsors bill to permanently fund Land and Water Conservation Fund: Effort has president’s blessing
"The park service recently estimated that it would create 100,000 jobs in the park service in direct and associated appointments," Rep. Mike Simpson said.
Idaho Press
June 3, 2020
Sockeye solutions: Idaho’s most endangered salmon begin perilous journey
"My group is very committed to saving Idaho Salmon," said Hayes. "We believe that will require removing dams. But we are equally committed that as salmon recovery goes forward, communities in Idaho Washington and Oregon are kept whole and made better."
KIVI/Idaho News 6

May 20, 2020
Stop AT&T’s ruin of Redfish
Idahoans shouldn’t let this visual blight get built without a bigger fight. So, pick up the phone or email land board members. Insist that they stop AT&T from ruining the priceless heart of Idaho.
Idaho Mountain Express Editorial

May 15, 2020
Comments almost all oppose Sawtooth Valley tower
Opposition to the proposed tower even came from Sawtooth Search and Rescue, a volunteer unit that works with the Custer County Sheriff’s Office.
Idaho Mountain Express

May 10, 2020
Remembering John Freemuth, who loved the American West
He was as at home in a meeting of ranchers, miners or loggers as he was at the annual Wild Idaho conference of the Idaho Conservation League at Redfish Lake. He was most comfortable in his role as moderator in forums where westerners of both traditional cultures and environmentalists gathered together.
Idaho Statesman

May 5, 2020
Judge’s ruling halts gold mine project in eastern Idaho
The new ruling Monday shuts down drilling at least until the Forest Service completes its groundwater analysis at Dog Bone Ridge and issues new approval documents. That requires a public process with comment periods.
AP Idaho

April 29, 2020
Agencies reassure ICL on Thompson Creek tailings dam: Conservation group asks that design review be required
“Instead of this being a discretionary action, we believe that such a design review would be a reasonable requirement coming from the state and federal agencies to the mine owner given the changed circumstance of a recent earthquake of that magnitude roughly 30 miles from the mine site,” the ICL stated in a letter dated April 27.
Idaho Mountain Express

April 28, 2020
Conservation group urges more focus on Lake CdA as EPA prepares updated review of mining cleanup
Clean up Lake Coeur d’Alene. That’s the message an Idaho conservation group and its supporters are sending to the Environmental Protection Agency.
The Spokesman-Review

April 22, 2020
Earth Day the North Idaho way
“The Reeds’ work and legacy runs deep at the Idaho Conservation League,” said Justin Hayes, executive director of ICL. “We’ve always viewed Scott and Mary Lou as the parents of the entire ICL family.”
Coeur d'Alene Press

April 16, 2020
Comment taken on forest restoration around Sage Hen Reservoir
“We support forest restoration activities that are wisely implemented, and we are working through the Boise Forest Coalition to help ensure all activities associated with the project are designed in such a way to help meet those goals,” (Randy Fox) said.
Capital Press

April 16, 2020
ICL urges study of Thompson Creek Mine dam: Group fears collapse in big earthquake
“Even if the likelihood of a catastrophic failure may be relatively low, the human and environmental costs of a collapse would be extremely high,” the ICL stated in a letter dated April 8.
Idaho Mountain Express

April 15, 2020
Get out — but don’t go too far: Outdoor recreation in the time of COVID-19
As more and more people are getting outside amid the COVID-19 outbreak, it’s important to remember to stay local, keep your distance from others, avoid unnecessary risks, and be respectful to Idaho’s public lands and each other.
Idaho Press

April 13, 2020
Idaho Conservation League comments on environmental impact study
“A really strong argument can be made actually, that if we don’t save salmon, then electricity rates will really go up. So figuring out how to save salmon and replace the electricity that’s generated by these dams in an economical and efficient way, that’s the sweet spot,” said ICL executive director Justin Hayes.
Local News 8

March 31, 2020
Idaho governor vetoes bill backed by crop-duster group changing pesticide regulations
“We are pleased the governor vetoed the bill,” said Jonathan Oppenheimer, external relations director with the Idaho Conservation League.
Idaho Statesman

March 16, 2020
What’s threatening the elusive wolverine?
...Conservationists like the Idaho Conservation League’s Brad Smith believe that snowmobilers need to be more conscious of where they ride when they enter areas where sensitive species, like wolverines, are known to roam.
High Country News

March 13, 2020
Refilling the East Snake Plain Aquifer one acre-foot at a time
“Taking polluted surface water out of the Snake River and funneling that down into the aquifer is a concern and something that deserves some closer scrutiny from the state,” said Jonathan Oppenheimer, Idaho Conservation League’s director for its Snake River campaign.
Idaho Falls Post Register

March 11, 2020
Five groups sue to block reopening of road bisecting key grizzly habitat in Idaho
Although the Bog Creek Road is relatively short, it bisects an important chunk of grizzly habitat – the Blue-Grass Unit. About 25% of all grizzly sightings in the Selkirks have occurred in this unit, Smith said.

March 8, 2020
The council is making the request at the urging of the Idaho Conservation League because it would provide the public an avenue for involvement in the planning process. Moreover, a public hearing allows Avista to take the pulse of its customer base.
Bonner County Daily Bee

March 5, 2020
Colstrip owner sees customer savings in exiting by 2025
ICL and other Idahoans are watching Avista's plans for its coal-fired power plant at Colstrip in Montana very closely. “For Montana to demand that Idaho customers stay on and pay more for power, that’s not fair,” (ICL's Matt) Nykiel said.
Billings Gazette

March 4, 2020
Salmon Draft Environmental Impact Study Falls Short, Advocates Say
“The goal of this plan is to get fish off the endangered species list, that’s actually a pretty low bar,” said Justin Hayes, executive director of the Idaho Conservation League. “In Idaho, that means that this plan imagines if it were to succeed, success would look like 20,000 wild steelhead back to Idaho each year. Nobody in Idaho actually thinks that’s the right goal.”
Boise Weekly

February 29, 2020
Feds: Snake River dams should stay; Agencies opt for plan that includes increased water spilling at dams to help endangered salmon and steelhead
“I’m disappointed but not surprised,” said Justin Hayes, executive director of the Idaho Conservation League at Boise. “It’s the sixth in a string of failed federal plans. It doesn’t waver from the status quo. It tweaks it, and quite frankly we know what status quo has been getting us — fish in decline. We’ve spent $17 billion and it’s not working. We need bold action and this plan doesn’t do that.”
Lewiston Tribune

February 28, 2020
COMPASS asks lawmakers to let it consider HOV lanes
Austin Walkins of the Idaho Conservation League also spoke in support of COMPASS’ bill, SB 1312. He said air pollution is increasing faster than growth in the Treasure Valley, largely because of drivers stalled in heavy traffic, and the region is “on the cusp” of violating national standards for ozone pollution.
Idaho Press

February 28, 2020
Breaching the dams not the preferred option in new environmental impact statement
"The proposal from the federal government really falls short," said Justin Hayes of the Idaho Conservation League. "It looks at a variety of options but it chooses one that is essentially tweaking the status quo."

February 26, 2020
It’s never too late to learn safe shooting and hunting
I encourage everyone to take a hunters education course, regardless of your background or experience. Taking such a course through IDFG is a great way to get a grounding on hunting fundamentals, animal identification and outdoors skills. If nothing else, it’s valuable to know how to handle and be safe around firearms.
Idaho Press

February 25, 2020
Idaho committee votes to loosen regulation on crop-duster pilots, pesticide applicators
Jonathan Oppenheimer of the Idaho Conservation League summarized the analysis from the AG’s office, which raised serious concerns about how the bill would change the ability to enforce Environmental Protection Agency regulations.
Idaho Statesman

February 19, 2020
In town … but getting away from it all
There’s a great reason The Ridge to Rivers website describes the Boise Foothills as “a postcard backdrop that inspires and soothes the soul.”
Idaho Press

February 18, 2020
Oregon gov: Snake River dam removal critical to save salmon. Republicans say that’s too extreme
(Hayes) said it will take many actions and ideas, including options (Gov.) Little’s working group is examining, to make a difference.
Idaho Statesman

February 13, 2020
Bog Creek Road project approved: Idaho Conservation League likely to pursue legal action
“ICL made a good faith effort to resolve our concerns during the administrative process, but the Forest Service and the Border Patrol made it clear that they were not willing to budge. That leaves us with no other option than to put the issue in front of a judge.”
Sandpoint Reader

February 12, 2020
Stories of Storyfort
"We’re working with the Idaho Conservation League this year on a couple of events,...Our Rivers, Our Fish, Our Lives, the salmon narrative is pretty heavy. Back to back with that, we have one they’re calling The River Runners: Tales of the Big Water and Howling at the Moon,..."
Boise Weekly

February 7, 2020
Good news for current solar owners, but future murky for newbies
Otto said Idaho Power is fighting to make solar panels less attractive in order to maintain its energy monopoly.
Twin Falls Times-News/MagicValley.com

February 3, 2020
Long-closed road bisecting grizzly habitat to reopen following national security concerns
“This project will reduce the amount of habitat available in the most important grizzly bear management unit in the Selkirk Recovery Zone,” said Brad Smith the North Idaho director for the Idaho Conservation League.

January 29, 2020
Communications tower planned for Sawtooth Valley
Although enhanced communications for first responders is an important function, the specific design and location of this tower would degrade treasured views and the core values of the SNRA (Sawtooth National Recreation Area).
Idaho Mountain Express

January 29, 2020
Skiing into the Pioneers
After a full day of skiing and marveling at the wolverine, we sipped the last of the bourbon and watched the alpenglow while soaking in the last of the exceptional Sun Valley sunshine.
Idaho Press

January 24, 2020
Ag hails Clean Water Act changes as conservationists cringe
The Clean Water Act was created to protect people from harm. This new rule benefits polluters at the expense of communities and public health.
Post Register/Farm and Ranch

January 20, 2020
Where Have All The Wolverines Gone? Apparently Not On The Endangered Species List
“As we lost the last mountain caribous in North Idaho and in the Lower 48 States – it was really heartbreaking. I’d hate to see us also lose wolverines,” Smith said. “As we lose more and more species, we lose more and more cogs in our ecosystem. It can have a cascading effect.”
NW News Network

January 19, 2020
Governor’s Salmon Work Group looks to address salmon recovery in Idaho
"We can not be tweaking what we are already trying, we are really going to have to double down as a state, as a region, and come up with plans that are bigger in scale than anything that has ever been done before."

January 17, 2020
Solar metering case remains contentious
Three conservation organizations, including the Idaho Conservation League, are asking the (Idaho PUC) to extend the locked-in rates to anyone who signs on with home solar power between now and whenever new rates for future customers are set.
Idaho Mountain Express

December 30, 2019
The Future Of Solar Energy In Idaho
Right before Christmas, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission rejected a proposed settlement agreement that would have changed how folks with solar panels are paid for the excess power generated at their homes. We talk with Idaho Power CEO Darrel Anderson and Ben Otto of the Idaho Conservation League about who wins under the current policy, and what it means for the future of solar power in Idaho.
Boise State Public Radio/Idaho Matters

December 23, 2019
Idahoans Can Fight Bad Air During Winter Inversions
(ICL's Austin) Walkins says folks can improve air quality during inversions by limiting what they burn in wood stoves and by driving less. He suggests taking public transit if it's an option.
Public News Service

December 20, 2019
PUC denies Idaho Power settlement that would cut solar power compensation in half
Ben Otto, an energy associate with the conservation league, said in the statement: “We look forward to working publicly with all stakeholders to finish the job of calculating all the benefits additional solar can bring to Idaho.”
Idaho Press

December 19, 2019
Ruling puts hold on gold exploration plans in eastern Idaho
The Idaho Conservation League and the Greater Yellowstone Coalition filed the lawsuit in November 2018 contending the exploratory drilling could pollute groundwater and surface water.

December 16, 2019
‘It’s really scary to us.’ Idaho Power, customers at odds over rooftop solar panels
If the settlement is approved, Matt Dunay, a rooftop installer, says it will destroy his industry, which has created more than 500 jobs in Idaho in the last decade.
Idaho Statesman

December 4, 2019
Idaho Power considers lowering credits for solar panel owners
"Now, with Idaho Power planning to cut that rate in half some folks may lose out on thousands of dollars on their investments . . . A lot of people are very concerned."

November 27, 2019
Avista moves away from coal in a proposed rate settlement
"For a long time, Avista and other utilities have seen Colstrip to be operating into the 2040s. What's significant is although Avista is not saying retirement of the plant is at 2025, they're saying we will have paid it off by 2025."

November 27, 2019
Major forest project proposed for Baldy
ICL Conservation Associate Josh Johnson said the organization supports the purpose of the project and wants to ensure a wide range of community input.
Idaho Mountain Express

November 22, 2019
Forest Service to review water diversions in Sawtooth Valley
Salmon and steelhead swim about 900 miles up the Columbia, Snake and Salmon rivers to arrive in the Sawtooth Valley. “Any salmon that makes it up that far doesn’t need to get sucked into an (irrigation) ditch or run into a dry creek,” said Marie Callaway Kellner of the Idaho Conservation League.
AP Idaho

November 20, 2019
Salmon Working Group discusses solutions
"I'm very hopeful that when we come together and talk about what we hope to accomplish, our concerns, the needs of the communities that we represent, and the needs of the fish, I think we're going to come up with some good suggestions and recommendations for the governor."
KIVI TV Channel 6

November 20, 2019
What’s Mine is Ours: OneStone students break into MING Studios with an environmentally themed exhibition
Kaleb Churchwell, a OneStone student who made paintings for the show, focused on the idea that mining is "taking the heart out of the mountain," and enjoyed learning about the natural, geological and community impacts of a mine.
Boise Weekly

November 20, 2019
Idaho Power seeks lower rate for solar producers: Issue arises over existing customers
“Idahoans who chose to invest early in their energy freedom should not have the rules changed after the deal is done. Changing the math now is unfair and penalizes those who are leading Idaho into a clean energy future.”
Idaho Mountain Express

November 19, 2019
Federal cuts shut down Salmon River, other Idaho rivers’ monitoring gauges
“As our climate changes and Idaho’s traditional patterns of rain, snow and run off change, Idaho needs access to more stream data, not less,” said Justin Hayes, the league’s executive director.
Idaho Statesman

November 18, 2019
Groups Oppose Idaho Power Throwing Shade on Rooftop Solar
Vote Solar and Idaho Conservation League submitted comments asking the PUC to protect the current net metering rate for existing customers for at least 20 years
Public News Service
November 13, 2019
A breath of fresh AIR: ICL artist in residence to exhibit works
“One case that they (ICL) often don’t make directly themselves—and what I think is kind of my job as artist in residence—is to make the case for conserving land from an aesthetic point of view. It’s worth protecting the natural world simply because it’s beautiful."
Idaho Mountain Express
November 7, 2019
Idaho chinook, steelhead in trouble
Idaho Conservation League Executive Director Justin Hayes is a member of the workgroup. He said that he feels good about the collaborative process, but emphasized the situation is dire. “(These species) are going extinct, and, at this rate, will be gone in our generation,” Hayes said.
Twin Falls Times News

November 1, 2019
Baldy forest resiliency weakened by fires and droughts
To receive a notification from the Idaho Conservation League on when the public comment period opens, text 52886 with the words IDAHO LAND.
Idaho Mountain Express