We work to protect the air you breathe, the water you drink and the land you love.

Get involved, and protect the Idaho you love!

Say YES to Safer Roads. Say NO to Idaho Senate Bills 1140 and 1144

The Idaho Legislature is considering two dangerous bills that threaten public safety, pedestrians, cyclists, and other road users.

Take Action for Wildlife - NO to HB 302

The bill would complicate wildlife relocation efforts and allow County Commissions to block relocation efforts entirely.

Demand a Dam Plan That Restores Salmon & Steelhead!

Tell federal agencies we need a plan to restore Northwest salmon to abundance.

Protect Public Health! Take Action on HB 303!

Ask your legislators to Vote No on House Bill 303 or any future efforts to provide immunity to pesticide manufacturers!

From the Blog

ICL Legislative Update: Rounding the final bend, with lots on the menu?

Two words describe the statehouse: Action Packed. The Governor is signing bills into law, dozens of new bills are still being introduced, JFAC (the budget committee) continues to teeter as …

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