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HB 731: Funding for livestock depredation — 2024

Summary: HB 731 appropriates funds associated with HB 592, which will be used to reimburse livestock owners and ranchers who experience losses as a result of wolves or grizzly bears.

ICL's position: Support

Current Bill Status: Law

Issue Areas: Agriculture, Idaho State Department of Agriculture, Livestock, Wildlife

Official Legislative Site

Rep. Steve Miller (R-Fairfield) and Sen. Van Burtenshaw (R-Terreton) introduced HB 731. This bill, known as a “trailer appropriation bill,” provides funding as authorized by HB 592. The funds will be used to reimburse livestock owners and ranchers who experience losses as a result of wolves or grizzly bears.

In the past, funding to reimburse for livestock losses has come only from federal and private sources, something that HB 592 (which has now been signed into law) changes. HB 731 appropriates $225,000 from state general fund coffers for this purpose, which could also help attract additional federal grants to reimburse for livestock depredation in the future.

HB 731, and its companion HB 592, are good bills for Idaho’s wildlife, and will help reduce conflicts associated with predators.