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HB 637: Politicizing highway districts, reducing road safety — 2024

Summary: HB 637 would politicize county highway district commissions and targets the Ada County Highway District.

ICL's position: Oppose

Current Bill Status: House Amending Order

Issue Areas: Air quality, Public Safety, Transportation

Official Legislative Site

Rep. Tanner (R-Eagle) introduced HB 637 in the House Transportation and Defense Committee. The bill takes aim at the Ada County Highway District, adding new seats to the board, politicizing the current non-partisan races, and prematurely ending the terms of currently-elected commissioners. The changes would create more complexity than clarity and could lead to unequal representation and allocation of resources between the new subdistricts.

The bill is specifically aimed at the Ada County Highway District, increasing the size of the board in an attempt to influence road funding and priorities. The bill also stipulates that some Commissioners’ terms would be cut short, effectively permitting the Legislature to undermine the choices of voters.

HB 637 and its proposed restructuring could have serious implications for biker and pedestrian safety, as well as road use and public transportation priorities.