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HB 612: Wolf depredation — 2024

Summary: HB 612 would authorize the Idaho Wolf Depredation Control Board to reimburse for livestock losses due to wolves.

ICL's position: Support

Current Bill Status: Law

Issue Areas: Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Idaho State Department of Agriculture, Livestock, Wildlife, wolves

Official Legislative Site

Rep. Judy Boyle (R-Midvale) introduced HB 612, and its expected soon for a hearing in the House Resources Committee. HB 612 amends the existing Idaho Wolf Control Board statute to allow for reimbursement for livestock killed by wolves.

Currently, the Idaho Wolf Depredation Control Board can only utilize funds for lethal control efforts.

The bill was seeming released in response to a separate proposal, HB 592, which would authorize additional state-funded reimbursements for livestock losses from wolves, as well as grizzly bears, and to sponsor conflict prevention efforts.

Both HB 592 and HB 612 could pass, providing ways for the state to better manage predator conflict, and as a result, ICL supports both.