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HB 484: Season setting for big game management — 2024

Summary: HB 484 would interfere with the role of the IDFG Commission and require annual season setting for elk, deer, and moose.

ICL's position: Oppose

Current Bill Status: House Committee

Issue Areas: Fish and Wildlife, Idaho Department of Fish and Game

Official Legislative Site

Rep. Kingsley (R-Lewiston) introduced HB 484 in the House Resources and Conservation Committee. The bill would require the Idaho Fish and Game (IDFG) Commission to establish seasons annually, instead of bi-annually for elk, deer, and moose.

Similar to concerns with another bill (HB 469) that steps on the toes of the Idaho Fish & Game Commission, this bill interferes with the Commission’s legitimate role.

The IDFG Commission already has authority to change how it sets seasons for deer, elk, moose, or other species. 

In 1938, 76% of Idahoans agreed with an initiative that established professional management of wildlife via IDFG and their independent Commission. They were concerned because they saw the negative effects of political influence over fish and game management.

It was the right decision in 1938 to insulate wildlife management from political meddling and it’s the right decision today. We already see too much legislative interference when it comes to IDFG budgets, management of game farms, and changes to bag limits and access. Opening the commission to increased legislative influence undermines the intent of an independent and balanced commission to protect and preserve the fish and wildlife that belong to all Idahoans.