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HB 474: Misdemeanors for false pesticide damage claims — 2024

Summary: HB 474 would make it a misdemeanor offense to falsely report damage resulting from pesticides.

ICL's position: Oppose

Current Bill Status: Law

Issue Areas: Agriculture, Idaho State Department of Agriculture

Official Legislative Site

Rep. Boyle (R) introduced HB 474 in the House Agricultural Affairs Committee. The bill would make it a misdemeanor to make a false report of pesticide damage to local law enforcement or the Idaho State Department of Agriculture.

No one should be filing false reports about pesticides or anything else, for that matter. That’s why it’s already illegal to do so. An existing Idaho law already makes it a misdemeanor to falsely report to any state agency or law enforcement officer.

As a result, this bill is repetitive and unnecessary.

We’re also concerned that the bill would discourage Idahoans from filing reports associated with inappropriate pesticide use. The bigger issue that legislators should be concerned with is the Idaho State Department of Agriculture’s “light touch” when it comes to investigating reports, and holding violators accountable.