Want to be a hero for Idaho’s salmon on steelhead and do something fun? Idaho Conservation League wants to help connect you to the right tools.
Earlier this month we launched our storytelling kits that focus on recording memories and experiences surrounding salmon and steelhead. In the past month, we’ve collected stories from fourth generation Idahoans, long-time fishing guides, outfitters, fish geneticists, sports anglers, non-angling fish admirers and more. The stories so far have been amazing. We love hearing Idahoans from different walks of life talk about their love for fish in Idaho. Many of these stories highlighted particularly powerful experiences with salmon and steelhead. If you are interested in hearing these incredible stories visit the Stories of Idaho’s Fish community page.
As we have been going through the process, we realized that our storytelling kits were great for people who wanted to gather with a handful of friends but less great for people who just wanted to share a story for themselves. Don’t worry – we fixed this! We created a short download demonstrating how to easily record your fish story.
It’s simple:
- Download your one-page storytelling instructions here.
- Follow the directions and record your story today.
- Email our conservation fellow to let them know your story is on the way.
- Go tell a friend to share their story too!
By telling your own personal story you are helping change the hearts and minds of others and giving a voice to endangered salmon and steelhead. When you share memories to the archive you are not only highlighting Idaho’s value in fish and fishing, but you are also helping raise important awareness about near extinction levels about salmon and steelhead in Idaho.
We can’t do this without you. We look forward to your stories.
Next Thursday, March 7, 2019, from 5:30 p.m.- 7 p.m. we will be hosting a Boise Porch Talk at the Idaho Conservation League headquarters (or lounge talk, if the weather continues to be unpredictable). You will have the opportunity to learn about why stories are so powerful and how we are utilizing Idahoan’s personal experiences to raise awareness about salmon and steelhead. We will also be doing a demonstration of how to record a story for yourself as well as give tips on how to record one from someone else. Drinks and light snacks will be provided – hope to see you there!
“It was me and my dad and my brother. I was about five and he was about three and hooked into a steelhead, and uh, I mean, I didn’t have any idea what was going on or what I was doing but we were already committed to the rapid …”
“… I was five and it was almost as long as I was …”
These quotes are from a story on our community stories page. To hear what happened to a young boy’s first steelhead catch, head over to our Story’s of Idaho’s Fish page. Click on “Colby’s First Steelhead on the Salmon River” to listen to the rest!