In August, for Make-A-Will Month, ICL hosted a webinar featuring Estate Attorney Kirstin Dutcher, ICL Legacy Club & Former Board Member Julie Richardson, and ICL Development Director Diana Burrell. The trio explored the process and benefits of writing a will, why and when it’s so important, how to leave a charitable gift in your will, why many donors choose to do so, and the lasting impacts those gifts can have on the organizations and work you most value.
While the live session has passed, we invite you to watch the recording on your own time – there is a lot of wonderful information that is helpful to people at all stages of life and giving levels.

Idaho’s future is being today, and the Gem State needs more people to step up now to keep Idaho special. ICL has succeeded in protecting Idaho’s environment for more than 50 years, but can only continue to do so with the support from people who care. Together, we will — and must — protect the Idaho we love for future generations. As always, if you have any questions about donations or legacy giving, please don’t hesitate to reach out to ICL’s development team:

Diana Burrell, Development Director
Courtney Hamilton, Philanthropy Liaison
Kayla Wilcox, Development & Communications Associate