For Immediate Release: Wednesday, March 19, 2025


John Robison, Public Lands & Wildlife Director, ICL, (208) 345-6933 x 213

Alexis Pickering, Executive Director, CVI, (208) 580-3281 

Idahoans to celebrate, champion, and defend public lands with rally at Idaho Capitol

BOISE, ID – On Saturday, March 22, Idahoans from across the State will gather for a rally at the Idaho Capitol to celebrate public lands and stand in solidarity against their privatization by special interests. The rally and day of action aim to urge Idaho leaders to protect the lands that make Idaho special, ensure they are well managed, and reject efforts to privatize them. 

“Idaho’s 32 million acres of public lands are the foundation of Idaho’s unique way of life and Idaho’s economy,” said John Robison, Public Lands & Wildlife Director for the Idaho Conservation League. “We live in Idaho for the freedom of enjoying our public lands—and the chance to pass this heritage on to our families and future generations.”

Public lands have never been more important to our quality of life and our economy. In 2023, outdoor recreation supported more than 37,000 jobs and contributed $3.96 billion to Idaho’s economy, in addition to all of the traditional uses. 

Public lands have also never been at greater risk. Forest health and wildfire risks have reached crisis levels. Open space is under increasing pressure from development. Budget cuts and staffing shortfalls will lead to decreased capacity to manage public lands and public services. What’s more, some politicians aim to take advantage of this and seek to privatize these lands. 

“The future of our public lands is in jeopardy. Now is the time for our leaders to reject these dangerous efforts and make it clear that we will not follow the path toward privatization,” said Alexis Pickering, Executive Director for Conservation Voters for Idaho. 

The rally begins at 11 a.m. and will feature a variety of speakers, including Representative Monica Church and actor Chance Rush. Rush is well known for his role in the film Killers of the Flower Moon. Other speakers include Paul Mascuch, Idaho falconer, and representatives from hunting interests. Speakers will be available for interviews with reporters in a pre-rally press event at 10 a.m. in the Public Lounge on the third floor of the Capitol building.

All Idahoans who care about public hands are invited to join the rally. For more information, head to the rally webpage:


ICL’s mission is to create a conservation community and pragmatic, enduring solutions that protect and restore the air you breathe, the water you drink, and the land and wildlife you love.

CVI’s mission is to create the political environment to protect the natural environment by safeguarding our democracy, clean air and water, and natural places.