While it’s not true in every corner of Idaho, around the Idaho Statehouse, the snow is melting, spring has sprung, and Public Lands appear to be on everyones’ minds. On Saturday, I was inspired by over a thousand Idahoans linking arms on the steps of the Capitol to send a resounding message to our leaders: Keep Public Lands in Public Hands!

We saw lots of ICL’s friends and one of my personal inspirations, Bill Platts. He’s 97 years old. He caught his first fish in Idaho in 1938. He drove from Cascade to support the lands that he loves. Aside from Bill, there were lawyers, carpenters, hunters, falconers, a cowgirl from Driggs!, grandmas, dogs, doctors, babies, teenagers, Tribal members, bankers, mtn. bikers, snowmobilers, hikers, and everyone in between…All standing up for the public lands they love. (Disclaimer: some of the babies may have been asleep).

Public Lands Rally in March 2025. Abby Urbanek photo.

But inside the Capitol it’s a different story. They’re trying to wrap up in the next two weeks, and public lands remain squarely in their crosshairs. But instead of protecting and standing up for our public lands, the legislature is threatening them. One proposal requests that the federal government transfer the 11,000-acre Camas National Wildlife Refuge, located north of Idaho Falls, to state ownership. The Shoshone-Bannock Tribes, Friends of Camas NWR, ICL, and others strongly oppose it. 

Senator Mike Crapo also weighed in on public lands during a visit to Idaho’s Ranch Podcast last week. He indicated his support for state ownership. ICL and many other Idahoans vociferously disagree. We know that state lands takeover is something Idaho can’t afford, and will lead to a state selloff. Idahoans have consistently opposed a public lands seizure, and recent polling showed 82% of Idahoans oppose selling some federal lands for housing development. Nonetheless, last week Secretary of the Interior Doug Burgum announced a plan to do exactly that.

Troubling transportation bills (Take Action!) are also still moving forward, and efficiency funding for Idahoans was unceremoniously scrapped. Finally, the Land Bank Bill that would help protect public lands is on life support (Take Action!). It’s rough down there, I tell ya. Rough.

The good news is that they are definitely wrapping up. Final deals were cut last week and the “going home” bills appear to be on the move, that’s what they call the important year-end budget and policy bills that are held hostage each spring in the decades-long House v. Senate battles. Most committees have gone to “Call of the Chair” which means that their regularly scheduled meetings will happen only if needed. ICL is still engaged on several final bills that are moving, and you can stay up to date on all your favorites, or least favorites, on our bill tracker to see which make it to the Governor’s desk.

Finally, you’ve heard me say it before, we face stiff headwinds at the statehouse, but if we’re strategic, we can use those winds to fill our sails. Idaho needs a strong voice for conservation at the statehouse. BUT…we need your help. Please take 5 minutes to take one (or more!) take actions or consider a special gift to support our efforts in the Statehouse, we need you now. 

More. Than. EVER!

There’s not much time left, so let’s get to it.

Over a thousand Idahoans came out to rally for public lands on March 22, 2025. Abby Urbanek photo.

Public Lands, Public Lands, and some more Public Lands

Public lands and related issues like wildfires, water rights, and state land sales were Hot Topics last week. The Camas National Wildlife Refuge takeover proposal (SJM 104) sailed through the House Resources Committee despite unanswered questions. The non-binding memorial, driven by downstream water rights concerns, ignores the refuge’s legal use of their senior water rights. It also disregards opposition from the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes, who hold treaty rights across all 11,000 acres of these federally-managed public lands. Despite numerous other concerns raised by conservation and wildlife advocates like Friends of the Camas NWR, The Wilderness Society, and ICL, the bill is expected to pass the House floor later this week, raising the stakes in the long-running battle to keep our public lands public.  

ICL is opposed to two House bills that were hastily scheduled for an early morning Senate Committee; we suspect they were part of the aforementioned “deal.” The first (HB 389) would encourage Idaho to fight fires on federal land without federal approval, increasing the state’s financial and legal liabilities. It could also jeopardize the Idaho Master Fire Agreement, which coordinates fire suppression efforts across the state. It was pulled from the agenda hours before the hearing, but we expect it to return. The other bill (HB 148) seeks to cover private legal fees for two Owyhee County ranchers. The bill appears to direct the Constitutional Defense Council  to violate the Idaho Constitution. It passed the Senate Committee on a party line vote. Go figure.

Meanwhile, the Land Bank Bill (HB 129), which aims to reinvest over $85 million from state land sales in other public land acquisitions, stumbled in the Senate when an amendment failed. If it doesn’t pass, $8 million will likely be diverted to the stock market, reducing public land acreage in Idaho.

Speaking of big money and wildfires, the budget committee is finalizing the last of its bills, including a $40 million addition to the state’s wildfire piggy bank— less than the Governor wanted. Meanwhile in the Senate, lawmakers are still stalling the $872+ million Natural Resources budget, leveraging it in hostage negotiations with the House. Given the apparent deal, we now expect it to move.

Renewable and energy changes, some positive (+), some negative (-) Windmills at sunset

One of the common themes this year has been an attack on renewable energy in the state. Despite the fact that utilities recognize the clear economic benefit of solar and wind energy, political forces appear stacked against renewables. We were encouraged to see some positive changes to one bill last week that will help reduce light pollution, while allowing for the sensible adoption of new technologies over time. It’s awaiting the Governor’s signature.

Another bill (HB 387) is awaiting a House amendment that would align bonding requirements with existing state land requirements, which would make the bill far more reasonable. It’s unclear if it will ever be amended though, meaning it would die when the session soon adjourns.

Several of the most aggressive bills appear to have lost their charge entirely, including a “Gangsta’ Bill” that would have cost wind energy companies $25,000 for every foot of windmill they installed. It appears to be dead, and that’s a good thing.

One of the worst stories on energy from the week was when the budget committee slashed access to federal energy rebates. The program has helped Idahoans pay their energy bills by investing in insulation, more efficient heating and cooling, and other cost and energy-saving measures. As a result of JFAC’s decision, we’re sending $24.6 million to Nebraska, New York, New Hampshire, and the other 46 states to help their residents save money. Sheesh…

Bad mining bill advances 

The Idaho Mining Association is seeking to overhaul the permitting process for mining operations that use cyanide—a highly toxic chemical used in gold extraction. Cyanide spills have caused severe environmental damage worldwide, including fish kills, water contamination, and poisoned land. Currently, Idaho law requires these mines to obtain a special permit from the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), following Administrative Rules that ICL and the miners agreed to several years ago.

Now, without consulting ICL, or any of the other stakeholders like the Nez Perce Tribe, SB 1170 would shift many of these rules into statute. The bill would also reduce some environmental safeguards. Since no cyanide mines have been approved under the existing rules, their effectiveness remains untested; it’s premature to lock them into law. We’re also concerned that Perpetua Resources—the company behind the controversial Stibnite Gold Project—is pushing for these industry-friendly changes when their mining project is awaiting final state approval. The bill passed the Senate last week, and is expected to pass the House this week.

Stibnite Gold Project. Ecoflight photo.

Cynthia’s Corner

These last three months have opened my eyes to the Tribes of Idaho and the treaties that were put in place to protect their lands and rights. The Camas National Wildlife Refuge takeover proposal is the perfect example of how and why these protections were put into place. 

The Treaty of Fort Bridger was signed into law on July 3, 1868. This solemn treaty between the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes and the United States specified the disposition of lands, ceding vast swaths of territory to westward expansion along with protecting the rights to hunt and fish in usual and accustomed places. During testimony, Sen. Burtenshaw was asked whether he had reached out to discuss his proposal with the Tribes. He had not. This lack of dialogue with the Tribes seems the biggest threat. A more thoughtful solution is needed, such as working with local water users, the Tribes, and Friends of the Camas NWR. As Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.”

Tie of the week!

As the legislature lurches toward the finish line of the session, the battle scars are still fresh—some bills are on life support, others remain stuck in a Chairman’s drawer forevermore. Tensions are high, patience is low, and ugly ties are coming out.

So this week’s tie is dedicated to resilience—the fine art of stepping back, recharging, and living to fight another day. The road ahead won’t be easy, but I know that together, we can tackle whatever comes next. As Margaret Mead said, “Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has.” So, let’s go change the world—right after we take a nap.

Special bonus: catch me on The Ranch Podcast and see if you can spot my bumps and bruises? Note: only members will receive ICL’s special Year End Legislative Update by mail in full glossy color. So, if you wanna read the FULL STORY…sign up now!


Until next week, could it be the last…Esto Perpetua,
