Idaho Gov. Brad Little declared a state of emergency this morning because of the new coronavirus (COVID-19). In light of growing concerns over COVID-19, the Idaho Conservation League has implemented measures, effective immediately, for staff to keep ourselves and our community safe (details follow).

For the next 30 days, we will limit the potential for staff and members to become exposed to and/or spread the new coronavirus. The safety of our staff, members, family and our community is our number one priority.

ICL is not closing. Rather, we are implementing best practices — social distancing, office hygiene, telecommuting and flexibility — to allow us to continue working safely. Additionally, ICL’s advocacy events, social gatherings and workshops will take place virtually or be postponed until further notice. We are relying on guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and medical experts. As this situation evolves we will further refine our response.

This is an extraordinary moment that we are all going through together. Actions that we individually and collectively take will be important to protect our community. Unguarded behaviors and actions could have catastrophic consequences for many. If we all do our part, we will all make a difference. Please share these details with others if you think doing so will help them take similar steps to protect our community.

Thank you,
Justin Hayes
Executive Director


Dear ICL Staff,

In light of the growing concerns over COVID-19, ICL is making decisions and implementing measures to help promote staff safety. These actions are being guided by advice made available from the CDC and other medical sources. As this situation evolves we will further refine our response. If for any reason you believe that these measures place you at risk or are contradicted by advice issued by the CDC or other medical professionals, please adhere to what you consider to be the more protective advice and notify your supervisor of your concern.

The safety of our staff, members, family and our community is our number one priority.

For the next 30 days we are implementing the following measures to limit the potential for staff and members to become exposed to and/or spread COVID-19:

Social Distancing: Consider if your physical presence is necessary. Can you participate by phone or video? If you cannot remotely participate, and you cannot abide by the measures below, you are not to attend.

  • All work-related air travel is cancelled. If you have existing travel plans by some other means, please talk to your supervisor. Under most circumstances, you should expect that this travel will be cancelled.
  • All staff are to avoid large gatherings. All conferences, speeches, presentations, classes, crowded areas, etc. are off limits.
  • All engagement events are to be moved to video, webinar and other remote platforms or rescheduled.
  • Smaller gatherings and meetings may be attended if you believe that you can maintain sufficient personal space. The CDC is advising keeping at least 6 feet between you and others. If you cannot maintain adequate personal space, or if you believe that the space is not safe for you for any reason, such as a person at the meeting is displaying flu like symptoms or the area may be unhygienic, you should not participate in the meeting.
  • This includes within office interactions. If you cannot maintain adequate personal space, or if you believe that the space is not safe for you for any reason, you should not participate in the meeting.
  • Guests in our office buildings. You are asked not to use our office spaces for meetings. If you feel it is essential to have a meeting in our office, you must discuss your needs with your supervisor and you must hold the meeting in your office.
  • Working from home/telecommuting. For many ICL staff it is possible to work remotely. We are encouraging you to do so. If you are interested in this option, please talk to your supervisor.
  • Flexible hours. Many ICL in office tasks do not necessarily need to be done during traditional work hours. Having fewer people in the office at any one time may help reduce potential COVID-19 exposure. Additionally, flexible hours may help parents be available to be at home in the event that local schools close or you are not comfortable sending your child to school at this time. If you are interested in working non-traditional hours, please talk to your supervisor.

Avoid physical contact: Hand shaking and embraces are out. Elbow bumps and head nods are in.


  • Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds every time that you enter our building, i.e. wash your hands first thing in the morning and every time you reenter the building and frequently throughout the day.
  • Within your office, you should clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces with cleaning spray or wipe.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.

Office space and office equipment

  • At each of our offices a person will be assigned the task of cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects (door knobs, copier, coffee pot, refrigerator, etc.) and other surfaces like tables and counters in public spaces. Supplies will be provided.
  • The use of cloth drying towels in the kitchenette and bathrooms will be discontinued.
  • In kitchens: No shared food and if you use dishes, wash them very well.

Stay home if you feel sick or have been in contact with someone that you suspect has COVID-19.

This is a reminder that you do not need to take do not take vacation time to be sick. If you are sick, or need to be home to care for a sick partner or child, please stay home. Do not account for this time as if it were your time off. That is to say, do not take vacation time to be sick. You are sick — go be sick. Save your vacation for vacation. Notify your supervisor if you are not feeling well.

The health and safety is our number one priority. If you come into contact with someone who is sick, we need to discuss self-quarantine with you.

Outside of the office
We ask that you please exercise the same sorts of measures in your personal life that we are implementing at ICL. We are asking you avoid travel and events. This is an extraordinary moment that we are all going through together. Actions that we individually and collectively take will be important to protect our community. Unguarded behaviors and actions could have catastrophic consequences for many. If we all do our part, we will make a difference.

ICL is not closing. Rather we are implementing best practices to allow us to continue working safely. Please take advantage of the flexibility and measures that we are undertaking to ensure that the important work that we do continues.

Thank you for all that you are doing, Justin

Click to download a PDF version of this letter.