In December 2024, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Bureau of Reclamation announced their intent to revise a crucial federal plan for operating dams on the Columbia and Snake Rivers. The plan, entitled the Columbia River System Operations Environmental Impact Statement, was completed in 2020. Because of significant changes, scientific reports, and new information released since 2020, the agencies are planning to revise their earlier work through a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS)

The 2020 plan considered breach of the four lower Snake River dams in an effort to recover endangered Snake River salmon and steelhead, but did not select this option. Instead, agencies concluded that the dams could continue operating without jeopardizing these iconic fish. At the time, this decision seemed misguided. Scientific studies from the last few years have shown it to be completely improper. In 2022, the National Marine Fisheries Service, which manages these fish populations, found that breaching the dams must be a “centerpiece action” of any realistic attempt to restore salmon and steelhead in the Snake River to abundance. 

The 2020 plan also left out other populations of salmon, steelhead, and native fish around the Columbia River Basin. Thirteen different stocks of salmon and steelhead in the Columbia Basin have been listed under the Endangered Species Act. Not one has recovered. 

Thankfully, regional state and Tribal fish managers have assembled the Columbia Basin Restoration Initiative (CBRI), a roadmap for restoring fish in the basin to abundance. The CBRI includes significant habitat and hatchery investments, changes to how fish recovery funding is managed, breach of the four lower Snake River dams, and replacement of all the dams’ services. The federal government’s plan must align with the CBRI

Federal agencies are accepting comments from the public about how to revise their 2020 plan. Comments should focus on new information and changed circumstances since 2020. Comments will be accepted until May 9th, 2025.


Take action today by clicking the button above! Tell the federal government we need a plan to recover Columbia and Snake River salmon and steelhead to healthy and abundant levels. Highlight new information that’s been published since 2020. Submit your comment today!