Throughout 2017, we at the Idaho Conservation League are  concentrating on lowering our impact on the environment; we invite you to join us in this effort! Let’s challenge each other to live life more fully and commit to improving our health, our well-being and our local communities.

To make lowering your own impact easier, we will offer green tips in  four areas where  you can  make changes:  energy, transportation, food and water use. We’ll focus on one area for three months and provide monthly tips on how you can lessen your impact. January through  March, we are focusing on reducing energy use.

Calculate Your Carbon Footprint

Set the stage for your  year  by calculating your carbon footprint with a carbon calculator. A basic carbon calculator offers a ballpark figure for  a person’s, business’s or household’s “carbon footprint.” Choosing to calculate your carbon footprint now will help you understand how big your impact is  and where  you can improve. As a first step to making changes, it gives you  a baseline that you can compare your progress with later. At the end of the year, you can recalculate your carbon footprint and see what type of reduction you have made over the year. Several different footprint calculators have been created over the years, so take a look at this blog and see which calculator(s) works best for you.

Join Our Facebook Group: ICL Greentips

We want to have fun with this challenge, so we’re inviting you to join our ICL Greentips group on Facebook. Come share your ideas, knowledge, challenges, mistakes, inspirations-and your progress! The group is open to everyone. Just ask to join and you’ll be able to post your thoughts and comments. See you there!

Remember to Sign the Pledge

Are you ready to take on the energy #greentips challenge? Excellent! Sign  the  pledge to reduce your energy use!