The Northwest's Future
Solutions Together
ICL supports significant, comprehensive action that restores salmon and steelhead to abundance while making all communities whole. U.S. Congressman Mike Simpson’s “Columbia Basin Initiative” charts a path forward for the Northwest. His proposal is bold and urgently needed for Idahoans and the people of this region. Rep. Simpson has laid out a framework that other elected leaders can improve upon, but the solutions remain the same. We must rebuild healthy, self-sustaining fish populations, construct affordable clean energy, and create thriving agricultural economies.
ICL is supportive of any proposal this bold in scope and hopes that the Northwest’s Congressional delegation and Governors will join the conversation to bring about a comprehensive solution for Idahoans and the Northwest.

A Restored River
Removing the four federal dams on the lower Snake River would restore it to a free-flowing, natural state – an essential step in restoring Idaho’s salmon and steelhead to abundance. Any serious attempt to create abundant salmon and steelhead runs must include river restoration. This action is a critical part of needed efforts to return wild fish to Idaho’s rivers, benefitting river communities, Tribes, and Idahoans.

Affordable, Reliable Energy
New renewable energy facilities must be built in the region to replace the energy generated by the lower Snake River dams. These investments would improve Idaho’s electricity infrastructure’s affordability, reliability, and security, create thousands of jobs, and bring significant investment to rural communities. Investments should also be made in the region’s transmission system, improving grid safety, optimizing the system to meet the region’s needs, and connecting more of the West.

Efficient, Economic Transportation
Rail, highway, and storage infrastructure that has been neglected for decades should be overhauled to foster economic and efficient transportation of grains and other agricultural products from Idaho and eastern Washington. These targeted investments in the regional transportation network would improve safety and support farmers as they grow food for the world.

Clean Water
Poor water quality throughout the region poses a threat for fish, but also for people. Watershed collaboratives should be funded to tackle water pollution, waste management, and declining flows as part of comprehensive action. This would include the mid-Snake River in southern Idaho, in alignment with ICL’s campaign to improve water quality throughout the region.

A New National Recreation Area
The restored lower Snake River should be placed under the joint administration of Tribes and the Bureau of Land Management as a National Recreation Area. A restored river corridor would be a paradise for boaters and other recreationists. Waterfront property in Lewiston and Clarkston would be revitalized and could be made into a commercial district to create hundreds of jobs and significant new revenue.

For more information on Congressman Simpson’s proposal, visit his website! You can also watch our webinar about the Columbia Basin Initiative below or check out our fact sheet.
We need comprehensive solutions that chart a way forward for abundant fish, clean and affordable energy, transportation, agriculture, and communities across Idaho. Your support matters. Tell Idaho’s leaders that you want to move toward a better future for our state and our region. Download our fact sheet and Idaho action toolkit for more ways to get involved.
We also need support from other Northwest elected officials. Download our Washington and Oregon toolkits to learn how to contact your local representatives, write a Letter to the Editor, and more.