Celebrate the Sawtooth NRA’s 50th anniversary and give back to it this fall! The Sawtooth National Recreation Area (SNRA) needs your help to recover from the impacts of this busy summer season. Grab friends, family, or coworkers and choose a cleanup project in the frontcountry or backcountry and join us in making a difference on this iconic landscape.
When: Anytime, September 12 – September 25
Where: Various locations in the Sawtooth National Recreation Area. Choose a frontcountry or backcountry project and when you plan to go. You will receive instructions on where to pick up supplies and what to do over email.
Questions? Contact Stevie Gawryluk at sgawryluk@idahoconservation.org
SAFETY AND HEALTH ADVISORY: Due to the fires in and around the Sawtooth National Recreation Area, this event’s dates and locations are subject to change.