Are you curious to know where the smoke in the sky is coming from? Maybe you plan to go hiking, rafting, camping, or undertaking some other recreation pursuit. But you want to know if any fire restrictions or closures are in place.
Well, I have some resources for you.
First of all, the local ranger station is always the most current and reliable source of information. Search for your favorite national forest or ranger station and give them a call. Ask whether there are any fire restrictions or area closures in effect.
For online resources, one of my favorites is InciWeb, which is short for Incident Information System. You can filter fire information by state, land manager, or incident. You can also find maps, closures, and photos on InciWeb. It’s the most comprehensive source of online information about fires that I’m aware of.
I also like the GeoMAC Viewer. Current incidents are displayed over aerial imagery. You can pan, zoom, and look at the fire perimeters in your area of interest.
Above all, be safe this wildfire season!