Last month, we introduced  our #greentips transportation challenge  for this quarter  to spur us all on toward  keeping Idaho’s air clean and our lungs healthy. We urge you  to sign the challenge pledge and let us know how you are getting involved in transportation planning, reducing your carbon footprint and getting more involved in your local community’s transportation options. Here’s an example of what you had to say last month!

"I am semi-retired and started taking classes at BSU. Along with the student ID you get a free bus pass. Most days I ride the bus downtown then grab the Orange shuttle to campus. It is awesome. Buses have Wi-Fi and I can do homework or read instead of racing to the next red light with all the other drivers."

Every year in the Treasure Valley the Idaho Conservation League staff participates  in the ACHD Commuterride "May in Motion" campaign-and in recent years, our field office staff have joined in  informally, too. Every year it’s been an awesome experience. The challenge  gives ICL the chance to rethink  how we get to work, provides  us good reminders of why we choose to bike, walk ride the bus or carpool, and encourages us to be good role models in the community for sustainable transportation options. Signing up for May in Motion  gives  us a tool to track our transportation uses, and estimate the carbon impacts as well as  any economic savings.

No matter where you live in Idaho, we’re challenging you to use May in Motion  to rethink your transportation choices. If sustainable transportation options aren’t in your  future locally-which can be very real for rural parts of the state-how can you be more involved in the planning process at the statewide level to create more options for pathways, public transit and ride shares? Does your community have a transportation plan?

And on an individual level, what creative choices can you make day to day that could add up to make a difference? Can you plan ahead and consolidate your trips? Share rides?

If you live in the Treasure Valley and your place of employment is not participating in May in Motion, sign up anyway! No matter the size or resources available, it’s easy to get moving and make the valley a better and cleaner place to live and work. If you live in other parts of the state, let us know what you are doing to make sustainable transportation choices. We want to hear from you!