What’s better than getting on your bike and riding along a gently rippling lake? Or walking along a quiet path buffered from nearby roads? Valley County has a draft plan that would promote pathways like this.

What Is This New Plan to Promote Pathways?

Valley County has a new pathways master plan  that, once approved, will guide future planning and development of Valley County. This pathways plan has been updated through collaborative efforts among the cities of McCall, Donnelly and Cascade. It seeks  to connect Long Valley communities, complete a pathway around Payette Lake, link neighborhood trails and establish pathway corridors.

Ask Valley County Commissioners to Approve the Plan!

The county commissioners haven’t yet approved this plan. That’s why they need to hear from all of us who value the many benefits of a pathways plan. Consider these reasons for adopting the plan. Then attend next Monday’s public meeting and speak up for the pathways plan.

  • Valley County’s economic future depends on  the development of tourism and recreation.
  • Pathways are good for recreation, health and fitness, education, transportation and quality of life.
  • Pathway corridors  connect our communities and link us to our mountain trails, lakes and streams.

What Can You Do?

Attend next week’s Valley County Commissioners public meeting and voice your support in person.

  • When-Monday, May 15, 1:30 pm
  • Where-Valley County Courthouse, 219 N Main St, in Cascade

Can’t make it to the meeting? Send the commissioners an email of support.