After marathon sessions last week that ran late into the night, the Idaho Legislature has finally concluded its work for the year. Well…almost.
They’ll return on Wednesday, April 10 to consider any vetoes from Governor Little. If he does veto any bills, they’ll need a ⅔ majority in both the Senate and House to override the vetoes.
The House also still must vote on part of the Idaho Department of Health & Welfare’s budget.
If all goes as planned, they’ll adjourn sine die (“without a day” in Latin) and head home for the year.
As we look back on the 2024 session, we certainly saw some losses, but also some notable victories.
A standout win was the defeat of the pesticide manufacturers immunity bill.
When I testified on the bill way back in February, I said “it feels like I’m standing in front of a freight train.” Against the odds, working together with a coalition of farmworker and public health advocates, we halted that train in its tracks, not once, not twice, but three times (insert baseball analogy here).
It’s over, but it doesn’t have to be over!
This may be the final update for the session, but at the end of each session, ICL sends out a full Legislative Update Report with all the fun, exciting, behind-the-scenes details of what went down during the 2024 Idaho Legislature.
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Get your special full-color, glossy (with photos!) Legislative Update Report later this spring, along with many other benefits, by becoming an ICL member!
From renewable energy, wolf, and grizzly bears bills to a pro-dam memorial to the pesticide and elk farm bills, our legislative update will cover it all. I’ll tie up all the loose ends.
And speaking of ties…
The final Tie of the week! 
The end of the session is always a little chaotic, but last week it seemed even more so. Last minute wrangling over the Idaho Transportation Department budget, long hours, and a successful protest from President Pro Tem Sen. Chuck Winder (R-Boise) had budget-writers and legislators scrambling. It lent a circus-like feel to the late night sessions.
So this week’s tie is dedicated to all of you! The dedicated ICL members and supporters who buckle up and hang on for the ride. Day after day, week after week, year after year. Your support allows ICL to continue as Your Voice for Conservation in the Statehouse. We’ve been doing it every year since 1973 and we’ll continue as long as we have your support!
Until next session, only 280 days away (I can’t wait)!
For the love of Idaho! Esto Perpetua,