For 50 years, the Idaho Conservation League has worked to protect and restore the clean air, clean water, wild lands, special places, fish,and wildlife that give Idahoans such an exceptional quality of life. And for 50 years, we’ve relied on our members to make this work possible. Our accomplishments do not just fall on the shoulders of our staff—ICL relies on our special conservation community, made up of dedicated members and supporters, each and every step of the way. Each of our members brings a unique perspective and a distinctive connection to our mission, creating a collective commitment to Idaho’s air, land, water and wildlife that is backed with a culture of caring.
For many, this culture of caring is rooted in a special place in Idaho—like the Boulder White Clouds, Scotchman Peaks, or Owyhee Wilderness. For others, it may be Idaho’s dark skies or clean water—from the iconic lakes and rivers of North Idaho to the lifeblood of southern Idaho, the Snake River. The diversity in why people support ICL is just as diverse as the landscapes and natural heritage of our great state. This diversity also reflects the huge breadth of issues ICL works on, and the collaborative and creative ways we work to get things done for our environment.
In honor of 50 years of protecting the many things we love about Idaho, let’s dive deeper into some of the reasons our members give!
Ann Rathfon
“I’m not certain exactly when I became involved with ICL. I do know the why. My love for the Idaho wilderness. I wanted to help protect this wilderness and came across the Idaho Conservation League. My volunteer career began with stuffing envelopes for mailings. I’ve since graduated to hand addressing envelopes and thrown a few citizen science activities and trail maintenance in for balance. ICL provides a much needed fair and reasonable voice in the Legislature for those of us who cherish this state’s wildlife and its environs. I’m proud to be a small part of keeping this good work going and look forward to a healthy future for Idahoans and our wildlife!”
Kayla Wilcox
“As an avid outdoorswoman, I always knew that I wanted to protect the wild places in Idaho. There are too few places in the world with as much public land or a public that uses the land so much and so well. As a former political science student, I also knew that we needed laws and government action to make that possible. While I couldn’t personally protect every square acre of wilderness – I can support legislation that does. After becoming involved with ICL as a member and now as a member of the ELIE cohort, I have learned so much and grown more passionate about wildlife, water, and climate change. We only have one Idaho. We need to protect and preserve it. I am so honored to be involved with ICL’s mission to give future generations the experiences I love today. Esto Perpetua.”
Madonna Lengerich
“I think ICL was the only conservation org in town many years ago. I had friends who were members, so I joined. I wanted to be a part of preserving spectacular places I recreated in. The fight over the White Clouds got my attention. Cecil Andrus leading the effort was cause to be more involved. I wanted to see this special place. I wanted to be involved. From there it was hit and miss on time between years of long summers working wildfires and winter involvement in town activities. Being a part of ICL has been important in developing many long-term friendships. We need to provide the best example of what it means to conserve and preserve this planet for those who take our place.”
Ron Abramovich
“Hopefully in the near future, we’ll be hearing success stories about how ICL helped set the stage for the removal of the four lower Snake River dams. And in the long term, we’ll soon see an increase in the return of Salmon back to Idaho. The dams are not needed like they once were, while the impacts of reduced flow velocities and increased streamflow temperatures are still being felt. It’s time to return this river section to a free-flowing river.
In the past, I used to give 30-40 presentations a year informing Idaho water users about current snowpack and ever-changing water supply conditions. I’ve been a skier for over 40 years and rafter for over 20 years. Now, I’m having just as much fun listening to the younger generation and their passion about the work they do to help make this world and Idaho a better place. Keep up the good work, all the folks at ICL.”
Sadi Mosko
“After moving back home to Idaho earlier this year, I have been so grateful to join ICL’s Emerging Leaders for Idaho’s Environment (ELIE) program. ELIE is giving me the chance to reconnect with my state and learn about ways I can be more involved in my community and conservation.”
Perky Smith-Hagadone
“When I retired, many people said, ‘Everyone is going to ask you to volunteer; really think about it because you have worked hard and deserve this time for just you and your passions.’ Well, happily, one of my passions just happens to be the environment, so, I listened to my mom who said: ‘Perky, always try to leave the world a little better than you found it.’ ICL gives me the platform to at least try.”
Bryan DuFosse
“I first became acquainted with the Idaho Conservation League in 1988, about 2 years after I had moved to Idaho. Having grown up on the shores of a very polluted Lake Erie, during the time when the Cuyahoga River caught fire south of me, and the Love Canal chemical disaster occurred north of me, I was very aware of what can go wrong without proper environmental oversight. So, soon after moving to Idaho and learning of the ICL and their work, I became an immediate supporter in spirit, as well as financially when I could. And 35 years later I am still a supporter.
It’s very important we have a strong, non-governmental organization like the ICL who pays attention to the issues affecting our air, water quality, wildlife, and public lands. ICL and its supporters are the “burr under the saddle” of politicians, corporations, and potentially less-than-responsive bureaucrats to ensure all that which we take for granted in Idaho doesn’t get trampled by unsustainable growth, economic pressures and short-sighted thinking.
Most importantly, we need to ensure public lands stay in public hands! So here’s to another 50 years of ICL working to ‘keep Idaho, Idaho’ as only those who actually love Idaho for the right reasons know how to do.”
Lauren Noeker
“I was ICL’s Andrus Scholar last year and had a great experience working across the campaigns. One of my favorite projects was helping the DEIJ committee share information about environmental justice and informing more members of the significance of the movement. I love that ICL gives space for youth voices to not only be heard, but encourages youth voices to become leaders. Now, I am in ICL’s Emerging Leaders for Idaho’s Environment program, where I get to work on these issues with other passionate ICL members!”
Diane & Jack Leaverton
“We support ICL’s statewide mission. ICL’s staff works hard and effectively to protect our water, air, public lands and wildlife. This benefits everyone who loves Idaho.”
Together, ICL members are a formidable force for continued preservation of our wild Idaho. We hope these words resonate, inspire and encourage us all to amplify our collective impact as stewards of a brighter, greener tomorrow. Whether you’ve been an ICL member for 50 years or 50 days, we are so grateful to have you with us. Thank you for supporting us—and for loving Idaho!
Not an ICL member yet but want to be? Or are you already a member and know someone who loves Idaho’s lands, waters, fish and wildlife? Become a member below and share the love of Idaho with others!