Do you want clean, affordable and reliable electricity? We can have that if the Pacific Northwest adopts the Draft Seventh Northwest Conservation and Electric Power Plan.
What Is the Draft Seventh Power Plan?
This plan is a long-term forecast of energy needs and options for the Pacific Northwest (Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington). Directed primarily at the Bonneville Power Administration, which operates the dams on the Columbia and lower Snake rivers, the draft plan looks ahead 20 years to determine whether the region needs to build more power plants.
It’s called the seventh power plan because it is the seventh in a series of plans updated every five years. Prior plans showed that we could meet our energy needs by using existing resources wisely-that is by not wasting energy. This draft seventh plan continues on the same path and forecasts that our region can continue to grow and that we could close three large coal plants without building more power plants.
That All Sounds Good But…
The Northwest Power and Conservation Council will adopt or revise this plan. The NPCC is made up of two governor-appointed delegates from each state. Idaho’s delegates need to hear that Idahoans support saving energy.
We need you to take action and tell the NPCC: Yes, we want energy efficiency! You can show your support by attending a public hearing in Boise next week.
In addition, stay tuned for additional opportunities to take action. We will keep you informed.