Curbside Compost Is Coming to Boise!
This coming summer, Boise residents will be in for a good little change when it comes to garbage, and here at ICL we are sure looking forward to it! Now is the time to review your city garbage bill, your carts and then decide if you need to make a change. The Curb It website makes it really easy.
According to an analysis done at the Ada County Landfill in 2014, an unbelievable 45% of the waste in Boise households is compostable. With just a little change to our behavior, we can divert waste materials from the landfill to extend its life, improve soil quality and provide an easy way for residents to reduce waste.
What Can You Put in the Compost Cart? A Lot!
Leaves and grass clippings, limbs and branches, pine cones and needles, garden cleanup, fruits and vegetable peels, seeds and cores, tea and coffee grounds (and even the filter!), eggshells, Christmas trees, untreated wood scraps and more-all qualify.
More Facts
- Gray compost carts with greens lids will be available in three sizes: 48, 65 and 90 gallons. You can choose your size before March 31.
- The average customer will see a rate increase of about $3.40 depending on their level of service, and waivers will be given to those that already compost at home.
- A portion of the compost will be available free of charge to participants. The remaining will be used at city-owned facilities like parts and golf courses.
We applaud the city of Boise’s Curb It program for taking trash and recycling to another level and making Boise a model for other cities around the region and beyond.
Don’t forget! If you are a Boise resident, you have only one more week-until March 31-to make changes to your current cart option.