In February, Congressman Mike Simpson released his “Northwest in Transition” proposal. Weeks later, the framework is the subject of much discussion but has yet to receive full support from other members of the region’s Congressional delegation. That support is essential for improving and moving the concept forward, hopefully via the Biden Administration’s proposed infrastructure package. 

The next few weeks are a pivotal moment that could determine the future of salmon and our region. It’s critical to show widespread support for Rep. Simpson’s proposal and push other elected leaders to engage with his office. To seize this amazing opportunity, we are joining organizations across the Northwest for a week of action from April 12 to 16. 

By increasing public awareness and putting pressure on decision-makers, we can make Congressman Mike Simpson’s Northwest in Transition framework a reality. His proposal charts a path forward for the Northwest, ensuring that all communities have a prosperous future by removing the four lower Snake River dams, restoring abundant salmon and steelhead to Idahoans and Northwest Tribes, and building affordable clean energy and thriving agricultural economies. 

Can you join ICL, individuals, members, and organizations across the Northwest for this week of action? Click below to download the action toolkit, the one page fact sheet, or visit our FAQ page for more information.

We will be targeting Idaho decision-makers, urging them to support and work with Rep. Simpson on his proposal. See the schedule below for how to take action on each day of the week, or download the action toolkit. 

THEME FOR MONDAY, 4/12: Opportunity for a regional solution

Your Call to Action: Send a quick email using this link. Tell Idaho decision-makers that this is an urgent moment for the Northwest. By working together, we can save salmon from extinction and create the infrastructure and energy jobs that move our communities forward.

THEME FOR TUESDAY, 4/13: Justice and Tribes

Your Call to Action: Dig out the pen and paper! Write a letter to your Idaho decision-maker, use the brainstorming story sheet if you need help. Remind them that restoring salmon is a human rights issue for Northwest Tribes. We need Congress to act now to prevent salmon extinction and honor our promises.

THEME FOR WEDNESDAY, 4/14: Climate change and resiliency

Your Call to Action: Submit a letter to the editor. Use that letter you just wrote to your Idaho decision-maker and submit it to your local paper, or change it up and talk about how now is the time to modernize our Northwest energy system. We need infrastructure investment that helps in the fight against climate change, creates jobs, and restores salmon and steelhead to our rivers.

THEME FOR THURSDAY, 4/15: Infrastructure

Your Call to Action: Call your Idaho decision-maker’s office! Let them know that it’s time for smart investment in rail, ports, and roads across the Northwest. With Congressional leadership, we’ll make sure our farmers get their goods to market efficiently and affordably.

THEME FOR FRIDAY, 4/16: Jobs and economic development

Your Call to Action: Use your social media prowess to share, tag, link, or text. Spread the word! We can’t let the Northwest lose out on new investment. Restoring the Snake River and building our transportation and energy infrastructure will create tens of thousands of jobs for families across the region.

Want to do more? Send us an email and we can send you postcards and stickers to share with friends and family.