We work to protect the air you breathe, the water you drink and the land you love.

Get involved, and protect the Idaho you love!

Say YES to Safer Roads. Say NO to Idaho Senate Bills 1140 and 1144

The Idaho Legislature is considering two dangerous bills that threaten public safety, pedestrians, cyclists, and other road users.

Take Action for Wildlife - NO to HB 302

The bill would complicate wildlife relocation efforts and allow County Commissions to block relocation efforts entirely.

Demand a Dam Plan That Restores Salmon & Steelhead!

Tell federal agencies we need a plan to restore Northwest salmon to abundance.

Protect Public Health! Take Action on HB 303!

Ask your legislators to Vote No on House Bill 303 or any future efforts to provide immunity to pesticide manufacturers!

Take Action on Climate Change Today!

Contact your elected officials and urge them to take meaningful action on climate change by curbing emissions.

Tell Attorney General Labrador That You Love Your Public Lands

As Utah politicians look for other ways to wrest public lands from Americans, now is the time to let the Attorney General and Idaho’s other leaders know how much you care about Idaho’s public lands heritage.

Take Action for Salmon, Orcas, and Tribes!

Senator Jim Risch (R-ID) and Rep. Dan Newhouse (R-WA) proposed legislation that would doom Idaho’s wild salmon and steelhead by locking in illegal operations at federal dams on the Snake and Columbia Rivers.

Tell Gov. Ferguson, Southern Resident Orcas Need Abundant Salmon

Tell Governor Ferguson we need urgent action to restore Snake River salmon and Washington’s iconic Southern Resident orcas.

Tell Idaho’s leaders you care about clean water!

Toxic algae outbreaks continue to threaten public health across Idaho. Let Idaho’s leaders know today that it's time to invest in programs to address these potentially deadly outbreaks.

Make Idaho's Highways Wildlife Friendly

Idaho's roadways represent formidable challenges for our native wildlife that require linkage corridors between areas of important habitat. We must secure funding to conserve migratory corridors and the ability for animals to access priority winter range.

Sign up for our weekly Legislative update!

Sign up for the update every Monday during the Legislative session.

Stand Up for Idaho's Fish!

If Idaho leaders don't stand up for Idaho's salmon and steelhead they will go extinct. Contact decision makers today!

Let's Defend Our Public Lands Together

Stay informed and help us protect Idaho's public lands and the fish and wildlife that depend on them.

Unite Against Climate Change

Add your name to our climate updates and let Idaho decision-makers know that action is needed for Idaho's climate.

Sign Up for Snake River Action Updates

Stay up to date and help us save the Snake River.

From the Blog

The power of water: Making the Magic Valley magic

This week (March 9-15, 2025) is National Groundwater Awareness Week, an annual observance to highlight the responsible development, management, and use of groundwater. ICL will be doing a series of …

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